First: I don't agree that the bible "clearly states that it is wrong to be homosexual." The bible is clear about heterosexual men having homosexual sex, but that's different.
Regardless, even if we do say the bible condemns gay people, the bible also condemns overweight people, people who stay in the same house with a woman who is having her period, people who lend money and charge interest, people who plant beans next to their melons in the garden, men who don't stone to death any woman who cheats on her husband, people who eat port or shrimp, .....
I could go on and on.
If fundamentalists are really following the bible like they say they are, why don't they condemn all those other people along with gay people?
I don't hear of the religious "right" trying to pass laws against people who eat bacon or who have different plants in one garden. Why do they pick and choose what scriptures they obey? Don't they have to obey all of them, if they are so interested in what the bible says about gay people?
The truth is, fundamentalists are not Christians. At least they don't act with love like Jesus told them to. They are mostly a political group.
The truth is, God made gay people just like He made str8 people. Maybe God has a special message He wants His gay children to bring to the world.
It is PEOPLE who say homosexuality is wrong, not God.
2007-07-25 07:11:25
answer #1
answered by Acorn 7
Think about this: If it is something you can't help, do you honestly think the Bible would forbid it? If you do believe everything the Bible says is true.
What you're asking me is if you can call yourself a Christian and call yourself a gay, expres that part of yourself and still go to heaven. Well can you knowingly disobey God's law and still go to heaven, even if you ask forgiveness every time? What does it mean to become a Christian? Ask God into your heart and do what? Repent. What does repent mean? Realize you are doing wrong and turn around. So are you really repenting if you are continually repeating the same sin of 'being gay' over and over and over again?
I'm not saying that you can't be gay and go to heaven, I am not God so I really don't know. I'm just giving you some things to think about- I believe that some people were born with a natural tendency to have an attraction toward the same sex, perhaps even a tendency to not be attracted to the opposite sex, but it doesn't mean they have to be gay.
I think God has given us obstacles to overcome and the great mystery called homosexuality might just be one of them.
2007-07-25 07:25:05
answer #2
answered by Bren J 5
Yes, it is possible to be gay and Christian. As for the bible saying homosexuality is bad, "homosexuality" is a recent concept not present back when the bible was originally written. There are many, many interpretations of those barely relevant sections of the bible. On top of that you have to figure in that there are many versions of the bible out there that say different things about it too. On top of that you have different ideas on what part the bible has in living a good Christian life. It's far more complicated than "god hates gays." That's only one interpretation that many would agree only exists because a bunch of intolerant, hateful people perverted their holy text to justify their hate. has a great section dedicated to the subject that I recommend them reading.
2007-07-25 09:47:44
answer #3
answered by carora13 6
What happens if one day they discover that being gay is purely genetic and not social? Did those who wrote the bible understand about genetics? Or did they even understand about psychology. I don't think so. Perhaps Paul who wrote about homosexuality was talking about temple prostitution which was common in those days, perhaps he was saying that straight men who lay down with gay men are doing the wrong thing, or older men who go and pay young male temple prostitutes were committing a wrong. There is evidence of animals having sex with their own gender and not to reproduce, why is that and according to the Christians who made the animals and why would they do that? Well we could go on and on. Can you be a Christian like certain Presidents and yet sign someones death warrant for execution. Is it right that Christians kept slaves? and yet they did. The bible says slaves obey your masters, is that the same bible and the same Christianity. Paul himself was a slave. Well I leave it to you to decide can a person be a Christian and be gay?
2007-07-25 08:18:38
answer #4
answered by Dr Paul D 5
Sexual orientation involves the capacity to fall in love and commit yourself to a relationship, as well as the capacity to have sexual relationships outside of such commitment.
Biblical Christianity did not describe homosexuality that was meant for loving, but instead describes cults that are orgiastic and animalistic. As such, the Bible doesn't really talk about sexual orientation as we now understand it.
Therefore many US churches have found the larger message of the Bible and the Church to be relevant more when including gay people in the fellowship of Christianity. These churches include the United Church of Christ, the Metropolitan Community Churches, the Episcopal Church, and the Unitarian-Universalist Association. In addition, many individual congregations of the American Baptists and the Disciples of Christ have accepted gay men and lesbians as full members.
As you are no doubt well aware, many churches are not so open and accepting of their members who discover that they are gay. Their relationships are not celebrated there. However, in the churches mentioned, the love of a man for another man or a woman for another woman is on par with heterosexual love. And these churches are no less Christian because of this attitude and course of action.
- {♂♂} - {♂♀} - {♀♀} -
2007-07-25 07:41:37
answer #5
answered by NHBaritone 7
In so many ways yes and no.
No- because some of the christian community has no clue on how to deal with someone being gay and they will just shun you out of their church. Trust me I know... personally.
Yes - because the authentic Christians would accept you for who you are, and just continue to pray for you; and believe God you will eventually change you. But they would never turn you away. I go to church, claim to be a Christian, and many people know I am gay. I don't shout it from the rafters, but people at my church do know... and they love me the same.
In full perspective, Christianity teaches not to pass judgment on someone else because God doesn't see the outer person He sees the heart. So those that are truly following Gods word will most likely say something to you ONCE and then just continue to pray for you. But won't turn you away.
Just don't hit on straight guys at church camp (trust me I learned that the hard way)
Good question!
2007-07-25 07:12:27
answer #6
answered by BlazInAZ 3
Yes, of course you can be gay and Christian. God loves everyone. I have a very close relative and many friends who have same sex attraction. Many live with the guilt of their attraction as you discussed in your post. I think a lot of people are either born gay biologically and others are gay because of outside circumstances (too many to list and discuss :) ) It's hard to see people struggle with their sexual orientation especially when it causes them guilt and pain. I don't know the answers- I grieve for my loved ones' pain. The only thing I do know is God loves everyone equally and unconditionally.
2007-07-25 07:43:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
To be honest with you, it's a personal choice. To believe in God and be gay, you know that God will accept you no matter what as long as you accept God. Anyway,
It is not wise for someone to try and change themselves. My ex boyfriend is gay (he's a Southern Baptist). He recently came out of the closet, however, we were together for two years and he barely ever touched me. We were engaged for goodness sake! He made me feel like I wasn't sexy or attractive, so I had a lot of hangups with my current boyfriend. It's not a good idea to lie to yourself because you hurt others as well. I hope this helps! Goodl uck!
2007-07-25 08:36:42
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Yes you can. Many people fail to understand that Christianity is not about sexuality. Christianity and sexuality are two different and unrelated things. Christianity is about love and your relationship with your neighbor. Being gay does not stop you from loving your neighbor, not stealing from him, not lying to him, and helping him out when he needs – all basic and important principles of Christianity. Being gay does not stop you from following the teachings of Jesus Christ and loving him and God with all of your heart. If Jesus cared about sexual orientation, he would spoken about it. He remains silent on the issue. Just apply all of your christian principles to a gay relationship and one should be fine.
2007-07-25 07:58:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
sweetie, its just that people make u believe that God hates gays. he doesnt. I thought God loved all his children. Being gay is not a sin. It's just something different people are born with. i should know. i mean does being handicapped count as a sin?? GOD LOVES ALL, and the frikin homophobes that tell u otherwise are just hiding behind their bible. Just coz someone is born gay, they should be denied of their faith?????
2007-07-25 10:19:54
answer #10
answered by O 1