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I would like to put a stick in the back of my car saying, in several languages, that frase!

What would be the best expression in italian?

2007-07-26 14:07:29 · 15 answers · asked by Nós D 1 in Society & Culture Languages

15 answers

For that purpose: "Scusate, sono un turista" ("scusate" is plural, I suppose you're addressing everybody who read the sign :)
"Mi dispiace, sono un turista" is also right but the meaning tend more to "I know I did something wrong, forgive me" while "Scusate" give more the idea of "please, forgive me if I do something wrong!"

"Mi scusi, sono un turista" is what you should use when approching somebody in order to get informations, instead.

For all the sentences above, use "una turista" if you're a woman, "siamo turisti" (with no article) if you're more than one, men or men and women; "siamo turiste" if you're more than one, all women.

2007-07-27 02:17:19 · answer #1 · answered by Pinguino 7 · 5 0

Island Love la significa: un amore che hai trovato in un isola. Un amore che hai trovato in vacanza ... cozi. Non e un isola dei amore o amore dell'isola. Oh for crying out loud people! "Island Love" refers to a Love you found on an island. Not love of an island or island of love. It's probably a verse in a song or the name of a book Therefore: un amore che hai trovato in un isola.

2016-05-19 21:31:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Spiacente sono un turista

2007-07-26 14:16:03 · answer #3 · answered by MantH 1 · 3 1

Spiacente sono un turista

2007-07-26 14:11:45 · answer #4 · answered by cray0n209 1 · 4 1

I would be cautious about advertising that you are a tourist. It may encourage people to think that the trunk is full of valuables. Cameras, etc....passports....money

2007-07-30 06:28:43 · answer #5 · answered by Gracie L 1 · 0 1

Dispiace sono un (if you're a man) una (if you're a woman) turista

So for me (woman) it would be
Dispiace sono una turista
It means sorry i am a tourist!

2007-07-26 14:16:44 · answer #6 · answered by jujuo19 2 · 2 3

I'd refrain from putting up this sign in your car because you could also write: "Feel free to rob me or steal my car, I don't know how to behave here anyway".

2007-07-26 16:31:04 · answer #7 · answered by lihanmu 3 · 1 2

j s's would either come before or after saying sorry your a tourist.

scuse like arbor said is excuse me which could be appropriate also.

2007-07-26 14:15:34 · answer #8 · answered by sociald 7 · 0 2

mi dispiace, sono un turista

2007-07-26 14:47:26 · answer #9 · answered by Simona C 3 · 5 1

go to altavista.com. there is a link that you can select for translations. when you select that, choose "translate from english to italian" type in the phrase and than press "translate"

2007-07-26 14:11:00 · answer #10 · answered by Laura 4 · 0 5

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