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i had a kidney stone a few months ago. my doctor told me i was too young to be getting them (i'm 18) and since i didn't catch the stone when it came out, he really couldn't tell me why i was getting them. he basically told me to drink lots of water (already did), not drink pop (haven't in over 2 years), and stay away from certain foods (didn't eat most of them in the first place.) then, he went on to tell me that i was a "stone builder" since i have two more lodged in my kidney. the only food i can really say i have a problem with is chocolate- i'm addicted to it. could this be part of the reason? and would it really matter all that much if i ate it since i'm a "stone builder" anyway?

thanks for your help! i meant to ask my urologist but i can't get in for a few months. boo. :( kidney stones are the worst though, i wouldn't wish them on anyone.

2007-07-28 12:54:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

8 answers

chocolate is indeed your problem, they are all make with calcium gluconate which forms stones. Minimize your chocolate intake to one ounce a week and I bet you don't make anymore stones.

2007-07-28 13:01:31 · answer #1 · answered by essentiallysolo 7 · 0 0

i've had them since I was 12. I've gone years without eating chocolate and i get stones anyway so that may or may not be what's causing yours. mine are calcium oxylate and all they did was give me a list of foods to eat in moderation. the last doc said, "you can eat this but just don't live on it." Kale? come on, i don't even know what that looks like.

sometimes i can go for 3 or 4 years without passing one, most recently i've had one just one year after having liptotripsy. Did that twice, doesn't really work as well as the literature says it does.

I've stayed away from dairy and have stones anyway. Now they say don't stop consuming dairy completely. Whatever, I don't believe what the doctors say anymore as I have stones even if I follow their directions. There was a time that I forced myself to drink a gallon of water everyday but reduced that when i got another stone anyway. About the only good thing about these things is the drugs you get for the pain but I'd rather be cured of this completely.

2007-07-28 20:49:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I also am a stone builder. I have had over 15 since February. I have also had Lithotrispy to rid of some because mine tend to get really big. People who have multiple stones and tend to produce them quickly tend to have Uric acid stones, if you will look up this on the web you will see that meat and other foods do play apart in the production of these stones. The good news is there is a medicine that can prevent the production of uric stones.In the mean time my Doctor SWEARS that drinking REAL lemonade will help more than anything because of the citric acid. Good luck.

2007-07-28 20:21:26 · answer #3 · answered by GI 5 · 0 0

I work in a urology surgical center, and we have had kids as young as 5 come in with stones, so there is no such thing as "too young".

There really isn't any one food that causes stones. If you eat most foods in moderation you shouldn't contribute too badly to making new ones.

There was an article in one of the British medical journals that suggested that drinking lemonade (made with real lemons) every day can help reduce stone production. You should be able to do a internet search and find references to that article.
anyway - good luck with your stones

2007-07-28 20:02:52 · answer #4 · answered by kiwibarb11 3 · 1 0

My father has kidneys stones constantly. Currently he has 3. His Dr. told him it was due to his calcium build up. He is not suppose to have milk or eggs, but he does anyways. He currently is drinking lots of water and cranberry juice. My father is 52 and he has known he has kidneys stones since his early 30's. I hope you can cure yourself of this my friend. It is very painful to him.

2007-07-28 20:01:18 · answer #5 · answered by annasdad 3 · 0 0

I dunno. Sorry. I had kidney stones almost 10 years ago now, and I was told there were two more lodged in my kidneys, but never had another bout of them yet. No one told me to stay away from any type of foods or drinks. Sorry dear.

2007-07-28 19:58:57 · answer #6 · answered by ellen d 6 · 0 0

Don't forget the cranberry juice, if you don't like to drink that take cranberry pills. Good Luck.

2007-07-28 19:59:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stay away from bottled water with lots of minerals. It worked for me...

2007-07-28 19:57:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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