JESUS WAS NEVER MARRIED!! The bride of Christ is in reference to the church. WE are the bride of Christ.
2007-07-26 08:52:41
answer #1
answered by Tammie 4
The whole Church of Christ is the body of Christ, is the bride of Christ. So? That isn't symbolic.
We are the real bride. This isn't a secret consensual arrangement. But yet some is secret. But it starts when one person, lost in sin, repent to God, confessing Jesus Christ their Lord & Savior & believing in ones heart the atonement & resurrection. This is commitment & not sooo much an arrangement that can be broken on either part.
2007-07-26 15:57:32
answer #2
answered by t a m i l 6
Jesus' bride is His church. There are no secrets it is a consensual arrangement. The bride and the Spirit say come to Jesus. This is an invitation from Revelation 22.
2007-07-26 15:52:34
answer #3
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
The Bride is the Church. Remember that the book of Revelation is a prophetic book.Symbolisms are used in which God's love for the church(meaning the saints) is compaired to the love of a man for his bride.
The remnant church is called out to keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. The remnant herald the hour of judgment and gives a call to worship of God the Creator.
"So let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His bride has made herself ready" Revelation 19:7
2007-07-26 18:43:41
answer #4
answered by delmar 3
the BRIDE OF CHRIST . .. is the MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST. The consentual arrangement is given by free will, that you can choose to be of the covenant or not, the covenant BODY AND BLOOD is how we become part of the covenant, and we are made ONE BODY IN THE UNITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. and of course we are required to do as CHRIST would by being obedient to GOD OUR FATHER.
Incidentally this union of the flesh, in covenant bond, is a marriage covenant, a vow of the flesh, which is why the crucifixion is a marriage proposal, because JESUS gives us HIS BODY as a gift for the LIFE OF THE WORLD.
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
2007-07-26 16:28:35
answer #5
answered by jesusfreakstreet 4
It's no secret. We who accept the atonement are the birde.
2007-07-26 15:50:59
answer #6
answered by djmantx 7
an open consensual arrangement
2007-07-26 15:51:26
answer #7
answered by Jon C 3
No evidence to suggest such a thing. Except by Da Vinci who kdnapped homeless people and butchered them while they were still alive. Very Christian of him. Don't you think.
2007-07-26 15:52:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no secret about it .. accept Jesus and ur in ..
2007-07-26 15:50:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous