Thank you for this opportunity and excellent question. I will not post you scriputure and I will not post you anything else but this... I know a guy that spells the word "False" he spells it "FAULSE" and he believes it should be that way to his core! Including Neighbour.. he says it should be Nabore..hehehe you see... God gave you a choice... so many roads to him.. but there is only way road down away from him.
Peace to you always great question
2007-07-28 11:12:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is of course a possibility that all religions other than ____ are man-made, but I couldnt begin to explain how...
But consider this Christians...When Jesus was on Earth, was he not a Jew? The King of the Jews? Raised a Jew, died a Jew, and came back to life one as well? Then why do you believe that Christianity is the true religion? I dont recall the Bible saying a single thing about that...Not that I'm claiming to have read and remember the entire Bible.
I dont know what religion is right. I'd be a liar if I claimed to. I suppose when we die, we'll know for sure...
Maybe thats just it...We all believe in something else, and believe so profusely that its right. Maybe when we die, we'll each go to our own Heaven, our own Paradise, our Hell, be reincarnated, just simply end, or whatever else people happen to believe. Perhaps life, and the after life are no more than what you want them to more than what you make of it.
But what do I know. Im just a silly, confused, and hurt little 15 year-old girl.
Its funny. Religion. The very thing that is supposed to be the defintition of peace and love...Its caused so much hate and blood-shed. Maybe God decided to give up on us a long time ago.
Maybe there isnt even a God. But I believe there is...Even if I'm wrong, at least it gives me a reason to hold on.
Why do most Athiests bash on people who have a belief? If it is something that gets someone through the day, then why should it matter?
Not to generalize, but...Alot of Athiests I have know used to have a religion...But they were hurt. I say that has absolutely no reflection on the religion itself. That is just bad interpretation, made by so-called followers. These sorts of people have hurt me too, but I still believe. I dont believe that you have to go to church. I'm much happier staying away from people like that.
2007-07-28 11:33:50
answer #2
answered by Mrs Adorkable 7
People are all different. Some people take things literally. Others think of certain stories as symbolical or allegorical.
There is NO proof that God is real or unreal.
Different religions have different gods.
Not all of the people who adhere to a religion have the same god. That's why there are so many.
I am a Christian, and I don't believe God screwed up at all.
I certainly respect your opinion, and I thank you for stating it so kindly.
Have a nice evening.
2007-07-28 11:23:22
answer #3
answered by batgirl2good 7
Since there are so many things to believe in people can choose which one they think is right.
If you want to belive, then choose which one and decide that that god created everything.
Well I don't personally believe in God, and there is proof, becuase there is proof of Evolution.
God was created by man to explain the unexplainable and became so important that people were torchered and killed over it.
So many religions are from so many places, and all are equally man made, and equally valid.
If someone feels that they need a religion to live life then they should be able to, and not kill or be killed over it.
2007-07-28 11:14:37
answer #4
answered by sixpinkcat 3
GOD did create everything. in doing so HE also created Free Will. He will never prevent us from using free will. therefore when someone decides that he/she knows better than GOD about what to believe and seperates themselves from a religion and forms their own religion we see a new religion then someone else comes along and says no your relgion is wrong i believe this but i don't believe this then they start their own religion then someone else comes along and says i believe this in your religion but this part is all wrong they start their own religion and so and so ect. so what you have are all of these new religions after awhile everybody forgets what the first religion was and everybody thinks their religion is the correct one. the only way we are going to know for sure whose religion is the correct one is when we die. then, guess what? the ones who were wrong are in big trouble. so GOD is infallible and HE did not make any mistakes. the mistakes are all human made.
2007-07-28 11:21:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think the bible starts out with "In the beginning."
God created all life and intelligence and equipped us with free will. After that, with the help of Satan, we created everything else. When Eve believed the lie that Satan told her, that was the beginning of a false religion, because "it was based on a lie."
The true religion was "keeping God's commandments."
The false religion was "not keeping God's commandments."
