i do, because no matter who you are, if you love someone, you love them. If straight people are allowed to be married as many times as they want, why cant two men/women who want to be together for a lifetime not even be allowed to marry once? it's hypocritical, and the reason why it's not allowed is because of the Bible, but the state and church are supposed to be separated? Yeah, right.
2007-07-25 10:20:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I am for it. I don't see why everyone is up in arms against it. There are more important things to worry about in this world. And same sex marriage isn't a new thing. It's been around forever. The only reason why it is getting more and more publicity is because more people are getting courage to come out as gay. It's not as if someone work up and said, "Yep, I'm going to be gay today!" Plus according to science there are over 450 species that practice it. Why are we the only ones against it and on what principle?
2016-05-18 03:55:37
answer #2
answered by ? 2
The "marriage" aspect is just for show. For years, gays were in the closet so to speak and though we knew they existed, we didn't talk about them. Now its "in your face" or "up close and personal" I liked the closet aspect better. If gays want to live together, then that is their choice. Marriage has always been a Holy union between and man and a woman. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Yes, they have the right to do with their lives whatever they want, just like any other person.
Adoption is another matter. If the adoption authorities in any state say that it is OK and they pass all the rules and tests, then more power to them. My personal preference would be to say no.
2007-07-25 10:28:23
answer #3
answered by loufedalis 7
I absolutely agree that they should be allowed to marry or, at the very least, enjoy a union that gives them the same rights and responsibilities as any "married" couple. This means sharing their pension, being able to make medical decisions for each other, and, yes, to adopt. Studies have shown that is isn't the fact that a child has a loving female and a loving male parent that helps a child grow and mature into a wonderful person. If that were the case, all single-parent families would be "bad," too. It's the fact that there are loving role models in a child's life that helps it to grow into a good and decent person.
And by the way, most of the people who molest young boys and girls, as with most of the serial killers, are straight white males. That is not to say that gay men don't commit crimes, they do. Just as straight men commit crimes.
Here is a final thought. The edict against homosexuality is an OLD Testament law. If you follow one law, you should follow them all. Like not wearing clothes with two different types of cloth. Like putting guard rails on your house so your neighbor might not fall. Like owning slaves and multiple wives as long as you can afford them. Most Christians tell me that you have to follow all of the laws of their Bible, so homosexuality is wrong. SO why aren't they following the rest? Picking and choosing for personal gain or comfort isn't following the Biblical way, it's using it for personal gain.
With all the hate in the world and all of the abandon children that no one wants because they aren't babies or blond-haired, blue-eyed children, or because they have some handicap, why, why, why on Earth should we care who LOVES someone else. Isn't that one of the main problems with the world today? Not enough love?
Good journeys,
A straight female who doesn't care who her friends might love
2007-07-25 10:32:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Straight marriage is ok; so is gay marriage. I believe everyone should have a right to love who they want to. Lets say someone said it was illegal for you to marry your male fiance, and people like Darkus Knight made fun of you constantly. Cruel jokes like that are awful. Gay marriage should be legalized in places it isn't.
And God did not say anything againest gay marriage or relationships. The BIBLE is againest it...and through interpreting and people adding their own opinions to it here and there, God's intended messages have been mixed up. If he was anti- gay, why would he make people like people of the same sex? Why? That would be cruel to keep people out of Heaven and to be called endless cruel names when you could control how they feel.
How could you not agree with adoption? It's a wonderful thing in most cases; taking in a child who would otherwise be cast aside or have no where to go. Same with foster care, although the foster care system has many faults right now.
2007-07-25 10:24:01
answer #5
answered by Carolina 3
To be honest, my initial reaction was "Huh? No way, a marriage is between a man and a woman."
But then I thought about it, and I listened to the debates, and I saw how much it meant to people and how badly they wanted it. And the turning point was when one exasperated person finally said "What does it take from YOU?" And I realised - nothing. Gay marriage doesn't take anything from anyone; it creates no harm in the world. It doesn't threaten or cheapen my marriage any more than hundreds of years of divorce, marriages of convenience, drunk Vegas 48-hour weddings, or anything else does.
So once I looked at it logically and fairly, I couldn't see a single reason against it. I'm all for gay marriage, and other civil rights such as adoption.
2007-07-25 10:34:32
answer #6
answered by teresathegreat 7
They should have all the rights they want. Just don't take a religious word and use it to gain those rights.
When you get married in a church, you have to go through counseling and other tests. When you get married through the government, all you need is a check. Hence why divorce is so much easier and prevalant these days which is decreasing the sancitiy of marriage.
2007-07-25 10:18:07
answer #7
answered by Relax Guy 5
no i dont think they should marry or adopt children. marriage is between man and wife, parents are man and woman simple as that.
2007-07-25 10:50:40
answer #8
answered by amy j 2
It doesn't have to be a gay marriage, but say a couple of us OLD guys are widowers (wives are dead). There are many advantages to marriage..financially, legally, etc. So, say a couple of us old guys get married and pool our resources? Just because we get married doesn't mean there's going to be sex involved. Just a marriage of 'convenience.'
2007-07-25 10:30:03
answer #9
answered by AmericanPatriot 6
no and i dont mess with them
adoption is a good thing for married couples who cant have kids
2007-07-25 10:18:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous