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Am Christian myself but my mom has said many times there going to hell and plus they worship Mary and other saints who are not God. But to me I noticed that we mainly believe in the samething. But its very confusing plus she says look how they sin and take little boys....you know. But to me I feel am the only following the bible really because I see many Christians sin and mess up too.

Does it say anywhere in the bible about Catholics?

2007-07-26 03:58:50 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Most agree they also say they worship idols that the bible goes against such as Mary and St. John

2007-07-26 04:06:39 · update #1

omg....my mom never misses a sunday!! Others agree with her too! She even forces me to go to that church I don't agree with.

2007-07-26 04:07:55 · update #2

No even if they didn't touch the boys she still says they going to hell because of the Mary thing

2007-07-26 04:12:28 · update #3

Thanks new catholic

2007-07-26 04:22:49 · update #4

21 answers

I don't ...if they know Jesus they get automatic entrance...

" I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; no man can come to the Father except through me". -- Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:6)

" Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved". (Acts 4:12)

2007-07-26 04:01:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

You are wise.

Your mom is doing the best she can, unfortunitally she has be misled by a preacher.

All Christians were Catholic until around 1600 when the Protestants broke away from the Church. We do NOT worship Mary or Saints, no matter how many hundred times we say this, we still hear it. We do honor Mary, as it says in the bible that we should. "All generations shall call me blessed" That is what we do. Mary does not forgive sin, she does not save us, she can help us intercede with her Son.

Sure there have been some bad Priests, but the incidence of this is much less than the general population, not that we do not take abuse seriously, we do. The Catholic Chruch has taken great steps to correct any problems and now requires all adults working with kids go through training to help us all recognize and report possible abuse. The biggest group of pedophiles by far is school teachers.

Catholics do sin, we are not perfect, I'll bet that you do not know one single person that has not sinned, we acknowledge our fallen nature, and have the sacrament of redemption to help us stay in the grace of God and ammend our lives.

Catholics specifically are not mentioned in the bible, other than when Jesus told Peter, "You are my Rock and on you I shall build my Church" Peter was the first Pope, and the Catholic Chruch is the Chruch that Jesus started.

Thank you for having an open mind, and do not hate your mother, she is doing the best that she can. You can learn more about our faith at:

www.Catholic.com or
www.Catholic.org or

You might get a channel on your TV called EWTN.

Good luck and may God Bless your search.

2007-07-26 11:20:01 · answer #2 · answered by C 7 · 6 0

Actually, the Bible shows us the very start of the Catholic Church.

Matthew 16:18 "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."

Jesus began the Church around the year 32 A.D. and put Peter in charge of it. Peter was the first pope and we have the list of popes from Peter all the way to today. The Church was actually started in Jerusalem and Peter moved it to Rome in 33 A.D. where the pope still resides today.

You won't find the word "Catholic" in the Bible for a couple of different reasons. Catholic is a a word that simply means "universal" -- meaning that Christ's church exists all over the world and was established for all people. But when the Church was in its humble beginnings, it was originally called "The Way" by the early Christians.

The other reason is that the Church existed more than 300 years before the Bible came into being. It was actually the Catholic Church which gave us the Bible as we know it, and decided which books would be included in it.

We do know from early Christian writings that the Church was being called "Catholic" as early as the year 110...and we also know that the first Christians believed and worshiped the way Catholics do today.

Catholics ARE Christians. In fact, Catholics are the original Christians. And we still hold to all the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles from 2, 000 years ago.

I hope this helps you, and your mom. If you two do a study of the Catholic Church and early Christianity, I think you will be surprised. However, your mom is wrong to judge people and say they will go to hell. We also do not "worship" Mary and the saints. Get the truth for yourself, not from the assumptions and opinions of others.

God bless!

2007-07-26 11:18:31 · answer #3 · answered by The Raven † 5 · 8 0


No, catholic and protestant are not words in the Bible. Check out the book of Revelations and you'll see there were many different churches or Christian sects with different beliefs, attitudes and customs.

Bear in mind that the vast majority of Christians are Roman Catholic so perhaps others may not be 100% correct or have the only monopoly to salvation. As you eluded to, the protestant churches have had many problems of sexual and child abuse also. Look at Jimmy Swaggart through to Jimmy Baker and recently that Haggard fellow. Also I can cite you articles on the protestant churches sex problems I posted elsewhere if you wish. The Catholic church is very centralized and not spread out inot a few hundred denominations as is the protestant so tracking down these stats has been much easier with the Catholic church.