That is why it is so vital that you make sure your religion is based totally on the bible and not traditions of men.
The animals are guided by instinct, but we have the ability to reason, to learn, to experiment and decide what courses we want to follow.
Unfortunately, most of the time, those courses prove to be harmful. The bible says that it does not belong to man to even direct his own steps. Regarding the people in Nineveh that Jonah prophesied against, God said they did not know their right hand from their left. (He was talking about 120,000 people) It shows how stupid we are when we try to function apart from God's laws.
His commandments are our "instinct." Apart from them we have the current chaos in the world. Humans created all the other religions other than the "one" true religion, because "we are stupid!"
2007-07-28 11:37:02
answer #6
answered by ? 4
There are many reasons as why are there so many religions. Here are some (not all are applicable to all religions):
- to control and manipulate
- different understanding of the same truth
- some fools had bad dreams
- create confusion
I personally think religion is less important then a man's soul so assurance over everlasting life is impetuous.
2007-07-28 11:21:13
answer #7
answered by Even Haazer 4
First off God is a man if you would read some scripture you would see Jesus call him his Father. Secondly all these other religions were formed by men but the devil helped. We all have free will God did not create us to be robots. If he would have created everybody to be the same and believe in him, than there would be no reason for heaven and sending his son Jesus Christ. So no God did not create these other religions and they are all fake. The true religion is christianity but religion doesn't get you into heaven. Being saved does accepting Jesus as your personal saviour, knowing that you are sinner and doomed to hell unless you ask Jesus into your heart and really mean it. Than the holy spirit will dwell in you.
2007-07-28 11:16:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Here's the problem: we don't know who, if anyone, created everything. There are different religions because humans have free will and there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all belief structure. We need variety because we as humans are just a bunch of varieties. Our genes vary, so we vary. No one is an exact clone of someone else brain-wise and we don't all think the same things, therefore we don't all believe the same things. If there was one religion that stated as its only dogma "you can believe what you want to believe", even that wouldn't suffice for everyone because some people believe that you can only believe what they believe!
*brain melts*
2007-07-28 11:15:08
answer #9
answered by xx. 6
God didn't create religion - God created an understanding of His presence. Religion is man's futile attempt to communicate that understanding and build consensus among like-minded people. Just because religion fails in many cases and there is contradiction between different religions - this doesn't negate the existance of God (in the same way that just because scientists today can't prove a specific theory that the theory is in fact wrong)
It's somewhat wrong to say that God "creates" everything. I'll answer it with a question: Does the sun create darkness?
2007-07-28 11:12:14
answer #10
answered by wigginsray 7
In my heart of hearts, I know that the earth and its inhabitants were created by one loving God who never makes a mistake. I believe that we all know God, but we call him by different names and we try to make God into what we want and need Him to be for all kinds of reasons. God didn't create religions. You must always be mindful that we humans are responsible for placing ourselves into different groups and categories and calling these by various names to define ourselves and our religions. If anyone screwed up, it is mankind, not God. I think we get so caught up in finding a scientific reason or cause or formula for our existence and for everything that was created that we drive ourselves mad! I can't back up what I say with science and there is no need to. God's message of love is so simple that the smallest child can figure it out. I see his message as "I am your father and I love you! I want you to love your brothers/sisters. Follow my rules (commandments) for they are in your best interests. Accept that Jesus died for your sins and the sins of your brothers. If you do this, you will, forever, be in my favor and I will take care of you! I promise!" Each person on earth must hear God's personal message to him/her. You can't figure everything out in life and you can't back everything up with science. It's a waste of time and energy. You just have to be open to what God's gift to you is. Even the most evil of men are our brothers and were, also, created by God. That seems to be the most difficult thing to understand by many people.
With all the answers you will receive, the pitfall is that you will probably have even more questions concerning this matter. I hope you come upon something that will help you understand without expecting science to provide an answer.
2007-07-28 11:39:22
answer #11
answered by BLM 3