Masturbation is a process of simulating the enjoyment for a sexual desire without the real sexual act being done.
Sexual abilities of humans, are for the purpose of begetting, and continuity of race.
Such an act, simply creates a very temporary enjoyment schedule, that makes you more and more attached to this material nature, which is itself illusion.
that means you get more and more convoluted in this illusionary potency.
The consequence of this is that it becomes more and more difficult for you to get rid of material bondage and get liberated. and you will end up spending more time in this world, which is described by Lord himself as
"Dukhalayam, Ashaswatham" :: filled with miseries, and temporary
and end up with many recurring Activities and its results, in layman terms many more death and birth cycles.
Hinduism show this truth and gives you the way to decide.
Because what matters at last is the choice you make. Hinduism has given you all this and much more knowledge if you consult it. Now after knowing all this, the choice is yours.
you choose, but my sincere suggestion is to be careful while choosing, as it dictates your future not just in this life, but a lot more.
god bless,
-- deito
Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.
2007-07-29 08:50:05
answer #1
answered by deito 4
Though there are some good replies that have been already made, this is a very serious question, considering the marriage life in India. In olden days, boys and girls were married early in the teens and so were sure who their partner was. After the girl attained puberty, they were allowed to have sex. But now-a-days, marriage takes place much later, some where between 28 - 35. That causes such untold miseries to Males. I think this is the root cause of such a question. As it is said, though sex is meant only for reproduction, as in animals, humans have changed the whole meaning of sex. Prostitution is said to be the first money making profession in humans. That means, even some thousands of years ago, there were people who were not satisfied by their partners. Else this couldn't have happened. Now sex is a way to earn for many people.
As this is a very late phenomenon in India, the quote from Hindu Sasthras can't be relevant at this time. This should be left to the individuals and to medical practitioners, where the lines should be drawn.
2007-07-30 10:28:53
answer #2
answered by Ravi N 1
That was somethig unknown to the hindu society and so there was no refence to it in he Hindu scriptures .bu in the Adhava vedha the section related to Ayrvedah , the ejaculaion of semen unconscioulsy in sleep known as "Swapana skalitha" is said to destroyi gone's health and so remedies have been prescribed for stoppin git .so it is clear that the ejaculation of semen even involutarily is considered to be bad for health .them voluntary ejaculation is naturelly a sinful practiv=cew of self destruction.
In the early geek society , some 300 to 400 BC somebody asked Pythagoras the greek mathamatician and philospher whenshould a man think of a woman.zhe replied that when the man wans to weaken himself .Those who resort to the practice of masterbation ,loose self control and weaken themselves so much tha tin later married lifethey become desparate in not beiong able to satisfy thier partners and destroy their married life.
2007-07-30 03:14:05
answer #3
answered by Infinity 7
To Nondescript - Dude, if we go by your answer then, what's the difference between humans & animals??? Just think about it.
I totally agree with Deito's answer. Moreover, our sacred scriptures advise about practising "Brahmacharya" (Following the Path of Brahma/Brahman). It's a very huge term to explain, but a loose transliteration would mean "Celibacy". Now, celibacy in a very material/physical sense means 'to abstain from any kind of sexual act'. This is the first step towards liberation. (Please do not confuse yourself with this term/explaination, as it doesn't mean to imply that married people cannot attain liberation).
Practising celibacy (till you get married/less indulgence in sex even after marriage) is possible only if one can control his senses. The one who has controlled his senses alone can seek divine truth. It's just an advice in the vedas & upanishads for the benefit of the seeker of truth. To follow or not is up to you to decide.
Even Shri Krishna advised Arjuna about the 4 kinds of Bhaktas - first who is always devoted in His worship, second who is ever dutiful & remembers Him, third who remembers Him but falters sometimes & fourth who believes Him but is still slave to his senses.
So, it's up to you to decide what kind of a person you wish to be???
2007-07-29 16:18:32
answer #4
answered by presidentofasia 3
It doesn't explicitly, but the belief that it takes 40 days and 40 drops of blood to produce one drop of semen devalues the process. Hannuman derives his strength from abstinence.
2007-07-29 15:34:10
answer #5
answered by novangelis 7
Nah. Rishi Vatsyana Kamasutra talks about it. lolz
2007-07-29 16:21:01
answer #6
answered by Jay M 1
NO! it is natural!there are many examples of masturbating in histry,do it in limit,But don't forget your target.
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2007-07-30 15:18:23
answer #7
answered by Ramdasan 3
What Do you think about it. If it is good for you do it.
2007-07-30 01:17:08
answer #8
answered by The More I learn The More I'm Uneducated 5
Does it really matter? Personally, I don't rely on ancient superstitious people for advice on my sex life.
There are no gods. No invisible beings are looking in on you while you're jerking off.
Masturbation is natural and healthy. Even animals do it.
2007-07-29 15:31:40
answer #9
answered by nondescript 7