Because religion has,for a long time,been a very big money making machine.Therefore religions,old and new,are squabbling among themselves for converts.
2007-07-26 13:49:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What more can one say? You have given a very good answer to your own question. And, going by the answers already received, you have encouraged some of the best minds among the Answers Community to think.
I could write a book in response to your ?. I am afraid very few people read serious books these days except by way of research. What are the type of books for which people queue up throughout the night, that are sold out on release? But in brief, and despite being a Christian and more, I do not believe g(G)ods created religions; probably it is the other way round(that would be another interesting ? to ask). Religious rivalries are no different from any other rivalry in the world: for domination of the mind and body(read: money in all its manifestations). Look at the lifestyle of the leaders of religions and you will see that they don't believe even a small part of what they teach. Christians are the worst sinners in this respect, but only because they had certain advantages and had a headstart over most, not all, other religions. A twentieth century Hindu reformer is famous for his saying: It doesn't matter what religion one belongs to; the individual must be good/true. Does that make sense to you?
2007-07-29 01:16:02
answer #2
answered by penjoy 3
All religiomns do not hav ethe same traits .If the religions confine themselve s to ther business only , ther ewould be no toruble .at all.tTwo of the largest religons have the sole business oif interfering witht the other religions in th ename of conversion.
that is the fubndamental reason for all thetroubles .The christains and the Muslims are intolernt tootehr religons and behave like uncivilized people by interfering without any solicitation.Is it not crude behaviour ?
thay art ethe root cause of all humanities in the world .
so the clerics of Islam and the priests of christanity are responsible for tall the troubles of the world .
This they do with the sole idea of increasing the number of their followers so that their coffers can be filkled with the thythes that the adherents to their religions would be required to pay.
since the Hindu temples do not require any money tobe paid by the worshippers compulsorily as in tehcase of he churches and Mosques , there is no enrolment of new members and they do not interfere wioth other faiths .
2007-07-26 21:45:14
answer #3
answered by Infinity 7
The misconception in us about the religions is, that they all lead to the same God. Actually that is not true. There can not be two different paths to reach God. When we claim ourselves to be secular and respectful to all the religions, we start feeling that though God is one, the paths are different to find Him. This is where the discords develop. I may feign to be a lover of one and all, but my heart knows the actual reality, that I am only being etiquettic.
When we follow the doctrine that we are " the soul " and this body is only a perishable biological object, we start getting on with the right business. There then can not be a clash, because then we follow the same path, and there is no feeling of 'one up manship' in us.
2007-07-27 02:57:15
answer #4
answered by Vijay D 7
u r quite right. a religion can't impart this message that u ought to destroy the all other religions of the world. it's all about having a code of ethics which is supposed to be followed by individuals but how disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! neither do people understand it and nor the so called religious mentors. im sorry but it's true. since centuries human mind has been miserable and having dilemma which way to prefer????????????? buddhism, islamism, hindusism, jainism, taoism, christianity r nothing but a way through which an individual can connect hiself with udiquitous god. it's very strange that the things which we ourselves can't do we expect these things like DONT TELL A LIE, DONT SMOKE, DONT DRINK, FOLLOW OBLIGATIONS shold be followed by our children. we r living in a shocking world where everything is fake, illusiory and a mask. individuality is lost and personality is born.
2007-07-26 23:31:21
answer #5
answered by COOL AK 3
you have two points here -one is that religion is good and beneficial --this is very true--except maby for the religion which tells its followers to kill or look down or destroy others with different beliefs--then Id say that isn't a very real religion--but a genuine religion that focuses on Loving God above all else is extremely good for the whole earth--the other point you brought up is hypocrisy--where the parent tells the kid to do something they are not doing --this is very bad--our inside and out side should be the same--we shouldn't be deceitful-- and people always fight due to greed and anger and lust -not due to real religion--by the way-The Light seems a little angry--and he looks a little angry too--and scary--oh my Gad--he looks like he might get into a fight with someone -he has an angry smile!
2007-07-26 20:55:47
answer #6
answered by mata 3
There's conflict between religions because there's a lack of understanding and tolerance. Most ppl are curious, then when they find something wrong with religion, they're quick to judge it as bad, and shy away. Religion is so powerful, and it needs ppl to survive. That's why u see many ppl proclaiming the word for their cause, and some putting fear into ppl. There are many zelots who preach that any other faith is wrong, and that god didnt create it...and some will go as far as to erradicate other beleivers. To me it's all manipulation, control, and a cry for attention.
2007-07-26 21:06:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you go back in time - religion grew out of the human experience of trying to control the various uncontrollable forces of nature - inherent in the environment and its animal kingdom, including the human beings.
With evolutionary experience, groups, cultures, clans and tribes etc. found their own place in the society. Somewhere along the line religion came into beingand it began to lay down the rules of conduct, moral grounds etc. to create a livable society - of course the powerful began to set boundaries and better conditions for themselves. With further refinements, increasing populations, cultural and trade diversity other systems of power struggle began to grew up. Along with communication and education development somewhere along the line political systems also began to take shape in various parts of the world. So in a way religion is the foundation of many of the political systems today and somehow it does not wants to let go its power of authority which is inherent in the various leaders of all these religions ( who are more politically and economical driven architects for their own good ).
2007-07-27 14:04:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hindus never had a conflict with any religion.On the contrary many religions happily live in India and never we had any conflicts.The trouble started with forcible conversions by muslims and christians recently.These two religions by their money power and political high handedness think they hold all the entry passes to heaven.
In hinduism they are no dictations and orders.Everybody is free to pray God in the way he likes.WE see God in all living things and nature which sustains us.Every civilised man should think deeply that God is in nature and our life is here to peacefully enjoy together.Forget the tickets to Heavenly life.No fool knows it.They only bluff because they have money.Protect nature and that is what all scientists are telling now.Wake up every one.Neither Osama Or Bush can save us.
2007-07-26 21:00:28
answer #9
answered by murthyssr9 4
Because it is sadly human nature to have conflicts with others.
(The oldest example I am think of would be that of Cain & Able)
If we all truly followed the principals that religion has to teach us (Love,Kindness,Respect for others & ourselves,Truthfulness,Loyalty,Morality etc) we would all live in a much better world..
Think about it ...a world where people do not kill each other or steal from each other. A world where there would be no poverty because every one would share what they had to help others.
God Bless
2007-07-26 21:09:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Religion is not all that bad, by itself. But all religions preach a dogma of intolerance towards nonbelievers, either explicitly or implicitly. No one gets their morals from their holy text, now matter how many times they claim to. The world would be a much better place if we were all of one religion. But the best possible situation would be if there was no religion at all.
Also, please learn how to write and punctuate English better...
2007-07-26 21:24:05
answer #11
answered by The Rationalist 2