good question.
i have a friend who swears that people shouldn't be allowed to get married until after they turn 30.
i personally have no desire to get married. been there. done that. dont want to try it again.
at the time my desire was because i loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. but i was young and didn't understand the true concept of love.
i think love means one thing in high school and another when you are in your 30's.
these kids get married and they have this freedom they never had before and they are also married and having kids and bills and they just get swept up in this adult world they aren't ready for.....
2007-07-26 08:55:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"i have seen many christians get married at a young age."
"the divorce rate is much higher when the partners have married very young."
You don't come out and say that christians have a higher divorce rate but it's almost said. I won't argue about that because I don't know, I would guess it's exactly the same in and out of church and that is very sad for Christians, I admit.
I've heard Christian parents say they support a short engagement period and I think they mean for this same reason. It is bizzare and bewildering to even me in some ways. I personally know it would be a major motivating factor to get married. I can't think of a better one. That's kind of stupid to say, but I'm assuming I love this person as well, hypothetically. The divorce rate is high and that is a bad thing, we agree upon that. A counter to that question is that I don't see why many non-christians get married at all?
You seem to be against divorce, of course, but what is the value you put into marriage that makes divorce a bad thing? In addition to what your answer to that is, Christians feel that they have this thing of being faithful to each other even before we've met one another. I hope that explains it a little. I did ramble off away from the question.
2007-07-26 08:41:02
answer #2
answered by uncanny me 2
Well I can only answer as an individual, not for the whole group. But I "saved myself" until marriage and I didn't get married until 2 years ago at the age of 32. My motivation in getting married was because I was (and am) in love and to glorify God. I would imagine there probably are Christians who marry before they're ready, but I'm sure the same is true of any group of people. I know non-Christians who married too young and ended up divorced and I also know of many Christians who married young and stayed married. I guess the point is that we can't really generalize.
2007-07-26 08:27:53
answer #3
answered by KDdid 5
The church acts as if the Great Commission by Jesus is to get married. Well, it is not; it is to preach the gospel to all the world. Marriage is a choice, and Paul chose not to do so. When I was in Bible School, they put ungodly pressure on me to get married. I had to rebuke one of the instructors who was sending my picture to Canada in hopes of finding me a spouse.
Marriage can be the difference between Heaven and Hell, not figuratively but literally. I am not going to get into a covenant relationship with a person for the rest of my life unless she is totally sold out to God comes hell or high waters!
It is not anything to play with as does Hollywood, the world, and the liberal church.
2007-07-26 11:14:30
answer #4
answered by Richard S 4
I do not believe Christians get married to have sex.I believe they get married for love But they do not realize that marriage is not easy that it takes hardwork ,compromies ,unselfness which is what people do if they rwally love the other person to make the relationship workAnd why is it people always think sex causes all problems in relationships it does not always there are many other reasons for marriages to fail
2007-07-26 08:33:38
answer #5
answered by cecil t 2
Sadly, I've known people who have gotten married just to have sex. It's ridiculous. I always tell them that even if they think it is a sin, the bigger sin would be to get stuck in a marriage you don't want.
I'm a Christian and I have absolutely zero motivation to get married.
2007-07-26 08:20:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I got married @ 35. So my theory may be a little different.
God said, "It is not good for man to be alone."
a bachelor for several years, you get lonely at times.
I wanted a lifelong partner to grow old with. Having a woman to talk to, walk with, grow with, etc., is a blessing.
The Bible says that a man shall leave his parents, cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh. This is an indication of giving up your own wills to become one will.
divorce is mostly caused when one will is not sacrificed and kept. adultery is brought forth when one seeks his/her own selfish act. Other reasons usually follow this pattern, even when sex outside marriage is not involved.
The willingness to please your spouse in happiness and need is a good start.
2007-07-26 08:29:06
answer #7
answered by n9wff 6
I got married the day before I turned 22, and the reason wasn't to have sex.. It was because I had prayed for a long time and gave that area of my life to God, and this is the path he chose for me. I couldn't have done any better on my own, that's for sure! :)
2007-07-26 08:21:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
When Christ is at the center of your marriage, your divorce rate is much lower. When these younger people get married, if they are truly committed to Christ and he is the center of their lives...not their spouses they are usually just fine.. People do not realize, that their spouses are going to let them down or hurt them not intentionally...when Christ is your Center, you know you can turn to him to help fill that void that your spouse can not fill.
2007-07-26 08:23:33
answer #9
answered by Nicole B 4
to have a family and grow in Him
we put God first and we will know who he wants us to be with. sometimes it is at a very young age...some people have to wait longer
its not about guilt when it comes to having pre-marital sex anyway. we live for God. we want His will
2007-07-30 07:23:17
answer #10
answered by Holly D 3