A Manometer is a device to measure pressures. A common simple manometer consists of a U shaped tube of glass filled with some liquid. Typically the liquid is mercury because of its high density.
A manometer is a pressure measuring instrument, usually limited to measuring pressures near to atmospheric. It is often used to refer specifically to liquid column hydrostatic instruments.
A barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. It can measure the pressure exerted by the atmosphere by using water, air, or mercury.
2007-07-25 22:26:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A manometer measures the difference in two gas pressures which are applied to the ends of a U shaped water or other liquid column. Often one of the gases is air at atmospheric pressure. Commonly a manometer is used to measure very low pressures, such as household natural gas which is 7 column inches. (1/4 psi)
A barometer measures air pressure against a vacuum, the height of the column being determined by how much weight the air pressure can support. If done with water, the column has to be over 32 feet tall. If done with mercury, over 30 inches.
2007-07-25 10:17:29
answer #2
answered by Mike1942f 7
A Barometer is a type of MANOMETER. A document on manometers may be accessed by clicking on the blue button to the right; it will appear in a separate window.
You will also need to know how to read a vernier scale. A document on this may be accessed by clicking on the green button to the right; it too will appear in a separate window.
A MANOMETER is a pressure measuring instrument, usually limited to measuring pressures near to atmospheric. It is often used to refer specifically to liquid column hydrostatic instruments.
A BAROMETER is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. It can measure the pressure exerted by the atmosphere by using water, air, or mercury. Pressure tendency can forecast short term changes in the weather. Numerous measurements of air pressure are used within surface weather analysis to help find surface troughs, high pressure systems, and frontal boundaries.
2007-07-25 10:22:16
answer #3
answered by Vinu 2
A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure only. A manometer measure a pressure difference across a constriction and can measure the pressure of anything you like.
2007-07-25 10:16:24
answer #4
answered by Simon P 2
manometers measure pressure, barometers specifically measure atmospheric pressure.
2007-07-25 10:17:13
answer #5
answered by hidethesky 2
What Is A Manometer
2016-09-30 23:49:18
answer #6
answered by helsley 4