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You say the Holy Spirit leads you, but there are over 250 protestant denominations all contradicting each other.

Each individual contradicts the next individual. So much for "one faith, one baptism, one lord.?"

Even the Reformers couldn't agree. Yet Jesus asked for his Church to be one. Yes that included doctrine and teachings.

2007-07-24 16:41:20 · 9 answers · asked by hossteacher 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

My mom's Presbyterian preacher did this whole sermon on how Christianity has been hurt because everyone's trying to hard to be individuals and not paying attention to the church. He said we needed to stop being selfish and put the church ahead of ourselves. I told him after the service that if that was true then maybe Martin Luther should have been paying attention and that the preacher should be a priest.

2007-07-25 13:37:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know what the Bible says by reading it and studying it.

There are indeed many Protestant denominations who disagree on minor points. However they all profess to believe in God, Jesus rising from the dead, the Holy Spirit, Baptism, the "Roman Road to Salvation". They all recognize that "the church" includes all of us believers, not just those of a particular denomination.

It amazes me that one husband and one wife can't always be in perfect harmony, but yet, millions of Christians across the world are expected to be.

2007-07-25 00:27:24 · answer #2 · answered by †LifeOnLoan† 6 · 0 1

Most Protestants who profess to follow the teachings of the Bible pick and choose what they believe. Some choose to focus on the 'believe in me' part, and think that's all they need to do to go to Heaven. Others read the sermon on the mount and actually believe in turning the other cheek, giving to the poor, being humble. Pat Robertson is a billionaire. Jesus said "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24). If you believe in the LITERAL truth of the Bible, poor (rich) Pat hasn't got a prayer.

2007-07-25 00:14:09 · answer #3 · answered by Daniel E 4 · 2 0

The holy spirit only helps with interpretation. The standard by which all things are judged is the Bible in its original language.

Most disagreements come because people are unwilling to give up their preconcieved notions of things and accept the Bible at its word. It can be sad. But it causes me to pray for discernment and for undersanding and compassion.

2007-07-24 23:46:28 · answer #4 · answered by lovingdaddyof2 4 · 0 0

in some way ur rite because Jesus did ask his Church to be One Body, but as time went one we let petty issues split us into separate groups but for the most part all Protestant Christians have the same beliefs.

2007-07-24 23:45:57 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth L 2 · 0 1

one faith, one baptism, one lord.

Actually in spite of many doctrinal disagreements, all Christian denominations should have those things in common. The rest is just details.

Speaking of contradictions, you just might want to check your own church history.

2007-07-24 23:46:15 · answer #6 · answered by The GMC 6 · 0 2

I think you are right about all the other denominations.....the Catholic Church isn't any more right. If anything, it's worse. I am sick of all of it. I just want to know Jesus for who He is and not worry about a bunch of people trying to yell over each other.

2007-07-24 23:45:17 · answer #7 · answered by 4 Shades of Blue 4 · 2 2


have a problem with any of that!

If you do, you just put down ATHEISTS and AGNOSTICS and SCIENTISTS along with PROTESTANTS

2007-07-24 23:44:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Your statements are evidence of your lack of knowledge.

2007-07-24 23:46:21 · answer #9 · answered by L.C. 6 · 0 3

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