Not all non Catholic Christians say Catholics are going to hell.
Only a few fanatical fundie sects and perhaps some JW's whose leader, Russel was a purgerer in court and not even an ordained minister. Only God says who will and will not enter the kingdom of heaven and until these people prove to me they are God, I will leave it as such.

The concept on "eternal security" is disputed by the majority of Christians. Being saved by faith and belief alone, once saved always saved contradicts what Jesus taught.

I am baptized and know Jesus is my savior!! Excuse me while I go to bed with a 13 year old, sell a kilo of cocaine to some teenagers and order a contract killing. Praise the Lord, if I die in a car accident tonight after that my entrance into heaven is assured!... give me a break!


2007-07-26 11:17:38 · answer #4 · answered by Michael Kelly 5 · 1 0

Not all Christians feel this way. I'm a Christian and most of my family are Catholics. Here's where the issue lies.
God gave his only begotton Son that who so ever beleives in Him shall not Parish but have Everlasting Life. God's word also says "There is no other name given under the Heavens that man might be saved other than JESUS CHRIST. "Most" Catholics believe that you pray to the saints and the saints step to God for you with your prayers. That is wrong. If you believe this you are denying Jesus his Diety and If this was the case, then there was no reason for Jesus to be crucified for our sins. There's a GREAT website called www.gotquestions.org that has an amazing understanding and explanation of the Word of God. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Also, not all people who claim they're Christians will go to heaven. Some will bear good fruit... some will bear bad. If you read up on scripture you'll see that God's sheep dwell with the goats, the teirs with the wheat, etc....

2007-07-26 18:53:13 · answer #5 · answered by Gd up in C 1 · 0 1

I'm a Christian woman, and I truly do not think that Catholics are going to hell. Only God can determine if someone is going to Heaven or Hell. I still look at Catholics as Christians. I don't try to judge anyone, that is the Lord's job. All Christians and Catholics come under spirtual warfare, so all Catholics should not be labled because of what a few do..the same with Christians, we should not be labled because of what a few do. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God".

2007-07-26 14:00:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Catholics are Christians. We believe in the same thing. Jesus was born and crucified for our sins and rose again. The only difference is that Catholics say a few traditional Hail Mary's, etc. We are all born into sin. You're Mom is wrong about all Catholics going to Hell. She needs to get into the Word. I'm sorry, but she doesn't know what she's talking about and I bet you she doesn't regularly attend Church.

2007-07-26 11:05:15 · answer #7 · answered by Lettie D 7 · 1 1

Some people are less accepting of other's religions. I think that the bible is a source of morals, not religious facts. Every religion is just a way of life. Some take it a bit extreme. And since Catholics still believe in god, they're good. They can't go to your hell. My old church(I'm not religious) accepted everything, even though it was christian(it was the Lighthouse church in Hull, MA). It was mostly a way to keep everyone on the right side of life.

2007-07-26 11:06:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't believe that for a second.

Everyone sins. No one is perfect. And VERY few priests have done terrible things.

All the Bible says is that we must believe in Jesus, and give our lives over to Him. Have many Catholics done that? Yes!

I believe a Christian is a Christian is a Christian, regardless of denomination.

2007-07-26 11:06:31 · answer #9 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 2 0

I don't know, ever since the Roman Catholic faith had started dividing up into different christian sects.

The other sects have been claiming Catholics are not christian, and that they are going to hell.

It is almost like, once they left the church (some of them 1000 years ago), they figure they still have to hate them...

Beats me, what all the fuss is about, seeing that Catholics are the original church. Maybe you should do some history on your church, that isn't taught by your chuch...

2007-07-26 11:04:14 · answer #10 · answered by Sapere Aude 5 · 2 1

We can get caught up in the whole "I am better than you" mentality, or we can just show people the truth. The bible says don't put your traditions over God's wants.

Matthew 15:1-3
Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"
Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?

So, many people inside and outside of the catholic church who claim to be a christian hold on to traditions instead of what the bible says and that is not good at all. We need to be in our bibles and we need to be putting what it says into practice in order to make it.

Acts 2:38 says it best.

2007-07-26 11:06:46 · answer #11 · answered by Light 3 · 1 2

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