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Why is it that when a strong believer in christianity talks to someone of a different religion that they seem to think the other person is wrong. They act like everyone is wrong just because they don't believe in the same thing. I just find it hard to believe that christians think they are so right when they don't even read the bible. If they did then they would know that there are other gods. In the ten commandments, it says thou shalt have no other god before me. It doesnt say they do not exist, it says do not put them before me. And then in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, "And God said, Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Who is us and our if they are not other gods?

2007-07-28 07:20:46 · 15 answers · asked by Candi 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

religions are made by man, Jesus is God made into man

when one knows Jesus they have the answer personally

apart for knowing Jesus personally-other religions are in a search for God yet never comming to a personal relationship

as Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life, No one cometh unto heaven but by me. John 14:6

I happen to be a Jew-and we have the answer too=true Judaism is Messianic Judaism and believes in the predicted messiah

what is labeled by many today is other so called 'jewish' religion-that reject the Messiah and say anyone that believes in the Messiah isnt Jewish, yet if your an athiest Jewish person your still Jewish because you dont believe in the Messiah.

this happened after the destruction of the temple and two choices were left -to accept the Messiah for our blood atonement for sins as promised.

or to reject the Messiah and make a new religion with other ways to find atonement for sins-which rejects Moses and Isaiah and surely is anything but Jewish=

My opinion-and also because I now know Messiah Jesus as my savior from sin & best friend=
there was once a sacrificial system-In God's love he hates when we hurt our self (sin-even one lie), so much a lamb was required yearly on the day of atonement, till the Messiah came to fulfill it, and the temple was allowed to be destroyed as it was not needed since we have forgiveness of sins in Jesus.
He will be despised and rejected, and lay down his life to make atonement for our sins." Isaiah 52:13-53:12 predicted before Messiah came and the temple was lost leaving mankind with either Jesus atonement or no blood sacrifice for sins as commanded by God to Moses.

Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins

"The life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it upon the altar to make atonement for your souls." Leviticus 17 verse 11 (no matter what else was done-this war required by the high priest yearly on Yom Kippur-till Isaiah prophecy was fulfilled_
wow amazing -its clear as a bell and yet
some say=
well show me acurate historical documentation a man named jesus lived and according to the messianic prophecies he wasnt the mesiah

Jesus did not die


Qur'an=blindness reigns in a religion to the most proved fact of history-even our calanders attest to AD after the death of Jesus.

Well first, He wasn't required to do anything. He just chose to. Back in that day, God used sacrifices as a way to repent for your sins. Like repenting by sacrificing a spotless, clean lamb. It's wool had to be without spot or blemish.
God knew that if He was to save us from the devil He had to use the "perfect sacrifice". He was the perfect sacrifice. He is without sin. He's never sinned. He's never done anything wrong. And He created us. He didn't have to take that punishment for us but He did because His love for us is SO unimaginably strong.

by loveGOD


Who do we as Jewish people reject? very clearly the Messiah=who do you reject= Hello

to the next answerer YES hell is where we go for rejecting Him -to weep forever Matthew 24:51

also no matter what others offered -the blood atonement was required in Judaism of an innocent -Isaiah said he would be God and the Messiah so he wasnt simply a man

ISAIAH 9:6 Unto us a child is born, a son is given, and he will be mighty God, the wonderful counselor, the everlasting father, and the prince of peace.

Its time to believe the truth, please PLEASE thank you

Well first, He wasn't required to do anything. He just chose to. Back in that day, God used sacrifices as a way to repent for your sins. Like repenting by sacrificing a spotless, clean lamb. It's wool had to be without spot or blemish.
God knew that if He was to save us from the devil He had to use the "perfect sacrifice". He was the perfect sacrifice. He is without sin. He's never sinned. He's never done anything wrong. And He created us. He didn't have to take that punishment for us but He did because His love for us is SO unimaginably strong.

and my Jewish people who read the perfect prophecies and say no blood atonement and Jesus isnt the Messiah.

may this help you from a Messianic Jewish persons perspective= David in His care for you and it is wonderfull once one finds the answer=Jesus

2007-07-28 07:28:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Man was created (not evolved) and appeared as the crown and goal of all God's re-creative activity with regard to the earth as man's special home. The expression "let us" (1-26) intimates the Triune God's council and activity in man's creation (Jn 1:3, Col 1:6 ) as well as God's foreordained redemptive plan and purpose for man upon the earth (Eph 1:4-6). Man was given dominion over all the earth.

