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I'm just wondering since you are SO concerned for human life. How about starving kids in poverty or who live in Third World Nations? If you care so much about life, why not do something productive?

2007-07-26 14:05:32 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

There is no concern for human life in the pro life group. Each time they force birth they condem 12 loved and wanted children to death. http://www.prolifeismurder.com And if they say that you should give birth and then give the fetus up for adoption, then they are causing the death of one of the 100 million children http://www.childwelfare.gov/systemwide/statistics/adoption.cfm that need adoption in the world today. You can't say you love life and then cause death. And that is what the pro lifers do.
The whole mentality of the pro life nutcakes is that it is all about themselves, not about the fetus or the child. Just look at how many pro lifers there are and compare it to the actual good works they do. What they say is plenty and what they do is nothing. They want to hold themselves up to the rest of the world as being better than their fellow man, and it is all a lie.
Math does not lie. Facts are facts. The truth is the truth. And it is the truth, based on facts, supported by math that more children will die at the hands of pro lifers than could ever be killed by abortion.

2007-07-26 15:31:55 · answer #1 · answered by Give me Liberty 5 · 0 5

By the way, before I go on any farther in my question , I am adopted and have 2 adopted children. However, just because all pro-life people don't adopt for whatever reason does not make it ok to abort- and tell the pro-lifers it is their fault, because there are too many children without homes already. This is what your question infers. Don't blame someone else for what the woman chooses to do. How many pro-choice people have adopted those that have chosen to carry to term? I could ask that question too- one does not make the other right. Why is it the pro-life people that get fingers pointed at when all they want if for a life to continue to live- If I had more money, I would love to adopt more kids, however there are pro-choicers out there that could as well.

2007-07-26 21:16:34 · answer #2 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 7 1

So you think the answer to the worlds starving children is to go get pregnant and kill another child? Makes sense?!! I'm sure the money spent on that abortion could have fed a few kids. You will find that Christians are the majority of those that help feed and clothe those in need. You know those faith based organizations that everyone is so against? What do you think they do? As far as adoption, unfortunately many Americans have to adopt children from other countries because of how long it takes to adopt here and because there are very few babies being put up for adoption. They are being killed by their selfish and irresponsible parents.

God Bless.

2007-07-26 21:19:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

The better question is: How many innocent lives have you pro-abortion people slaughtered, simply for lack of convenience.
How many starving Kids have you adopted?
Stop trying to justify Murder.

2007-07-27 00:30:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think this should become a drinking question.

1. Adopting children is expensive. About the only people who can afford to adopt even ONE child are movie stars. It can cost upwards of $50,000. I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of money.
2. The waiting list for babies in the U.S. at most adoption agencies is at least two to three years long.

What do *I* do? I donate to charity. I go on mission trips, in which it's not to "spread the Gospel" but just to feed and clothe people.

So do you support law enforcement? Well, why don't you go become a policeman? Support fire-fighting? Why don't you become a fireman? Do you support a sports team? Well, unless you're on the team, you're just being a hypocrite. Just because you support something doesn't mean you have to go join it.

2007-07-26 21:29:32 · answer #5 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 2

I sponsor a child through a certain organization,I work with a family member who is starting a home for orphaned kids in Africa,my church supports a pro-life crisis pregnancy centre,and a home for pregnant mothers who decide to keep their babies.

If someone came up with a plan to exterminate the homeless,does it mean that unless you have personally made a homeless man a legal member of your family,you have no right to stand up and say 'this is wrong!'? And furthermore,how can you say that pro-lifers aren't doing productive things?Do you know them? Have you talked to them?

Abortion hurts women.How incredibly sad is it when pregnant mothers are so desperate that they feel the need to kill their babies,and guess who is conveniently near by? People ready to make a quick buck out of someone else's despair.

2007-07-26 21:26:12 · answer #6 · answered by Serena 5 · 3 1

i am not anti abortion. in some cases it is necisarry. But i think what you are saying is very critical and steriotipical. People do the best they can. It is easyer tosupport unborn children then to adopt them from timbuctoo. So i think you need to think about the situation before you comment so harshly.

2007-07-26 21:14:38 · answer #7 · answered by witchwoman101 2 · 7 0

My children are a heritage from the Lord. we are blessed to have them in our lives.

Now, for those people who believe in "correcting a mistake" by ridding life because of unprotected sex. Since you can't be responsible enough to know the chances of getting pregnant, wouldn't it be "smart" to use protection or, better yet, abstain until you BOTH are ready to have children?
So, the "right thing to do" is take a life. Brilliant.

So, what are YOU doing to prevent this from happening?

2007-07-26 21:13:59 · answer #8 · answered by n9wff 6 · 8 1

I love the anti-abortionists. The law as established in the US from Roe v. Wade is exceptional. You can't abort after the first trimester, during which the baby isn't even close to being conscious or self-aware. It's essentially still an organ, like it or not. By that logic, every single sperm and egg cell should be cryogenically frozen and saved to be used in the future, because they're all potential lives.

2007-07-26 21:09:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

I understand your point and I have said that same thing many, many times,until one day I thought about it. Do those poor children deserve seriously demented and misguided people as parents or caregivers? For me the answer is, no they don't.

They need to mind their own business instead, and take care of their own children and worry about their spouse's private parts.

2007-07-26 21:10:39 · answer #10 · answered by Footprints_in_Satansbox 2 · 1 2

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