Your going to need to find someone who speaks Latin to get the whole (or closest to whole) story
2007-07-26 11:48:49
answer #1
answered by Scratchy_Joe 4
Jonah go to Niniveh, the great city, and warn them about their wickedness. But Jonah, instead, ran from the presence of The Lord. He went down to Joppa found a ship going to Tarshish, paid the fare and thought he could escape the presence of the Lord.But God sent a great storm, the mariners were afraid; and every man cried out to His God. But Jonah was fast asleep. The other mariners asked about him. Jonah said he was a hebrew, the men were scared. Even they knew that Jonah fled from the presence of God. What should we do to calm the seas? Throw me in the water. A big fish came and swallowed Jonah. He was inside the fish 3 days/3 nights. Then Jonah said a prayer(read Jonah 2) The big fish vomited Jonah onto dry land. Jonah went to Niniveh to preach God's message of salvation. If they don't repent, in 40 days the city will be destroyed. So the people believed in God and turned from their evil ways, and God did not destroy them.
Jonah became angry because everything he preached was not going to happen. He said, please take my life from me now. Jonah left the city and he made himself a shelter and sat under a shade, waiting to see what would happen to the city. God prepared a plant and made it come over Jonah. The next day, a worm damaged the plant. The sun beat him so hard, that he grew faint and he wished death for himself. God said: You have pity on the plant, for which you have not labored, and died the next day.But you don't have pity on Niniveh, that great city, with more than 120,000 people?
2007-07-26 19:41:53
answer #2
answered by delmar 3
Jonah is a short book of four chapters, the second from the last book of the Old Testament. The narrative is uncomplicated, fast moving and touching. The basic religious teachings are:
1 God feels concern for the nations and asks His servants to warn them of judgment.
2 In the face of difficulty men are inclined to evade responsibility.
3 God is powerful and can use the forces of nature for His own purposes.
4 Though God will punish disobedience, He desires to show mercy.
5 The most unpromising mission fields are often the most responsive.
6 Above all, God yearns to deal with man in mercy and kindness.
Hmm.... that is what many Christians feel about YA R&S
Hope this helps. God bless.
2007-07-26 18:54:13
answer #3
answered by Bill Mac 7
Jonah was called to speak to the people of Nineveh. Which at that time was the capital of Babylon, and one of the most unholy places on earth. But Jonah didn't want to so he ran from God on a boat. In which then he was tossed over board in a storm and was swallowed by a big fish. ( the bible doesn't mention whale)
He then figured it out what he did wasn't Gods idea. So he was spit out and went to preached to the city. All in the city repented for their ways and sought Gods face. But even after all that Jonah did that he still wanted God to vaporize the city. So he sat and waited for it. And it didn't happen.
And became so God became angry at Jonah. But continued to show compassion to Jonah by shading him under a large plant. Then the plant dies and Jonah pleads to God over the loss of the plant. And God tells Jonah that just like Jonah mourned the loss of a plant, that He mourns the loss of even one person in the city. I guess this is another story that shows God's mercy. Amen!
2007-07-26 19:18:54
answer #4
answered by Kathy H 3
Jonah was called by God to evangelize to the wicked people of Niniveh, before God was no level the place. Jonah didn't want to obey God, so he took off for a boat trip. As soon as he boarded the boat, the seas became quite rough, so rough that the rest of the crew started throwing things overboard to to keep the boat from capsizing. The crew suspected the God was behind their predicament, and wondered what person the boat was be ing judged by God. jonah volunteered to throw himself overboard. So he did. No sooner that he found himself in the water that a gigantic fish (probably a whale, which is not a fish) swallowed him. He stayed in the belly of the fish for three days, which gave him time to think. After the three days the fish spat him out, coincidently, on the shores of Niniveh. He preached his heart out, and the citizens of Niniveh were saved.
The sea was Jonah's punishment, but thw fish was his salvation.
2007-07-26 18:55:18
answer #5
answered by Atheists for Lunch Bunch 4
God told Jonah to go to Nineveh to tell the people to change their ways or they would all die. Jonah didn't like the people in Nineveh, and he didn't want to obey God. So he got on a boat to run away, but no one can run from God. He sent a storm, and the men threw him over board. God sent a whale to come and swallow Jonah. Jonah had 3 days to think about it and to talk with God. He decided he would do as God told him. He went and shared the message of Changing their ways. They all repented, and Jonah was angry because of it.
