I've thought about this and pondered, but what I think is that God made imperfect creatures...Man and woman. He knew, as He is ALL-knowing that they would sin, but what else would He have done except make us with free will? If He made a perfect creature, He'd have had to make Himself, because NO other is perfect except Him! In His love, tho, He made a way for us to be washed perfectly clean thru His Son, Jesus' Sacrifice for us. So, when all is said and done, we CAN end up with perfect God in perfect Heaven and live forever a perfect life!!!!!
2007-07-28 15:15:04
answer #1
answered by connie 6
actualy the words are kind of important here.. And the woman said unto the serpent. We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden : But of the fruit of thr tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said , Ye shall not eat of it , neather shall ye touch it least ye die, and the serpent said unto the women , ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof , then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good from evil....
And fruit is in websters defined as , enjoyment, product whatever is produced for for nourishment or enjoyment of men or animals ... the defination goes on but god has no power over satan or what satan may or may not say and fruit is the product of the tree it could have been the root that was its fruit of this particular tree and , there is a poisin that can be drank from the roots of certain trees located in the amazon rain forest some primative tribes drink this concoction to see vissions ,, maby thats what satan was offering eve
2007-07-28 15:49:36
answer #2
answered by darkcloud 6
He knew. But that wasn't the point. He wanted to create creatures that had free will. Everything else he had created behaved or existed as He (or She) intended. This is the difference between humanity and animals. A cow eats grass all day because it is a cow. A bird lays eggs and flys because it is a bird. You are a person. You make the choice everyday to do what you do because you choose to do so. If you were God, don't you think it would be more fulfilling to have your creations acknowlege your existence through worship and obedience because they chose to do so and not because that's all they knew?
2007-07-28 15:20:49
answer #3
answered by The Fifth 2
Any god worth his salt can tell the future - he didn't; he isn't.
I'm an Atheist but I'll play your game.
For a god to make a coupla humans with a BUILT IN GLITCH and then to blame the coupla humans for responding to what the B.I.G. made them do is the height of either stupidity or sadism or both.
On another point: Free will exists if God does not; free will does not exist if god does.
If the invisible man exists (and I've never thought he did) he is a poor example and needs some after hours training.
Oh, and he has ultra-poor communication skills.
2007-07-28 15:15:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Bible has been re-written and re-interpreted a multitude of times. There are books that have been removed because they were considered heretical. The quote "Thou shat not suffer a witch to live" actually means "Thou shat not suffer and adulteress to live". The story of Adam and Eve is not meant to be taken literally.
Think about this logically. There are billions of people on this planet. How can we all be decedents of two people without incest??
Do yourself a favour. Create your own relationship with God/Goddess/the Divine. maybe She/He/It is a parent figure. maybe they're a best friend you confide in. Maybe it's something else altogether. Don't let some outdated work of fiction tell you what and how to believe. Figure out what works for you and have THAT relationship.
2007-07-28 15:17:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God knows everthing.
Adam and Eve is a story.No evidence,time,place,wherebouts occured.
Adam and Eve
+ n - vise versa
When positive and negative charges comes together bulb lights up.
male and female have sex- produce offspring.
This is my opinion.
2007-07-28 15:41:04
answer #6
answered by mer46 1
Absolutely!....Let me ask you this...why does the Bible say that "Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world"....if God didn't know Adam and Eve would sin?
2007-07-28 15:27:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe He knew. But He never created us to be mindless robots. He wanted Adam and Eve to choose whether they would spend eternity with Him.
2007-07-28 15:21:10
answer #8
answered by sdb deacon 6
If , indeed , we are created in Gods' image and we are part of Gods' plan (predestiny etc) then God KNEW that they would sin. He also knows that we would continue to sin and that we would never live up to His image.
We also would not truly have free will if we have a "destiny".
It's all quite illogical and not exactly what science would ever be able to back up in any way shape or form.
2007-07-28 15:13:52
answer #9
answered by fade_this_rally 7
Yes God knew that man would fall from his glory. It is the reason the Bible says the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. The Bible clearly says God knew and it is the reason for the two trees in the midst of the Garden...Tree of knowledge of good and evil (God's law) and the tree of life (Gods mercy) through Jesus Christ. The story tells of man's fall from grace and God's plan of salvation. If God had not known that they would eat of the tree of knowledge that would kill them what would the reason for the tree of life be?
God knows all and knew his creation would fall from his righteousnes...It was God's plan from before creation to be a savior to his people and bring them to his righteousnes.
For those who claim God set them up.
Which is more important the act of sin or the heart of the sinner? It is the heart that God changes..When your heart is changed you have been changed removing temptation does not better a man.
Mat.5:27 ¶ Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed dadultery with her already in his heart.
It is not the sinful act that God changes its the heart of the sinner.
2007-07-28 15:13:27
answer #10
answered by djmantx 7