2007-07-28 07:55:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In Genesis 1:26 when God says let us make man in our image, He is referring to the Trinity. Jesus Christ tells us in the New Testament that He was with God the Father from the very beginning. It also tells us in the bible not to worship false gods. Which goes right along with not worshiping any gods other than Yahweh. When God says Thou shalt have no other gods before Me, He is talking about anything that you put before Him. In those days it was idols, in todays time it can be anything, money, t.v., luxury, other people etc. etc. You really should try to understand the whole context of what you are reading and not just picking something out and putting your own meaning to it.

2007-07-28 07:30:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think that any strong believer in their own religion will deem it superior to other religions. It's the human nature. People need to feel reassured that all the energy, work and time that they commit themselves to is for the "noble" and beneficial certainty. "Certainty" that has been passed on to them through generations. Shared with relatives and friends through holidays and traditions. It's hard to reject that. It's a psychological need to have a clear cut answer that assures safety without any waver or doubt. People fear to wake up one day and realize "oh no, I think I've followed that wrong God!". Lots of emotions involved - very little logic.

2007-07-28 08:00:26 · answer #4 · answered by LostB 2 · 0 0

Candi: In response, as a Christian, I say to you, that these "gods", which you refer to are only transitory [ temporary] in existence, much like the gods we have in our society like sex, $, self, cars, homes, sports, careers, education, intellectualism, drugs, booze, etc, etc. ! What one serves is his or her "god". The Christian God is of a spirit component, unlmited, Holy and perfect in love, and permanent [ everlasting - eternal ] ! The "Us " and "Our" you make reference to from Genesis Chapter 1, verse 26, is relating to the reader the concept of God, the Father, Jesus Christ the Spokes- Being (called "Logos" - the speaker or announcer) and the "hands on" transformer - the Holy Spirit. This can be referred to as the "Trinity" re: Father, Son & Holy Spirit ! What makes Christianity so unique is that GRACE is paramount. Grace is the unmerited - undeserved free gift from God, afforded or given to the Christian elect. This GRACE allows a spiritual relationship to occur between God, the Father, through Jesus Christ, via the Holy Spirit (invokes the "Trinity"). Since Christians are human still, they have weaknesses and all too often, one of these weaknesses displays it self in spiritual pride. Be patient with all people (Christian or not) because God is not finished with His human Creation just YET !!! Spiritual growth is a process which is very, S-L-O-W , to say the least. Remember; we are human beings - not human doings ! Christians - a lot of times - are like children with new toys. They are very inexperienced with the conversion transformation process involving the mind, and God is well aware of this. One day when God decides it is YOUR turn to "call" or "draw" you to Him, (through Jesus Christ) for a spiritual relationship with Him, (see: Book of John, chapter 6, verse 44) - you will encounter similar human weaknesses within yourself. But; remember, God loves you and you are both, very valuable and precious to Him.

2007-07-28 07:56:51 · answer #5 · answered by guraqt2me 7 · 0 0

Actually, you're right and wrong at the same time. Yes, Genesis says "Let Us...Our..." Us and Our are the Three Beings of the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And you are also correct, there are other gods, and those gods are anything and/or anyone that you place more importance on that God Himself. Whatever you place in higher priority to God becomes your god, and that's call idolatry. However, the Bible also, clearly, states that there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, and He is the Creator, the God who reveals Himself to us in the Bible. The Bible is the Handbook of Life, and it teaches us how we may approach Him, and what we must do to meet Him.

2007-07-28 07:30:02 · answer #6 · answered by Steve 5 · 2 2

Why does a Christian think the other person is wrong ??? If he thought the Hindu was right, he'd become a Hindu. Each religious person thinks he's right, and the other guy is wrong. If a Muslim really believes that Islam is wrong, but Buddahism is correct, he'd simply become a Buddhist.

2007-07-28 07:28:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You are the first person I've ever seen who recognised this other than our own rabbis and sages. Yes, there are other gods, and that is why in our Torah it says not to put them in front of our God.

For us, this means not just making something like money or material possessions be valued above God, but it also means that we are forbidden to put anything in front of God that we must go THROUGH in order to GET TO God.

We are never to have any intermediary between us and God, that we must pass through first before getting to God. This is forbidden as idolatry for us. And yes, that is ONE of the reasons why belief in Jesus is idolatry for us.

Anyway, good job. I've never seen anyone else bring this point up about there being other gods.

Source: me, Jewish

2007-07-28 07:27:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

When You Think Your's is the Only GOD!!!

How Can YOU Be Wrong!!!

Come on get with the Program!!!


2007-07-28 07:32:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you don't ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and give you guidance while reading the Bible you will miscomprehend it. Sorry that's just the way it is. Pray first, for clarity and then, it will come to you.

2007-07-28 07:25:28 · answer #10 · answered by Deslok of Gammalon 4 · 3 2

No one has all the answers You must find where you feel at home and safe.

2007-07-28 07:28:40 · answer #11 · answered by Gypsy Gal 6 · 1 0

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