The factor that affects the size of the atom is the number of layers of inner electrons which have to be fitted in around the atom. Obviously, the more layers of electrons you have, the more space they will take up. Electrons repel each other and that means that the atoms are bound to get bigger as you go down the Group
2007-07-25 09:38:10
answer #1
answered by scott k 4
The number of protons and electrons increases as you progress down. The increasing size is twofold: first, the sheer increase in mass; and second, the repelling force between the protons and (separately) between the electrons cause the atom's nucleus and electron shell, respectively, to increase in size.
2007-07-25 06:56:52
answer #2
answered by Ryan H 6
simply by fact as u pass down the desk, u upload an extra electron orbit onto the factor (in spite of the fact that form of electrons in outermost electron orbital maintains to be the comparable). hence, diameter of each and every atom will boost, standard length boost.
2016-11-10 07:16:15
answer #3
answered by ? 4
another electronic shell is added up therefore the size increases
2007-07-25 06:55:41
answer #4
answered by michelle 2
More protons
2007-07-25 06:56:36
answer #5
answered by Randy G 7