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can hitting the heavy bag for a good 30 minutes a day build your upper body muscles, aswell as strengthening them?

2007-07-24 18:29:01 · 10 answers · asked by JD 3 in Sports Boxing

10 answers

No sir. It will tone your muscles for sure, especially the shoulders and the arms, but it won't do much to build mass or muscle size. The ONLY way to build muscles is to do progressive resistance training, i.e. lifting weights.

2007-07-24 18:43:22 · answer #1 · answered by bundini 7 · 0 0

It will surely benefit you but not really make you build muscle. It can help you increase your power though. Power is essentially strength combined with speed. The faster you can throw your hands, the more power you can build. It will also work your tendons and ligaments, not in a strength way so much as a conditioning way.

It is surely good to work the bag with proper technique, handwork, footwork, and combinations. If you are looking for upper body muscles though, weightlifting and healthy eating habits will help with that.

2007-07-25 12:10:55 · answer #2 · answered by supadrunk 2 · 0 0

Yes it has the potential to but depends from where to where we are talking about. If you are a guy who really needs a workout sure it will build up a certain degree of muscles on arms, shoulders and chest, and increase their strength and core strength.

Generally from a 'body building' or strength building point of view it is not useful exercise.So if you want to bulk up or be a weight lifter-no.

2007-07-25 03:12:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Any constant pressure or force being sustained to contract a muscle will definately increase cell replication and enlarged muscle cells. Lifting weights however requires much more muscle and so lifting weights is the best way to build big muscles.

2007-07-25 19:53:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

for a beginner the heavy bag may build a small amount of muscle. the heavy bag is for muscular endurance so your puches will be just as hard in the last round as they were in the first. it will tone your arms though.

2007-07-25 23:42:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Trained: NO (more resilient body needs flexion and contraction to stimulate growth)
Untrained: YES (less resilient body may experience grown with only flexion)

Humans are the most adaptable creatures on the planet and they must adapt to a higher stress and higher work load. Now if you had a bag that you could gradually increase the weight and hardness on, and you worked on hitting it harder each time - then I think you would.

2007-07-25 17:03:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It will build your upper and lower body muscles if you work it right. You won't get big, puffy, unusable muscles- you will get long, lean, endurable muscles.

2007-07-25 03:49:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes zir .... when u puch your working your arms and chest , also when u punch , correctly atleast it works your abs , but yeah definetally , but id also suggest some push ups , and pull ups if u dont have weights , but if u do id suggest some light weight lots of reps curls , and trysep exercises , ne way depending on wut your at right now , if u do that for a while regaurdless u shed see results , hope this helped

2007-07-25 01:37:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

most of your power comes from your legs/feet, hips, and shoulders...

That is if you you are doing it right. Your chest and arms should not get a workout.

2007-07-25 01:34:04 · answer #9 · answered by Nick D 3 · 0 2

it biulds strength and stamina

2007-07-25 04:04:26 · answer #10 · answered by chad p 1 · 0 0

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