a long combing of my hair after a good shower.
2007-07-28 11:51:51
answer #1
answered by VT Cheney 2
Just knowing that the Yahoo Brotherhood is watching over me and will send me a nice e-mail in the morning,expressing their appreciation for my participation on R&S.
I actually fall asleep at the drop of the hat.. Evidently from high levels of melatonin,a powerful natural antioxidant and hormone rproduced in the pineal gland. For those who have a difficult time sleeping at night,one possible reason is a lack of this important hormone,which I believe is sythesized from the amino acid tryptophan. Natural Melatonin is available in most pharmacies in 3 mg tablets,and for many individuals is very effective in aiding in causing a full and restfull night of sleep.
I have no idea what just got into me...I couldn't just leave it at a mildly humourous quip..nope just had to keep yaking...
2007-07-28 19:10:22
answer #2
answered by bonsai bobby 7
A clean heart and a cup of red tea helps. I have suffered insomnia since I was a child, but if something is making me more restless than usual, I just give it up and head for the couch. Then I usually fall out like a baby.
2007-07-28 19:19:13
answer #3
answered by One Wing Eagle Woman 6
I had really bad insomnia in college and meditation worked wonders for me. Also, I started running every morning and that helped me be more tired at night.
These days I still run, which usually helps me maintain a regular sleep schedule. If I'm still feeling restless at night, a glass of red wine works wonders.
2007-07-28 18:55:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A good shower, Asking God to watch over me, Knowing I did good during the day, All helps me sleep good at night
2007-07-28 18:57:53
answer #5
answered by deb h 2
Sometimes, taking a shower or washing my feet. Then smoking some purple haze, not marijuana. Marijuana is like beer, purple haze is more like a really expensive wine. I do this sometimes, not everyday. Too much of something never serves the body and mind. It has to be balanced.
Most of the time I meditate to clear any negative thoughts or feelings before I go to bed that relaxes me the most and gives me energy the next day.
I usually say this affirmation:
Our Father who is in heaven hollowed be your name,
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,
Give me this day my daily bread,
And forgive my debts and trespasses,
As I forgive others of their debts and trespasses against me,
Lead me not into my temptations,
And deliver me from the evils I have created,
For ours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forevermore.
And God bless.
2007-07-28 18:56:26
answer #6
answered by Paul 2
The sleep number bed? Mine's set on 666.
(Seriously, though... why is this on R&S?)
(Edit: Unless, of course, you're referring to a good night's sleep coming from a strong and well-balanced moral center/spirituality/etc. Could you be more specific?)
2007-07-28 18:52:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No seriously I need a CPAP and a good work out during the day to get good sleep. No water or food after 6pm helps too.
2007-07-28 18:54:09
answer #8
answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5
Usually getting up early is the key. Its hard to go to sleep if you're hungry, so sometimes I have a little snack.
2007-07-28 18:58:26
answer #9
answered by Lukusmcain// 7
Some type of physical work during the day to expend nervous energy,
Being able to answer the question, did I do my best today.
Knowing God loves me.
2007-07-28 21:10:10
answer #10
answered by bluebird 5
What I do before sleep is in this order, Bible reading and prayer with my husband, shutting off the light and kissing my husband good night.
2007-07-28 18:53:52
answer #11
answered by Kathy H 3