It could have been a migraine. My mom and my friend get migraines that cause flashes of light in their vision but nobody else can see them. I used to get them at times too.
2007-07-24 16:02:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you only saw it once, then odds are against any spirit connection. If you see it often during, say, a two-week or two-month period, then I would look for clues and connections with something or someone significant to your current life situation. It may then be a trigger or message or indicator from the beyond by a strong spirit who has found a method, however limited, to signal someone like you who tends to be more receptive than most to such signals. But the signal alone doesn't provide the answer to the more difficult task of interpreting the meaning of it. Chances are the message isn't for you, but for you to relay to someone the spirit knows you can come in contact with. But there are basically a thousand earthly explanations for this seemingly unexplainable occurrence. Just because you remember it and tell the story to others without explanation doesn't make it extraordinary or extraterrestrial. Just unexplainable...Good Luck.
2007-07-24 23:20:52
answer #2
answered by Kentucky Dave 6
yea ! I as with a freind long ago and we went to this spooky road called (Shades of Death) (REAL NAME) and we went in the woods that was dark and had a low cast fog , all of a sudden 2 small lights that went whirrr flew over our heads .That Scared the **** out of us! I do think they were very small flying saucers, There were no houses around for miles! If you dont beleive me ! Who cares
2007-07-24 23:12:16
answer #3
answered by DagNaggit limpuladerfy II 4
yeah, the people here who didn't see it can really tell if it was a spirit guide, or someone's flashlight.
of course, religious people, in their pathetic mindlessness, will tell you whatever they want you to hear, even though they weren't there to see ANYTHING.
2007-07-24 23:06:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Possibly. God is always there now matter what, and he shows his guardianship in mysterious ways.
2007-07-24 23:04:15
answer #5
answered by Julia 5
Ask a shrink.
2007-07-24 23:01:19
answer #6
answered by bullwinkle 5
No, it was the ghost of a marshmallow.
2007-07-24 23:02:04
answer #7
answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5
It could have been. Has it ever returned? Have you communicated with it?
2007-07-24 23:01:49
answer #8
answered by Richard B 7
It very well could have been.
2007-07-24 23:05:14
answer #9
answered by Soul Shaper 5
It was Casper.
2007-07-24 23:02:39
answer #10
answered by Stargazer 3