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I have a summer assignment in a textbook and this is one of the questions. I can't find it in the book or online!!!! Please help :) thank you so much in advance

2007-07-25 10:09:34 · 9 answers · asked by Kaila 2 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

9 answers

Ionizing radiation is x-rays, gamma-rays, beta-rays (electrons), alpha-rays.

X-rays are good for two reasons. If a person is injured, one can x-ray the limb and detect broken bones. The doctor sees bones and breaks. Also, if a woman has a "usual" mammogram, the picture shows dark spots, light spots, and nonnatural shadings.

But if a woman has an x-ray calcium fluorescence mammogram, the malignant cells cover themselves with calcium ions. The machine pulses the breast tissue. The calcium responds in fluorescence. The doctor can locate mutating cells even before they form a tumor. And once the patient is on the operating table, the surgeon can use calcium fluorescence x-rays to "light up" the "sphere" of breast tissue that he needs to remove.

Gamma rays are good for people, because they are emitted from raditoactive decay of thallium-201. The doctor puts the patient onto a treadmill and has the person stride until the person is out of breath and his heart rate is very high. At that moment, thallium-201 is injected. Injured heart muscle does not take up Th-201, and shows up as a blank. Th-201 decays by electron capture. That means that there are only gamma rays left to tell the tale.

Some people argue that exposing raw meat to beta-rays(streams of electrons) sterilizes it. Other people think that that is ooky.

2007-07-25 10:47:58 · answer #1 · answered by steve_geo1 7 · 0 0


One of the things that changes the genes that allows evolution is ionizing radiation. Without it evolution might take longer or not be as successful. Strong exposure to ionizing radiation can do a lot of damage and the results are usually harmful mutations, like cancer. A mild long term exposure is more subtle. We don't know all the forces that drive evolution but radiation changing chromosomes is one of them.

2007-07-25 10:14:55 · answer #2 · answered by Dan S 7 · 0 0

Ionizing radiation is used to take x-rays, and kill cancerous cells within the body in cancer treatment procedures. Also, trace elements used to image internal organs also give off ionizng radiation. The positive effects of all of these must be weighed against the negative effects for each patient.

2007-07-25 10:25:20 · answer #3 · answered by CellBioGuy 3 · 0 0

Ionising radiation is used in smoke detectors. The smoke is ionized by the radiation and the sensor detects that the radiation has been involved in ionisation and lost energy. It then makes a sound and gets your attention in the case of a fire.

2007-07-25 10:18:10 · answer #4 · answered by Simon P 2 · 1 0

Sterilization - it is used in water features and ponds to prevent algae from growing - a section of pipe with a window has a strong UV light shining through it and the water flowing past is sterilized.

2007-07-25 10:19:56 · answer #5 · answered by Mike1942f 7 · 0 0

Well ionizing is used for spectroscopy, which can be a very powerful analytical tool. Atomic emission spectroscopy and other forms of emission spectroscopy require ionization.

2007-07-25 10:21:15 · answer #6 · answered by chlaxman17 4 · 0 0

Radiation from the sun synthesizes vitamine D in your skin, one of the reasons that people are happier in the summer is because they have more vitamine D in their system.

2007-07-25 12:51:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It can kill mother in laws.

It can extend the shelf life of fruit.

2007-07-25 10:16:50 · answer #8 · answered by philip_jones2003 5 · 0 0

it makes you horny

2007-07-25 10:18:10 · answer #9 · answered by Wladimir L 1 · 0 1

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