i never got to meet my other grandma and my 2 grandpas...they were sick and they died when i was 3- 10 months old...
well my living grandma doesnt pernounce my NAME right. its danielle, (dan-YELL) she says it din-ELL
gahhh!!!!!! its sooo very annoying.
she always says these phrases:
-stop monkeyin around!
-(in the car) to my mom-are we low on gas??? we should go to the filling station to check. (shes never driven a car before)
-when i showed her my new razr phone: "is that one of those new walkmans?" (a old portable cd player from the 90's ish) so i said "no grandma its a phone." she says "ohh is it an ipod??"
"NO grandma its a CELL PHONE!" i said...
-and many more
"grandmas say the darndest things!" lol
2007-07-26 04:50:16
answer #1
answered by Dani 3
The last of my grandparents passed away almost 20 years ago, but they used to always talk about the old country(Poland) before they came to the U.S.
2007-07-25 18:46:38
answer #2
answered by tja1110 2
my grandpa is always yelling at the kids to stop touching things and my grandma is always cussing him out in spanish to shut up and leave the kids alone. it happens every time i see them, the kids just giggle at him
2007-07-25 18:45:21
answer #3
answered by RocKsTaR 6
When ever we hurt ourselves or didn't want to do something she asked us to do she'd say," Come on now, you know it's character building!!" Another favorite of mine was whenever we were exercising and it was to hard, or we didn't want to do it she would say," WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM!"" If you took the groceries in from the car ,"WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM!!"If she stole food from off your plate and ate it, "WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM!!"Just walking up some stairs on a normal day,"WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM!!!"LOL! My grandma is full of vinegar!
2007-07-25 19:04:26
answer #4
answered by Shawnee 5
The Ancient Ways of curing certain diseases. as a child the doctor couldn't cure me -- but Grandmother did -- with Ancient Remedies.
2007-07-25 18:44:25
answer #5
answered by Marvin R 7
He died last September, but he used to always say these catchy phrases:
"Is there a volume control on that guy?"
"You're just saying that because it's true."
"Don't apologize."
"Organization is the key note to success."
"They must have made her when steak was cheap!"
"I'm just enjoying the view." (when referring to women)
2007-07-25 18:46:23
answer #6
answered by golden sephiroth 5
my grandpa always talking about ww2 and how brave soldier he was tht time!and my grandma always talking about her flowers!sooooooo boring!
2007-07-25 18:44:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My grandma always says "waste not, want not" whenever i don't finish everything on my plate.=)
2007-07-25 18:43:37
answer #8
answered by Sazziable 6
my grandma talks about gross stuff like my grandpas balls and everything...ewww : )
2007-07-25 18:42:16
answer #9
answered by yup... 5
Chicken in the pot
2007-07-25 18:42:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous