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I do. I have every reason too. Just look at this Creation. Nothing like that can happen by accident. That would be like pouring a bucket of pain on a canvas and expecting it to become art.

But that's my opinion. What's yours?

2007-07-28 14:10:06 · 38 answers · asked by Bella Z 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I do respect everyone's opinion here. And I do believe you should follow logic. But in order to follow logic you must also follow your heart and pick what is logical. The belief in God, in my opinion, is logical. There's been times when I doubted. But several months ago I done my research. I connected it all. This world could not have just happened.

Someone said in this question recently that if we can see it hard to believe the world just came about, how can we believe God just came about. But I never said I believe God just came about. No one knows how God came about and I'm not going to ask. It's one of the things, I believe, that is a life mystery.

2007-07-28 18:21:12 · update #1

38 answers

Pain on a canvas, I like it. It's the making of an epic about the struggle between a believer and an atheist. In the end they discover their beliefs had nothing to do with their struggle, they were just two different people trying to get along but ultimately failing.

I don't believe in God BTW.

2007-07-28 14:12:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, and I have absolutely no reason to. I look at the universe with the eyes of logic. I see what there is, not what I want to believe.

I want to believe in God. It would make things nice, wouldn't it? No fear of death, the idea that everything will be OK - and I bought into it for a long time because it was comforting. Logic won out, though.

2007-07-28 14:14:58 · answer #2 · answered by Wings 3 · 2 1

My opinion is no. Here's why:
People have believed in Gods for many many years, perhaps even as long as human existence? i'm not sure.
but in my opinion, people have created gods to explain things they cannot explain.

for example, as freshmen in high school, we laughed that people could actually believe the stories of the Greek Gods. That people believed that rain was caused by a god! how ridiculous! we said. that was the way the greeks explained the science they hadn't figured out yet.

so of course they seem a bit silly to us. we know why it rains. and as they years have gone by, there are less reasons for a god. science has proven a lot of things.

i think that if you believe in a god, good for you. i mean, if there is or is not a god, it doesn't matter. what we believe in our life won't make a difference when we die. the christian God won't send me to hell because i'm a Buddhist and don't believe in God.

the only reason there still is any gods is because there still are things science cannot explain. so called "miracles" that will someday (in my opinion) be explained and will disprove God.

But keep the faith if you've got it, if it makes you happy, that's all that matters.

2007-07-29 15:59:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

No i don't
and your saying makes no sence, the bucket of paint i think is wat u meant and look at modern day art alot of it really is sum1 pouring a bucket or 2 of paint on a canvas...theres is no proof of a higher power. just think of it as the circle of life if u have sum1 die think they help the animals live,i mean i know it makes u feel better to you if u think there in a better place but really they'd be msrable
pluss scientific proof shows that there is a place on earth that is like people described hell, it literally burns to be there and look at the beautifull places around us one of those could be hevan so just keep that in mind next time u think about religion

2007-08-05 07:36:06 · answer #4 · answered by sk8rpunkgal 2 · 0 0

There are plenty of mysteries in live, doll. People make a living pouring paint on canvas and selling it as art. If you want to learn about where it all came came switch to the physics section.

2007-08-02 14:07:57 · answer #5 · answered by johnandeileen2000 7 · 0 1

personally i think, God is an answer to previous things that humans could not explain, nor understand. For instance when there was a tsunami, and people did not understand the logic of it, they would say god is furious or something like that. Nowadays, everybody noticed, people believe less and less in god. i know it sounds selfish but i find my self believing in god, when i really lose hope. and when you think nothing in the world can help you so maybe if MAYBE just in case, god exists, maybe he might help. but otherwise i believe in many other ''nonsense'' things as in magic and fairies, or something that helped create the world, but i definatly do not believe in god as it is represented by people and in the bible.

2007-08-02 16:55:54 · answer #6 · answered by PureInnocence 2 · 0 1

I have seen artists pour several different colors of paint on canvas, cut it into squares, put it in a frame and sell it for modern art at a good price.

2007-07-28 14:15:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dearly love my God with all my heart and soul. His wonders will never cease. "How can we not love him, his mercy, his love, his forgive-fullness, his caring". God made the beauty in the world for us to have delight in, man with evil in their hearts made the darkness, in a little while God will come and the evil will be wiped out, and the earth restored, Praise the Lord. What a wonder full day that will be.

2007-08-05 02:19:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A lot of people believe because they cannot accept that everything around them can be "just there" They believe that there must be a creator. But if we use this reasoning then it is just logical to ask who created the creator. If it is impossible for the complicated universe to be without a creator then it will be even more impossible for an even more complicated creator to be "just there"
The creator must be more complicated than the creation. I find it strange that people find it impossible that the universe could be just there but they perfectly accept the creator to be just there.

2007-07-28 14:58:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

you are so right friend , and islam told us to see the creations to believe in god. i mean all the creations are a prove that god is the greatest and the strongest. and more great things .
it's great that you are a believer i also advice you to read the coran you will discover a lot of great things .
islam is great and pure religion.
good luck.

2007-08-05 03:56:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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