2007-07-26 18:54:15
answer #6
answered by salvation 5
God called Jonah to Go to Ninevah ,The Capital of the Assyrians,tell the People I am going to destroy it in 40 days;It was a full days walk across Ninevah;Jonah the Prophet didn"t
want to delever this Prophetic Msg. He knew God was a merciful God--He wanted Ninevah to be destroyed;So if He
could lay low for awhile on the Lam;They would get what they deserve; anyway he jumps on ship and goes below to take a nap,God causes a great storm,captain tells men toss cargo overbd;Storm rages and questions are asked;Jonah says toss me overbd;and tells them why there is a storm;They toss Jonah over,a large fish swallows Him,He is in that fish three days,He prayed to God--I think He died ,but Fish spits Him out after 3 days; Jonah enters Ninevah Msg in 40 days God will destroy City for its Wickedness;It is a Days journey across
the city;The King hears the Msg. and Proclams a Fast;nothing
eats or drinks Man or animal;the King pours dust on His own head;The whole city is saved; Jonah goes outside the Gate and waits for Judgement; Jonah is Mad because God spared
the City;He says to God I knew it ,Just Kill Me; I knew You would spare Ninevah;He was also Ticked off because a Gourd had grown over night and gave Jonah shade-Then it dies; Evangelist are glad that a few people are saved---Jonah
Msg; caused the whole City to be saved---A final note Ninevah is destroyed about 70 yrs later,it was located in Iraq;
That is about as good as I can do/Hope summary helps;
2007-07-26 19:55:11
answer #7
answered by section hand 6
I will do my best to answer this question! He was to deliver a message to Nineveh and ran from this calling and got on a ship and was thrown over board. Jonah was miraculously swallowed up by a whale and miraculously spit out by the whale onto shore. He stayed in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, then returned to Nineveh to deliver the message of repentance in enemy territory that God wanted him to deliver. It is much more than a fish story it is an account of God's mercy and love for his people to fore warn His people to repent of their ways. This was one of God's miracles that was performed. Represents Jesus Christ's Crucifixion. God will use people that do not want to be used by him, such as Jonah.
2007-07-26 19:14:40
answer #8
answered by † White-Eagle Prayer Warrior † 3
Jonahh was sent to preach to a group of people he hated and thought should die. He was angry at God because he knew these people would repent and God would save them so he tried to run. He took a boat and God sent storms. Jona told them if they wanted to save their lives to throw him over the side ( he would rather die than save the people he hated) so they did.
Jonah was swallowed up by a huge fish that God sent and died in it's belly. God directed the fish to the land he told Jonah to go to and made it to spit Jonah out. When he was spit out God restored him and sent him on. Jonah walked through the sun and heat so God had mercy and grew up a gourd plant with a large leaf to shelter Jonah from the sun. Jonah decided he would just sit under the leaf and die so God sent a caterpillar to eat the stalk of the plant. Jonah reluctantly preached to the people of Nineveh and they repented as he knew they would.
2007-07-26 19:01:51
answer #9
answered by ? 6
I cannot believe some of your sarcastic answers ya'll (immature and very sad)
Jonah had no faith in God, he was put on a medium vessel because he was running away from God (or so he thought). His name got drawn out of all on the vessel and he got thrown into the sea, got swallowed by a whale and God proved himself to Jonah by saving him. You should actually read the book.
2007-07-26 18:52:54
answer #10
answered by Tess 3
jonah was a messenger for God. God asked Jonah to go tell the people of Nineavah(edit) about him but Jonah was scared cuz they were bad. So he went to the farest place from that city. Well God got angry and caused a big storm and the people on the ship Jonah was on were scared and started praying when they asked Jonah to help them pray Jonah knew it was God so he told them to throw him overboard. Well when they did the stormed stoped and a whale swalllowed him. 3 days later he came out after asking for God's foegivness. then he went on to Ninevah and gave the messeage. the people got saved and Jonah forgot about God's grace so he waited to see the town burn but it didn't.
2007-07-26 18:51:26
answer #11
answered by Just tanya 2