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but then he disappeared...with occasional cryptic emails popping up here and there. he does have bipolar (on medicine). How could I be SO wrong about him being into me? His actions showed it... he gushed about it, too. he jst stopped calling me. just like that. Why was I so convinced -- am I a silly girl?

2007-07-28 05:30:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

he hasn't really talked to me in over a month... maybe it's avoidance from an episode or maybe it's rejection. I wasn't sure but I sent many supportive emails.. but now it feel like rejection. :-(

2007-07-28 05:37:41 · update #1

3 answers

Of course you were convinced. Im sorry that you were hurt.

Truth is not just enthusiastic words and actions.

Three components must agree for it to be truth:
1-His words
2-must agree with his actions
3-over a long time.

Long being measured in units greater than 3 months, which is how long an addict can pretend he is free. A good test is at least nine months.

Oh, and you cant trust a boy who isnt out of puberty (happens around 23). Their brains are not congealed yet. Hormones are still transforming it, its chemically altering, different connections are breaking and forming. Until his brain is stable, his personality is unstable. Until he has a solid personality, he can tell you anything, and believe it, and do it with all of his heart, and then change, and it wasnt him who said it, and you are left hold ... nothing.

Its also dangerous to get into a relationship with a guy who is more than 5 years older than you. A 24 year old who is interested in a 17 year old is only using her as a glove to make himself feel good, and as soon as the costs go up he can throw her away.

Be safe kiddo. You only get one heart. You can glue it back together after its broken, but its never the same. You can give it away, but nobody tells you that once its given you cant take it back. You cant take it back. Guard your heart. Its all you have. Its where every good thing about you comes from. Your heart is your life kiddo. Be safe.

2007-07-28 05:34:44 · answer #1 · answered by Curly 6 · 1 1

You're not silly!!!! It is a typical sign of one with Bi-polar, just went through the similar situation as you!

My guy was always calling me "occasional" and it wasn't constant. In fact, everything he did was occasional and secretive! Also he would go on a talking "spree" and this is the "Manic" Depression side of the guy knew.

You asked the same questionI was always asking myself as well, thinling maybe I was wrong about my guy being into me, and his actions also showed it, yeh, "gushing" about it.

End result, same with me, didn't hear from him again! Now I'm empty and hollow inside!

I wish I knew the answers too.

It's sad, how do we find out what we really meant to them???? That's what bothers me the most.
And I feel used and betrayed is all!

What I think is, these guys were "into" us, but they crave attention all the time coz of their "egos", and they tend to attract other women and these women probably end up feeling like they were "special", just like you and I with the guys we knew. Hope it makes sense!

email me for more comparisons and maybe we can both figure out what went wrong!

take care and have a good weekend!

2007-07-28 12:49:53 · answer #2 · answered by julesrules 6 · 0 0

If he is bipolar he might be going through something and could use some understanding, if you like him than be there for him and don't judge.

2007-07-28 12:34:57 · answer #3 · answered by Greg 7 · 1 0

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