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i'm not sure if i belive in God or not ( still trying to work it out ) but, if there is no God and no heaven to go to, what is the point in life. and if there is no god why are we here.... Now i'm really confused. Please, anyone give me some guidence. I feel soooooo lost in it all

2007-07-24 23:43:11 · 45 answers · asked by Nibbles 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hello everyone, thanks for all your answers. Hopefully i won't be looking for the answer for long. I know i should not feel with my head but my heart.

Thank you all . x you've got me thinking.

now my brain really hurts.

2007-07-26 20:27:12 · update #1

45 answers

I know that you have heard this many of times, but to ratify this you must sit and read for yourself and decide for yourself and search the answers
Don't come on a forum like this and expect sensible answers, because in reality you will not get them.
You will have those who don't believe who will condemn or make fun of you, and those who will tell you what they think,
Look it up for yourself and see

2007-07-24 23:49:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You won't find answers here.

Each person on this site sees the world through a different pair of eyes... and they see different things. They might as well be seeing different worlds.
The only person who can see the world you see is...

... you.

Ask the questions to yourself, then think over an answer.
Almost any answer will do. If you find you got it wrong then you can always change it later.

Most importantly though.... though life doesn't really have a point as such, that is no reason to give up on it. Afterall, death hasn't any more of a point than life does.... so you might as well just stay where you are.
Being lost isn't so bad. When you can put aside your fear of the unknown you are better able to appreciate its beauty.

2007-07-24 23:54:22 · answer #2 · answered by Lucid Interloper 2 · 1 0

all of us keep wondering about that. If anyone had an actual answer to the question "what is the point to all of this?" that mad e sense and could be put into words, there wouldn't be so many different religions. The search for meaning is universal and therefore meaningful in itself. I really like "heavy heart" by Jeffrey Lewis. It always makes me feel a little better. Same with "P.S.: you rock my world" by eels. Also, recently I read "the Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho, a great story about individual purpose and how to deal with it. But ultimately the question will always come back, and I know that an answer will always come as well, though it may not be the same as the last time. Like in this poem by Bokonon:

Tiger got to hunt,
Bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?'
Tiger got to sleep,
Bird got to land,
Man got to tell himself he understand.

2007-07-25 00:16:47 · answer #3 · answered by Ray Patterson - The dude abides 6 · 0 0

Actually, statistics show that nearly 70% of people believe that there is a God (according to surveys taken across a wide range of ethnic, cultural and age groups). Therefore, it is fair to assume that it is much more likely that there is a God than not. Also, logic would suggest that there is- for example, you wouldn't look at a car and expect it to have no creator- how much more a beautiful flower or the complexities of the human body! The best thing to do is to talk to God and ask him to reveal Himself to you. Everyone I know who has tried this approach has ended up finding Him. Take care, live long, and prosper. The shepherd.

2007-07-25 01:46:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

We all have to answer that question at some point in our lives. The answers you will get will be merely what each person has experienced on their journey.

Deep within is where you find your belief or disbelief. If you have that little nagging feeling in the back of your mind of something more out there then you shouldn't ignore it but pursue it.

There is a lot and it is easy to feel lost but you are not alone and you certainly are not lost. Questions about a supreme being will arise and that is a hallmark of a geniune seeker and a spirit that senses the divine.

My path has taken many turns in the road so I can sympathize with you.

2007-07-24 23:50:37 · answer #5 · answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5 · 5 1

Do you feel something tugging at you insides, that is God awaking your spirit and calling you through His Holy Spirit. Read your Bible at least the New Testament or if that's to much the Book of John. Make up your own mind for yourself. God is real and not everyone is called you must be a special person.. Thank God for Jesus

2007-07-25 00:01:49 · answer #6 · answered by klesis 2 · 2 0

you can find all answers in the Holy Quran the last from the God. You can get a free copy of Quran with english translation from Regents Park Mosque(Islamic Cutural Centre).

After reading you will be able to understand the meaning of this life. You will get the right direction to live your life.

2007-07-25 00:38:26 · answer #7 · answered by Dumboo 3 · 0 0

Nibbles, it's not bad to be a thinker but there are really only two logical options to the origins of life. 1) we happened by impersonal force from nothing or 2) We were created by a personal being with purpose and choice. Understanding #2 is the more logical position. 1 has a lot of gaps and unexplanabilities and 2 has all the possibilities. 2 is the theistic position and is the most rational..

2007-07-24 23:53:53 · answer #8 · answered by Who's got my back? 5 · 0 2

the answer only comes from within
as much as i would love to explain to you in great detail the all and everything ,.i cant ,. and no one can . its always personal and no one can possibly give you the ultimate answer because it will be different for each .
i do understand how you feel to the degree of my own perception because like most i have gone through the same thing . i have studies many religions and faiths and when doing so found and felt truth through many writings from many scources and have established a path via the similarities that i found . email me matt@indigolife.org if you are interested in learning moreof what i found i am happy to share . but as i say no one absolutley no one can claim to know the absolute truth because its always down to personal perception . that is not to say that there are not base laws there are .
i am still in study and have concluded only loosly . this is likely to continue as life unfolds .
dont worry yourself about feeling you dont know .
just take a peek around and see what all have to say .
if it makes sense to you and feels true it is likely to be so
when it doesnt it usualy isnt . whichever religion or faith you derive from . remember that each religion is a perception and is always open to personal interpritation .
enjoy your quest for it can be fun

2007-07-24 23:53:31 · answer #9 · answered by matt culling 4 · 1 0

You've got a choice, believe like these sad atheists that there is no point in life at all or believe in God which will give your life some meaning and purpose..He won't let you down but you must give Him a chance.He will prove to you that He is real as he has done to billions before you. The ball is in your court.

2007-07-25 00:10:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Forget about the books and the stories have faith in God and you will not go far wrong, we live to learn, and to continue after this life, man causes the suffering in the world, not God, man has taken the love out of God and replaced it with hate and killing, you will read from many telling you there is no God, but they can not prove it, they just say that because it is far easier to say than to say you do, all i say to you is forget religion, have faith in God, and more so in yourself, and keep an open mind, don't allow yourself to be sucked in to the rubbish that is going on today

Love & peace

2007-07-24 23:52:59 · answer #11 · answered by ringo711 6 · 1 1

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