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Maria, my domestic servant, is a lovely girl. I would hate to lose her. In fact, she has been with me for a couple of years now and instinctively knows my preferences.

The problem is that she got married recently, you see. Now when I pinch her bottom she dosn't squeal and giggle as before, but has the nerve to request that I stop my advances. Sampling her charms has always been a pleasent distraction.

I would hate to lose Maria as my servant over her insolent attitude. Aside from the aggravation of training new help to my preferences, it would also be difficult to find another one of such exquisite beauty.

It would be a shame to lose her. Any suggestions?

2007-07-24 18:10:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Etiquette

10 answers

Remove your hand. Now, open your eyes.

That's it ... now you are awake you can return to your actual life and your job at McDonald's.

Cheers! :-)

2007-07-24 19:04:50 · answer #1 · answered by thing55000 6 · 5 0

Fire her. Once they're married, I always find, that they are ruined goods anyway. They forget who the boss is and start making obscure requests such as "time off" and "private lives". Phfff! The same exact thing happened to my pool boy Rico.

2007-07-25 02:10:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Your the insolent(abusive)one. Keep your hands off the hired help.Paying her a wage to work for you doesn,t include sex or touching.For those services call a prostitute to take care of your needs instead.,cheapo!A married woman is off limits to everyone.People like you need psychiatrists.

2007-07-25 06:28:33 · answer #3 · answered by warriorbabe 4 · 1 0

Well our help Constanza recently got married to a Gardener, so we fired our Gardener (who sucked anyways) and hired him, now he lives with her in their room way upstairs, and by the way, thats disgusting! sexually harassing the help! Eww, get a life and hope she doesn't sue you! She's not being insolent she's just sick of your disgusting sexual harassment but is just afraid to tell you your a dumbass and a perverted freak so she won't lose her job! Psychopath!

2007-07-25 01:43:51 · answer #4 · answered by Skipper 2 · 2 0

Give her a raise or offer her husband a job as well, one hates to lose good help.

2007-07-25 01:26:09 · answer #5 · answered by Goat Princess 2 · 2 0

Eat your trust fund! I hope your servant is courageous enough to sue you!

2007-07-25 01:18:55 · answer #6 · answered by meg g 3 · 1 0

Sexual assault is a serious criminal offence. I hope you have a good lawyer.

2007-07-25 01:15:53 · answer #7 · answered by tentofield 7 · 2 1

Pay her extra.

2007-07-25 03:17:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're a wacko!

2007-07-25 01:13:52 · answer #9 · answered by beanie_babymama 5 · 0 1

the death penalty

2007-07-25 05:02:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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