Most doctrines state that the bible is divinely inspired.
If the Bible were divinely inspired, the human writers wouldn't have to know about dinosaurs, fossils or anything else . . .
. . . GOD WOULD.
Right? I mean it's divinely inspired! Why DIDN'T God inspire the writers to mention these things? It's not as if including these things would have made the Bible any whackier, or less credible, than it already was.
Wouldn't it be great if God told us, via the "divinely inspired" Bible, about dinosaurs, fossils, meteor impacts, continental drift and tectonic plates? As these things became discovered centuries later, it would have awed the masses and made God's divinely inspired word unquestionable. There would be no other competing religions -- no religious wars.
The Bible would then be a true living document -- not an ancient, unchanging document. We'd get periodic confirmation, via new discoveries, that God moved the hands of the Bible's writers. Now THERE is something to believe in!
Human beings are fickle. That's the theme of Exodus. If God really wanted to save us and give us faith, he could have done it more effectively than he did. As your question points out, God really could have done a better job with the Bible.
2007-07-24 19:59:02
answer #1
answered by Seeker 6
The Bible could not have been written completely by eyewitnesses. Look at a literal translation of Genesis 1. God created the universe in 6 days. Man was created on the 6th. Who was eyewitness to the first 5? Right--couldn't happen. So Divine Inspiration is the only possibility, unless you believe that man made the whole thing up.
Many Christians believe that dinosaurs were alive during the first few centuries after creation but were all killed off in the flood. The book of Job also describes two creatures--the Behemoth (40:15-24) and the Leviathan (41:1-11, also mentioned in Isaiah 27:1 among other places). The Behemoth is believed to be the elephant or the hippopotamus, and the Leviathan might be the crocodile, but the definitions could also describe the dinosaurs.
As far as neanderthal man, I have personally found no evidence that they are not in fact human, just with slightly different skeletal and skull structure. Example, southeast Asians genetically have broader skulls than western Europeans; if a European did not know that Asians existed and found their skull, they very well might assume that it was another species, or possibly some ancestor of man.
Neanderthal man was most likely a similar case: a sub-race of humans that genetically had longer arms and larger cranial cavities than we do. For some reason, all of them died off some time ago. But I don't think that if you dressed a neanderthal in a suit and cleaned him up you'd be able to tell that he wasn't "human". If this is so, then neanderthals were not necessarily left out of the Bible, they were just considered human so nobody bothered to differentiate.
2007-07-25 03:26:05
answer #2
answered by SDW 6
God told them all what to write, every word that is in the Bible came from God. There are some verses in the Bible that seem to describe dinosaures before the flood. As for the Neanderthal man, you won't find that in the Bible because that has to do with evolution. Neanderthal men were not a species or anything, it was just the remains of skeletons of people who had diseases or deformities. They are not missing links like the evolutionists believe. If these "missing links" were still alive, you could give them a haircut and modern clothes and they would look just like everyone else.
2007-07-25 03:21:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Men were moved by holy spirit to write what they wrote -
You can clearly see in the so called new testiment - in the books of Kepha (mistranslated as Peter) - just before I, II and III Yahchanan (I, II, III John) which is close to Revelation ... read the books of Kepha and you will see that it was what I told you AND MORE ...
Kepha tells about the Nuclear war that is soon to come that will melt the mountains ...
Anyway - Satan really created the dinosaurs - the were killing machines that our Creator would not have created - Satan created them because she wanted entertainment - entertainment like on the video games today that most sons of the devil lose their selves in ... with the murder and killings, the stompings and the bombings ...
Satan created the dinosaurs for her entertainment - when she was allowed to create things - before Yahweh took that power away ...
then there was the flood - the FIRST FLOOD ... the second was with Noah - the first is found in Genesis chapter 1 where the whole earth was flooded -
I know this probably opened more questions for you than it answered = but; when you seek the truth ... it does that and you will always want to know more ...
Study to show yourself approved ...
2007-07-25 03:17:47
answer #4
answered by aintmyfault 3
You first have to look at the bible as not a whole but as pieces of a whole.
These men did not sit down and decide they were going to write a 'bible' . Most if not some of the 'books' in the bible were letters written to other people. Some were journals and story's (true stories) people had.
Dinosaurs were 'left out' of the bible because they were not what was being written about at the time of there writting. It has NOTHING to do with them not being real or not being important.
2007-07-25 03:09:00
answer #5
answered by LadyCatherine 7
The book of Job speaks of creatures that sound very much like dinosaurs in several different places - naming them behemoth and leviathan.
There are plenty of other things the bible does not mention - that does not make it any less historically accurate. As far as I know, cats are not mentioned in the bible, yet we obviously know they existed and still do - does this make anyone question the bible's historicity?
Neanderthal man's existence is by no means a proven thing. People find bones and then construct best guess theories to go along with them. There is no hard proof that early man was any different from current man.
2007-07-25 03:07:30
answer #6
answered by sharky 4
The Bible states that the Bible is inspired or "God-breathed" to 40 authors over 1600 years. The wonderful thing about that is that they all link with one another. No one contradicts another (some will say they do, but that's said out of ignorance of the Word of God), and that 2000 of 2500 prophecies have already come true down to the littlest detail.
Dinosaurs are mentioned as beasts - read Job 40, especially verse 17 where it speaks of huge tails, large legged animals eating grass. "tails like cedars [trees]"
Neandrethal man, read about the men who lived in a place called Edom (now Jordan) who dwelt in caves. Actually, many of the people of the early Bible years lived in either tents or caves.
2007-07-25 04:02:08
answer #7
answered by jamieoh 3
Well, maybe God didn't need to mention them. The world between the time of Adam and Noah was very corrupt. So if the world was so corrupt that God felt the need to "start over" with Noah and his family, it is not only possible, but logical that the dinosaurs were around during that period and were destroyed.
No conflict here - there are no dinosaurs now are there?
In Genesis our English translation uses the word "void" in Genesis before God started creating, but the actual word in the Hebrew language is aword that means total chaos. It is conceivable that both the Big Bang Theory and creation on this planet are not in conflict at all.......
When God created man, he put him in a GARDEN. Why did he need a garden for them? Could it be because things were still chaotic in places. After all man was suppose to have dominion and multiply and cover the earth. He was suppose to extend that Garden to cover the planet - to establish order/ dominion.
There are places in the old Testament that it is unclear what is meant. Just because the writers didn't use the word neanderthal doesn't mean they aren't in there, but given that they aren't here now and were on the earth for a short time, what would you like to be said of them?
The Bible was pretty specific about a lot of things. They were told not to eat or touch dead things and given specific intstructions about washing plates, themselves, etc. So thousands of years before the first bacteria was viewed in a microscope - God's people knew how to avoid them.
With our present understanding of disease, germs, etc. we take these instructions for granted. God didn't have to explain it to them just instructed them to obey - now of coarse we know why he gave all those instructions....
2007-07-25 03:31:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
To put this simply and in the most objective terms The Bible has been rewritten and translated through so many languages and through so many different interpreters it really doesn't matter if God him/herself wrote it in sharpie on a bathroom stall. The meaning and intention of whatever it was to begin with is undoubtedly way too different than what it is today. So many people argue that as long they are reading the "original version" , King James, it doesn't matter because its the original ,but they never seem to consider how many languages it had to go through to become what they hold in their hands now. Not only that ,but it would be absurd to believe that the people who were translating it had no outside influences or motives when rewriting. Its like a giant game of telephone in which the outcome is the effluence of the mainstream public belief system. If you ask me that's downright dangerous. In addition to those interpreters the church often took out sections of it and put in their own spin on things. Today the bible is no more than a glorified gossip mag.
2007-07-25 03:05:42
answer #9
answered by Mushaw! 3
ok well someone where in the bible (the exact place escapes me) it says that a day to god is like 1000 earth years so when god made man he could started with a rough idea and molded the rest little by little and as for the time peroid well if you notice they keep finding older and older "species" of man so no one can really be sure we werent around @ the same time as the dinosours also it syas that the serpent tricked adam and eve well in picutes most dinsours have legs and after the serpent tricked tricked eve god punsihed it to slither on the ground and if you look today there isnt more than one or two lizards that travel higher than 2 feet from the ground
2007-07-25 03:04:57
answer #10
answered by the JGG 2
Th Bible was God inspired. In revalations, it is even made clear that the writer was told to record a vision they saw.
As for dinosaurs, lots of Christians beleive that they lived amongside men. Not many specific animals are mentioned. Just because nobody ever says "duckbill platypuss" doesn't mean the bible says the don't exist. Same goes for dinosaurs.
2007-07-25 03:04:26
answer #11
answered by netbug009 4