I don't have to go anywhere to find God... He is with me everywhere I go, and the Holy Spirit is within me to guide me.
when I go to church, it is to gather with other believers and worship God together... singing praises and giving Him the glory only He deserves
2007-07-28 15:19:56
answer #1
answered by livinintheword † 6
When Adam and Eve came to earth, there was only one religion, Adam was the first prophet. After Adam was Noah. Then in every age, God sent prophet, who were his beloved and chosen people, they taught people how to find God and gain his closeness. If you see, the purpose of religion is that the man of flesh and bones realizes his reality, that is the soul, and arousing the abilities hidden in the soul, he recognizes God. Unfortunately, religious people have limited themselves to rituals, and they have made rituals as habits, so the concept of religion have become a bit unpopular or whatever you call. The real purpose of chruches, temples, and masjid, is, or was that the people who are practicing the particular religion, go to the places of worships and by practicing their worship, they awake the abilities in theire souls and find God. Because I am a Muslim, that's why I'll mention Mosques and Prayer (Salah). If you ever seen someone offering Islamic prayer of have read something about it, actually, we are told that in prayer (Salah) you should think that you are wataching Allah (God), and if it is difficult for you, than think that Allah (God) is watching you, so Salah is the best meditation, and the best way to arouse your spiritual abilities if you do it properly. But unfortunately, some Muslims only concentrate on its ritual aspect, and do not to try the real purpose of Salah, I think it's the same with other religions, people worship just because of a habit, don't to recognize God.
2007-07-28 21:53:51
answer #2
answered by Khan 2
Blessings a church is a place of worship so is a temple and a masjid and they are made holy, when a group of believer pray, call and the name of the Lord and worship the Lord in spirit and in truth . For the Lord says that where ever on earth that His Name is lifted up He will join all men together to His self, and His Spirit will remain there for ever .
2016-05-21 05:15:59
answer #3
answered by ? 2
How do you know that he is within?
Someone told you or you might have realized.
Even if you are realized that is some one has told you the path followed it and attained it.
Except a very few like Krishna Jesus, Nabi, Buddha every one needs some one to show the path.
This is called sathsang.
The very purpose of temple extra is to have alike minded people to gather and discuss.
2007-07-30 22:13:53
answer #4
answered by poorna 3
As Christains we don't go to church to find God. You're right, He is within us. But God admonishes us to "forsake not the gathering of the saints" which is going to church or fellowship with other believers. This is for spiritual growth, learning and sharing. You can "find" God anywhere and many sinners do come to Him in a church service. But others have found God in battle, heartbreak, etc. outside the church. Problem is, as a new Christain, their faith is weak and being in church where others support them and teaching is available helps them retain that walk with God.
2007-07-28 15:30:52
answer #5
answered by jbertrope 2
To build up the temples, churches, masjids, people had build up those with their effort, hardwork and with their lovely heart filled with joy and love to build for gods.Whereever there is hardwork, love and effort, God lives permanently there. And once prr krishna sir was given a beautifull explanation why we go to temple to pray god when we find god is everywhere.
Please find in this link. You can read prr krishna sir answer. It is there in one of the question you asked.
2007-07-28 21:08:40
answer #6
answered by Mayandi 4
There is nothing wrong with temples and buildings dedicated to the gathering together for glorifying God! He also resides in the temple of our heart- but we don't see Him- rather we should hear Him--His name, His glories, His transcendental pastimes, Jai Sri Krishna! And its wonderful to to this as a group as well as in solitude.. no matter what religion we are in ....When we realize His glories -We will realize His form!
2007-07-28 15:33:38
answer #7
answered by mata 3
You just answered the question. You don't find God in man-made temples. Jesus explained that when he was talking to the Samaritan woman at the water well.
2007-07-28 15:22:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have no idea why people go to man-made structures to find God. I have always felt much closer to God out in nature. Yes I agree - look within and find God, then when you look out again, you see he is everywhere.
2007-07-28 15:27:19
answer #9
answered by angelfire 1
Who told you He is within.....? The Bible? The Bible also says that when two or more are present, so is HE. I think it is that idea that has led to Christian fellowship being important. We build buildings as a species when we are going to get together in a permanent setting. We need shelter, and we like permanence. I think it is built into the human creature.
2007-07-28 15:21:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous