I agree with you, but they do not represent us like the hateful Christians represent all Christians. Look here on this forum and you find very few honest caring Christians and the rude ones the vocal majority.
I think most people understand this is just rebellion on the teenagers part and they will grow out of it.
I don't think thy really choose Wicca, the ones I know just claim to be a witch and they brag about casting harmfull spells and what a powerful witch they are, and you and I know this is not Wicca. yes, they buy books about Wicca, but they don't pay attention to what is inside.
2007-07-24 23:51:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
They choose Wicca because in some New-Age book, someone said "No one can define Wicca for you" and rather than check to see if that was really the truth, they have taken the ball and run with it.
It is usually the worst of something that people see when they are looking to put something down.
The KKK does not represent all White People
Islamic Fundamentalists do not represent all of Islam
Christian Fundamentalists do not represent all of Christianity
Fluff Bunnies and "Glam-Trad" do not represent all of Paganism
Back in the 60's these folks were called the Lunatic Fringe.
I know it's hard to watch what these folks do "In our name" without cringing, and believe you me, I do complain about how those who do not know what Wicca is, strut around and spout of stuff that is almost a direct quote from some book they read once.
As long as there are those of us who are Wiccan who are willing to say "I'm sorry, that's not Wicca, want to talk about it with a Wiccan?", there will always be another angle on what people see as being Wicca
Me? I am as I have said many times, I'm a Grumpy Old Pagan, I'm fair with those who can back up what they say, everyone else I plan to leave scorch marks on.
2007-07-25 17:47:00
answer #2
answered by Black Dragon 5
I'd like to point out, that not ALL Tennagers, want wicca just for magick and showing off, That was the first reason I wanted this path, but my main reason to continue my spiritual path, I wanted to learn something, I wanted to run away from Chrisitanity, not because I hate them, it's because I wanted to be free, be able to think for myself, There is no God, that will make desicions 4 me, I knew there was a goddess in the wiccan path, that made me proud to be a woman, I also want to educate others on the truth about wicca/witchcraft, it's not some devil worship, or something you see in the movies, When I chose this path, I was much happier. My self-esteem boosted, my confidence rose, and i always knew that the Lord and Lady had my back 24/7.
Some kids choose wiccan for the wrong reason, The only reason i could think of, is they want to be rebels, going against family wishes(it's just a theory)
And Teens like myself, only want this path for the same reason real wiccans chose this path in the first place. Unless they read and abide by The 13 Principles of Belief, AND the Wiccan rede(do what thou wilt, with harm to none), They are the fluffy bunny, not the real deal
2007-07-26 09:23:00
answer #3
answered by BlueLucario 3
There was a lot I could say here, but most of it has been said. They do it to be cool or different, they do it to freak out the parents or other people, or they do it because of the hollywood portrayal of it. You should have seen the people who came to my coven the month that the movie "The Craft" came out. They thought it would look cool in front of their friends to be Wiccan till they found out what was going on.
As another comment to this, what gets to me just as much is people, especially online, who have to make up stories about themselves, or their background, involving things like Wicca. Such as "my family has been Wiccan for 20 generations" in a religion that was created only about 70 years ago. Or I am a 95th degree grand high poobah of Wicca, but they know nothing about the religion. Just gets to me sometime, being someone who put in the time to learn about Wicca, and become a priest of the religion.
Ok.... I just went off on a rant, but you get my point lol. Yes, I do agree with you. Why do they choose Wicca? Because they think it makes them look cool or different.
2007-07-28 04:33:23
answer #4
answered by Lord AmonRaHa 3
Not too long ago I might've been regarded as a "fluff bunny" neo-pagan ,but what truly drew me to this lifestyle is that down to the core it made much more sense than everything else. Its natural, positive, and inclusive. I need that sort of thing in something I can believe in. However, it wasn't a point to gather attention for myself as a witch or anything with such a negative connotation. In actuality I had to hide my beliefs from my parents, peers, and anyone else. Now I see my liberation from those insecurities and find wearing a pentacle somehow concretes what I was forced to hold back in addition that it is a symbol of protection. And yes, I do buy books on Wicca because I happen to read up and learn more. There's no way I can possibly know everything there is to know and I enjoy reading. It parallels the way Christians like to read those Chicken Soup books. I live in the South and know all too much about the Chicken Soup Phenomenon. All my friends had a copy and I was probably the only person who didn't see the big deal. I also don't like to make it a point to convert anyone because I remember hating it when my friends, parents, and worst of all my parents' friends tried to make me be "more religious" and not so "jaded". They saw my indifference towards the Bible as hedonistic and that I needed to be "saved". To tell you the truth I actually did try and get hyped about Christianity ,but everytime I tried there would be a huge hole in the story or I would end up asking why some things are the way they are. I found it to be more dissillusioned than embracing in any degree of the word. I just couldn't find any comfort in it. For awhile I studied other religion and believe it or not Wicca wasn't my first stop on my theological journey. I dabbled in Judaism, flirted with hinduism, found a pretty solid niche in Universalism, and after that I found myself grounded in Wicca. So, about wearing pentagrams it would have absolutely nothing to do with looking cool because I was more likely mugged by a bible group than high-fived any day. My parents, no matter how much explaination given about anything other than Christianity the response was always a recycled banter about how anyone who isn't baptised will go straight to hell. The funny thing was that my parents didn't even know anything about their own religions, my mom being Catholic and my dad being Baptist. They never even went to church except to get married and their kids baptised ,but then they like to pretend for their religious friends. There was one week when they forced the whole family to go to church just to appease all their daffy friends. I couldn't say many of my friends weren't just as closed minded so I never liked to bring the subject up and when they started their preaching I would just roll my eyes and sit quietly. I'm not sure about looking cool when you're the only person you know of in your entire city that even practiced.
2007-07-25 07:02:34
answer #5
answered by Shamalamma! 1
They think Wicca will give them power. That's one reason many Wiccans are abandoning the term Witchcraft, not because it attracts negative attention from outsiders, but because newbs who are obnoxious have a LOT invested in the word witch, and they don't tend to turn up at places where people don't.
2007-07-25 08:19:09
answer #6
answered by LabGrrl 7
Candles, Wicca is NO exception to having rude, nasty folks in our midst. That is why WE, the rational followers of Goddess and God have to make our stand as well. They are young and have'nt enough experience to gain the wisdom that us Elders have acquired. We have to be the role models for the younger Witches and we do that by our OWN examples. Sister, it takes patience and a gentle hand to bring them to that Wisdom. There are an awful LOT of young people seeking wise and gentle teachers. If YOU have what it takes to be a good teacher then join us and pick up the Mantle of teaching our little Brothers and Sisters the REAL ways of our Religion. It's EASY to sit on the sidelines and criticize, the REAL work begins when you take on a student and SHOW them HOW to be a Witch. Teach by your OWN example. Remember, WE too were once YOUNG and pushy in OUR ways too. As we gained experience WE learned how to become effective Witches. They too will learn as they gain experience as well.
Take heart, Candles and be patient.
Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green Witch
2007-07-25 10:02:44
answer #7
answered by Raji the Green Witch 7
Exactly and I also want to ask:
Why must Al Qaeda portray the Islamic religion?
Why must Hitler portray Christianity?
Why must the Zionists in Israel portray Judaism?
Answers are:
Al Qaeda does not represent Islam
Hitler does not represent Christianity
The Zionists in Israel don't represent Judaism
and the 'fluff bunny neo-pagan teenagers' don't represent Wicca.
As long as you follow your religion the way you think is right then it doesn't matter what other members of your religion do.
2007-07-25 06:48:34
answer #8
answered by Hope 5
They choose Wicca primarily for the image of it. It carrys an image of power and self-affirmation for a lot of kids. If you consider the age group, this necessarily carries an anarchic tendency along with it. Kids by nature don't want adults or authority figures telling them what to do. This is why Silver Ravenwolf and the other "fuffy bunnies" do so well amongst that set. They offer a prepackaged product that's all image and utterly lacking in content.
Honestly, we pagans have it easy. Christians have to put up with their kids getting involved in wacky, time-consuming youth groups and then Campus Crusade for Christ. If they're mormons, their youth put on cheesy nametags and bicycle everywhere to tell people about "Heavenly Father's Plan". Muslim kids socially isolate themselves, feel a tremendous amount of disdain for and rejection of the world around them. Some of them end up dreaming of a world where Islam goes full force and takes over the world.
Our pagan youth just wear a lot of crystals, make pretty wands, and have a lot of sex before they're probably ready.
It's not a bad deal really.
Why are you so concerned about the pagan image?
Hail Satan,
2007-07-25 06:36:00
answer #9
answered by The Man Comes Around 5
I do know what you mean. Some people do this kind of thing to get attention for themselves. Most of them dress in all black and act all goth.
The reason that a lot of them choose Wicca is because:
A) they are trying to piss their parents off.
B) They see it as something different and they think that people will be scared of them and leave them alone.
C)Because they can and want to be called a "witch". It sounds cool to someone that wants to be seen as different.
Case in point , the movie "The Craft"
Hopefully they will either grow stronger in their chosen path as they age, or grow out of whatever stage they may be in to upset people. Either way try to talk to them and educate them, offer to answer questions for them. We can't deny them if they truly don't know better.
Blessed Be
2007-07-25 06:45:22
answer #10
answered by Rebecca 5