No, I do not wish harm on anyone, and revenge is the Lord's not ours
2007-07-28 14:42:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What would you define as a TRUE Christian? All Christians have their idea of what it means to be a true Christian and many disagree with the others. Everyone has their own idea of what the bible is REALLY saying.
Back to your question, that is a very non-Christian attitude. You are assuming that you are being the kind of Christian that Jesus wants you to be. Now, I'm not saying he would, but what if you were among the people he was chastising?
Rather than worrying about what you believe to be the un-true Christians are doing, worry about yourself.
Now, to answering your question, I would say no. If Jesus wants to have such a conversation with those he feels are astray, that's his business, but it's completely his choice whether or not to do so. My wanting it to happen would only be placing myself on a pious soapbox, much in the way the old time lawyers and "religious" people did. Jesus would most probably want to have a word with me too.
2007-07-28 14:58:57
answer #2
answered by thezaylady 7
NO... I feel pity for all none believers. I hope that they will come unto Christ before it is too late. I don't want to rub anything in their faces, because 1) that is not Christ-like and 2) I am far from perfect and still have a ways to go to be ready for Christ 2nd coming.
2007-07-28 14:51:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Nope. Because at that moment the people would either fall to there knee's and beg for forgiveness and with christ having to stay true to himself he would let them into heaven even though they would not have changed from there earthly ways, Or people would just try and kill him again. Its not Gods will to come back so it shouldn't be what we want.
P.S. people calling someone a fake christian saying they aren't true christians is in fact making yourselves the same. Thats just pure judgement for we were all once misguided and still are on many things. Do not correct people judgementally but correct them with love :)
2007-07-28 14:44:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I like how you post a question to "true" Christians yet within your own question you prove to the world that you're not a true Christian. You're just as judgmental and bigoted as others. According to MY Christ and MY god and the Christianity that I FOLLOW, we ALL fall short to the glory of God.....There are no "true" and "false" Christians....there are those who believe and those who don't.
And I don't want the rapture to happen right this second, especially just so one could "sit back and watch the faces". I think you'd be surprised to see your own face in the mirror when you're left behind if you keep on behaving like that.
2007-07-28 14:44:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
Luke 15:10
"In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
If there is joy when a sinner repents, i strongly believe there is SORROW when a sinner refuses to repent.
Psalm 139:21
Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I GRIEVED with those that rise up against thee?
I believe in hate the sin...not the sinner
2007-07-28 15:07:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Why did Jesus come in the first place? To send everyone to hell (that’s what we all deserve, even the best of us)?? No, He came that we might know God and be saved. And even after 2000 years it’s the same – God still wants everyone to be saved, that’s how those of us who call ourselves “true Christians” come into being in a relationship with God. Moreover, He expects us to patiently serve Him by sharing God’s message of love and redemption through Jesus with everyone so that all those who are called may accept Christ. So let’s continue to do that (though it’s hard with all the apostasy and unbelief around) and not focus on what Jesus would do to all those who refuse to believe. If you read the history of the Israelites during the 40 (plus) years they were with Moses, in spite of God being present with them physically (and even visiting them on mount Sinai), most choose to demonstrate their unbelief and continued to harden their hearts.
I have seen many being saved (generally by someone else :-) throughout my years of preaching who have “deliberately refused Christ” initially. Who knows, the little seed we may have sown may grow into a tree by God’s grace. Lastly, we all are saved not on the basis of anything good we have done but by the “free grace of God.” Let’s not be conceited (even in the flesh) but be humble as we prepare ourselves for His second coming, lest the first become last and the last first.
May God bless you.
2007-07-28 15:01:58
answer #7
answered by Andrew W. Peoples 3
You misunderstand the meaning of "the return of Christ." Jesus' story and metaphorical message shows you the "way" to return to your authentic Christ Self within. When you transcend your little learned ego identity, you will remember your true nature. This references the 'second coming' or rebirth/resurrection of your true Self. Every theology is based on insights into this phenomenon - when reality which mirrors mind, is able to synchronize with your true Self and purpose.
2007-07-28 15:07:17
answer #8
answered by MysticMaze 6
Absolutely..... NOT!
Christ... will come... Only in His Time..... !
Wishing.... has NOTHING.... to do with or for A Christian!
The TRIALS.... and the MOCKING.... will come and Only Make... REAL CHRISTIANS.... Stronger!
(Habakkuk 3:17) Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:
(Hab 3:18) Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
(Hab 3:19) The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.
Thanks, RR
2007-07-28 14:44:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I will not say i told you so, I will just be happy that he finally returned. As much as we ministers attempt to teach the word of God. there is nothing that i can do for those who refuse. I live each day in the word and love of God. When Christ returns, it will be too late to say or do anything for those who refuse him.
2007-07-28 14:52:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Well, I don't wish so much that CHRIST would come back now, as I would like to see many more people saved first!
But I would, as it stands right now, like to just grab ahold of these people, and shake the truth into them, and say, "How can you believe in this garbage that Satan has filled your mind with?Please have an open mind where GOD is concerned, and give your life over to him, before it's too late!!"
2007-07-28 15:02:04
answer #11
answered by Dalmatian lady 6