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It is ALL A GAME TO ME. I like playing the Yahoo Card games. I like going to the sports (Games) sites. The only time I take something on the internet seriously is when I am communicating with my mother, brother and father on messenger or email. The rest is just games. Go ahead report my questions and answers because you are offended. I am sorry you people that get so easily offended by words on a computer screen from SOMEONE YOU WILL NEVER MEET. I don't. I just laugh at it. Fact is that is why I particapate in this nonsense. I like to see who can ask the stupidest question and give the most radical answers. It amuses me. I like to voice my opinion and see how many of people gets their feathers ruffled. It doesn't bother me. What concerns me is my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ, my family, my job, the people I associate at my Church and my job, the community I live in and the city I live in. These things concern me. What are your thoughts on this?

2007-07-29 06:15:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I don't give smart *** answers...I do give unpopular answers and take unpopular stands but I don't make joking or obnoxious responses...some one was asking...

2007-07-29 06:31:02 · update #1

23 answers

what are you talking about? i base my whole life on this.

2007-07-29 06:19:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Yes, i totally agree that the internet is not the great place to meet your spouse or do anything that is totally serious. However some just come on the internet to not only have some fun but to gain comfort from others; even not knowing if they care or not.

Also, yea some stupid questions are so stupid that its pathetic. I guess we have nothing better to do but go on the internet. It can be quite addicting, i have to admit that since i use the internet pretty often. I guess people are just bored and they just go online, pretty simple. I honestly don't take the internet seriously because of all the dangers lurking around but i don't take it for granted either because without it, i can't ask for help or do anything without hassle or look up a piece of information urgently. Yea, like you said, the most important pat is family and everything and all.

I also think its from different view points, some people think different from what other thinks. It all depends on you and how you were raised up ~ either with moral values or immoral issues. And NO, i won't report you because the idea you are trying to get across to, is kinda correct in most cases.

2007-07-29 17:52:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm wondering if we're all spending too much time on things and people we don't even care about.

Actually, I Do care. First time I asked a question here I really needed help with something, and some English lady gave it. I was grateful and answered some questions in the same spirit. Then somebody gave an answer, I followed it, and -- oh, no! I've learned to be more careful! But some people have really been greatful for some of my answers, and vice versa. And i've really enjoy hearing what people are saying all around the world.

I think the important thing is to assess "who's on" at a particular time, and whether they're worth talking to. For example, I'm betting you won't even read this.

2007-07-29 06:23:22 · answer #3 · answered by shirleykins 7 · 4 0

Most of the time I ask serious questions and I believe most answers I've given to others or those others have given to me are serious.

This is not a game site. There are some humorous forums on here but there are also serious ones where people ask questions that they might not be able to ask their friends, relatives, teachers, etc.

Although entertainment is found on the Internet, I believe this site was created for those who want answers to questions --on anything.

2007-07-29 06:49:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It can be whatever you make it.

I use it as a way to:

Learn stuff
Teach stuff
Have fun

I think the Internet and access to it is the greatest thing since the discovery of the printed word and the light bulb.

While many may disagree with me the Internet gives everyone the chance to express themselves to the whole world. And truly, one person with one idea can change everything.

Have fun and be safe.

2007-07-29 06:22:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You have a point, but not everyone is able to distance themselves and take what happens on here with a grain of salt. Think about who and what you're representing and ask if you would say and ask those things in real life. If you must ask stupid questions that will offend people, at least try to make it obvious that you're not serious.

2007-07-29 06:22:30 · answer #6 · answered by Phil K 3 · 0 0

You can only take some questions seriously. But if someone is going through a crisis that I can relate to, I'll answer it seriously because maybe I can help. But some people get so offended and get defensive over stupid things on here I have to admit its pretty funny

2007-07-29 06:19:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I do have fun on yahoo answers but I like to help people and also learn. If a question is offensive I might skip it, why get all upset when I know that the asker is trying to get a rise from everybody.

2007-07-29 15:28:56 · answer #8 · answered by julie 5 · 2 0

Well, sometimes I get technical questions resolved. About love relationship issues, they're just a point of view, and some have merit, some are pretty much BS.

2007-07-29 06:18:47 · answer #9 · answered by Roberto 7 · 1 0

Then wouldn't your god feel horribly about you for "helping" people on here with an aloof heart? You are right about the fact that you cannot take things on the net seriously, but there are people on here that genuinely need help.

2007-07-29 06:19:44 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

I am always amazed at the number of people who seriously answer a lame question. Apparently, they can't make the distinction between jokes and serious questions, and apparently they have a limited sense of humor.

2007-07-29 06:32:23 · answer #11 · answered by Caroline J 4 · 1 1

fedest.com, questions and answers