grr i just answered this, so here i s go again.. because i believe does not mean im not openminded to things, i see things for whatthey are i know the difference between reality and fantasy. i do not see it as a sign of stupidity , what if you keep you rmind closed to no god and there is a god, then who is stupid? some of the smartest men and women int he world believed, some of the dumbest dont etc. my beliefs have no bearing on your life, im content and i do not force my beliefs on anyone. atheists ask question i answer them , i do not hold them down and shove a bible up their butt. i think atheists have some very valid points, i do not name call or get angry i listen and search for what is the best thing for me thats not stupid at all , its educating myself on all areas of religion including atheists
2007-07-29 07:11:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm a Christian and I question everything. I give consideration to every new opinion presented to me and determine what I think about it. Then I fit it in with what I believe and what I believe grows, and sometimes changes. It doesn't mean I was wrong before, but that my understanding has improved. That's why I'm hesitant to say that people are wrong, and rather just present my own viewpoint for the person's consideration, as I do here and now. Thank you for your question.
2007-07-29 14:18:30
answer #2
answered by Steve 5
Atheists hate that some Christians don't realize you have explored your options, you've read The Holy Bible and made your decision. Why can't you accept that Christians have done the same thing, only we came to a different conclusion? Would I be correct in saying that's a bit arrogant of you and in "our world" you've shown signs of stupidity?
God Bless.
2007-07-29 14:17:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Consider this, don't think that Christians have not questioned what they believe or that all of us are blind follwers of a mass religion. I understand why some would think that believing in God is a sign of stupidity, however, I have found that it is alot harder to believe in something that I cannot see as opposed to something I can. Why you might ask do I still continue to believe? Well try this on. How do you know someone is dead if you don't see them die? How do you know cold from hot? And no I am not asking unaswerable questions. It is from experience that each of us know what we know. If I believe in God does that make Him real or is He real whether I believe or not? Believe me I like to question and explore. I am not an uneducated fool simply because I believe what I do. Couldn't I ask you the very same question? Why do you stubbornly refuse to acknowlede the existence of God? Is it because you don't SEE Him? I don't SEE you and yet I can reasonably assume you exist. I am not debating your beliefs, in fact my curiosity overwhelms me at times about others and always the question why? comes into my mind about most things. I openly question anyone who will listen about God, His existence, and so on. Rarely do I get the answers I want. The same way I cannot prove that God exists, you cannot prove He does not. I know people think Christians are out of control and believe me when I say that I do often agree. Believe it or not the idea of the existence of God does go against our very nature. We are by nature selfish, unrelenting in what we want and desire. I smile when I say this because most do not want to admit it. We do not want anyone to control us or force us to do what they want. Thankfully, I have a choice. Always.
P.S. Its a good thing God doesn't need me to defend Him. LOL
2007-07-29 14:32:28
answer #4
answered by brcrro 2
You proceed from a presumptive perspective, just like so many other people. The obvious answer to why not, is, of course, 'why'? Why bother playing endless games? (I answer from a neutral stance, and not necessarily a 'christian' one.)
Aren't 'games' yet another form of war? Is endless war beneficial in some way? Is that your definition of 'intelligence'? Or is it just another form of amusement, at someone elses cost? If you enjoy that, and you find it ethical, by all means continue.
2007-07-29 14:22:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Not answering stupid questions coming from people who know not what they are saying, most of the stuff that falls out of the mouth's of people like you is pure stupidity.
So by my not answering it means I'm stupid, hhhhmmmmm
I wonder what is more stupid, answering a stupid question and being mocked after wards, or ignoring the stupid question and still being mocked for not answering it?
Ask a logical question and get an honest answer.
2007-07-29 14:21:21
answer #6
answered by michael t 3
Go ahead ask your questions, they don't offend me, but also be ready to take the answer. Those who get offended when ask about something pertaining to God or the Bible are usually the ones that have not been to Church in 20 years. They only have their Bible on the coffee table for show and they get offended because you back them into a corner and the only way out is to fight. However when they start to fight they find they have not sword or shield for protection, so they just growl.
2007-07-29 14:15:38
answer #7
answered by PREACHER'S WIFE 5
I question things and explore my beliefs and those of others on a daily basis. And yes, I'm a Christian. Your question assumes all Christians are the same. We're not.
I can also understand and relate why you get frustrated with Christians who refuse to step back and evaluate things once in awhile.
2007-07-29 14:09:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Is that not how Satan works??? If you read his words before the fall he asked "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" the first order of business was to create doubt...not just doubt about what God said but also about his intentions God told them they would die if they ate the fruit...Satan said "you shall surely not die"..even though God was referring to the spiritual death ..the death of innocence.. Satan twisted the words of God and Eve began to doubt ...I believe that we should know what we believe and why we believe it...I also believe that everyone has the right to believe however they choose to. I was not raised in a Christian home and brainwashed as some of you so believe...I was aloud to choose my own beliefs by my Mother (my Dad died when I was 11) I can truly say I have always believed in God but I followed my own carnal way for MANY years before my spiritual eyes were opened. I use to seek only to please I seek to only please him....that does not mean that the enemy of my soul does not put doubts and questions before me the same way he did in the garden....but I will not just jump to a conclusion....there are a lot of "Grey" areas...but to me if I feel certain something is not for me I steer clear of it....but do you know what really bugs the crap out of me is how people who are non Christian seem to belief that it is "the easy way out"... to believe and totally live a surrendered life is FAR more difficult than acting on impulse and following the sinful carnal nature we are born with...I will give you an example Say some one gives you the finger and started yelling vulgar things to you and about your family...Gods way = Pray for that person, but not only that but to BLESS the flesh wants to do what every persons flesh wants to wants to go over and pound the crap out of the person who is insulting my where is the easy way out about "turning the other cheek"?....what can we assume is easy about not trying to seek vengence? when our flesh is the same as yours?...the Flesh wants it's own way...but a MATURE Christian will YEILD to the Spirit of God (some may still act on that carnal nature) and not seek may see the guy down the road broken down and stop and offer is that easy? when minutes before every fiber of your being wanted to choke that person..but the choice to forgivel eads to peace so that can now you can be a blessing to someone who does not even love you. That is the way of Christ...he said as he was being spat on and crucified "forgive them Father for they know not what they do" it takes a strong person to do that.
2007-07-29 15:25:25
answer #9
answered by candi_k7 5
Although I am by no means a Christian...I understand how it may look to others. Christians tend to be slaves to their convictions. Devout believers are told to follow and/or believe blindly. Most are not seeking spirits and tend to judge others by their measuring sticks.
2007-07-29 14:12:53
answer #10
answered by mhchicetawn 6