Religious people are hypocritical. They have to be, since religion itself is critical.
Most religions preach acceptance and love, but only for people who are of the same religion. They have a much harsher, more hateful stance towards other people.
Religion has been the biggest cause of death and genocide in all of history. Religion is inherently hateful.
2007-07-24 15:44:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you will read Romans 1st chapter this will tell us all about this subject. Let us come back to God he loves us he is telling us these things so that we can change and give God the glory not the creature. This is just some of the scriptures.
Romans 1: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vane in their imaginations, and ther foolish heart was darkened. 22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. 23. and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into and image made like unto a corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beast, and creeping thinks. 24. Where God also gave them up to uncleanness, through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. 25. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever Amen. 26. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27. and likewise also the men , leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving into themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. 28. and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
2007-07-25 00:10:02
answer #2
answered by Ron 3
no..they are still Christian, and they feel (along with help from the Devil) that what they are doing is what God wants..and 90% of them don't read their Bibles daily, go to church maybe once a year or on special occasions death, and they don't know what
God wants, they feel empowered . and they are the very type that cause others to get discouraged in the church, and because of this attitude.....people that were young(newly born Christians)see all this going on in the church with people that were suppose to be committed to God and living their life as an example to others..they can be forgiven...but what about the ones they caused to go in DIFFERENT DIRECTION...PEOPLE JUST DON'T REALIZE WHAT HARM THEIR ACTIONS CAN CAUSE, LEFT UNCHECKED
hate is still one of the biggest problem in this world and where their is prejudgdist, there is of our fellow man is rapidly going down the toilet and emptying into hell
2007-07-24 23:37:32
answer #3
answered by purpleaura1 6
They are only using Christianity as a cover-up. In some ways, more than one some groups start their own "Christian" church and coalition to advertise their hate towards homosexuals. (ex. people. Heard them on the Howard Stern show a few years ago expressing their own hateful opinions on gays, but mixing it with their own form of Christian beliefs outside Orthodox Christianity)
2007-07-24 22:53:54
answer #4
answered by Daemon 4
You are absolutely right! These people are hypocrites, pure and simple.
Since they're gonna nitpick someone else's sexual sins, what do you think if someone asked about their OWN sexual sins? I mean, how many of them, if they're single, are virgins? And if they're married, how many actually waited until their wedding night to have sex for the first time? And if they're divorced, why are they saying anything, since Jesus himself forbade divorce? Why the nitpicking about sexual sin in the first place, when Jesus himself hardly spoke of it? Certainly sexual sin exists, but there are other worse sins, much worse.
Hypocrisy, that's why they nitpick about the splinter in someone else's eye, when they have a log in their own.
2007-07-24 22:49:31
answer #5
answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6
Well it makes them human. They make mistakes just like the rest of us. It just happens that they have many people that they look up to in authority roles that are telling them this, so they feel they are somehow more devoted to God and a good life if they spread their word of hate.
I don't think Jesus would be too happy if he attended many of the church services. He'd probably rip the place apart like he did in the bible stories.
God loves them just as much as the rest of us, despite their failings.
2007-07-24 22:47:08
answer #6
answered by ∞ sky3000 ∞ 5
You can tell a true Christian by their words . Not everyone that claims Lord, Lord is a true Christian . You are right no one has the right to judge only God. He says that you will be judged by the measures that you judge. I cringe when i hear people tell others that they are going to hell. That person may very well be going there first.
2007-07-24 22:47:32
answer #7
answered by ckrug 4
no, if they do not sodomize, then it's not a sin...but if you lust after the same sex, it's just the same as lusting for the opposite.
If you're gay and you don't act on your urges, there is no difference between that and single straight people...
They wont go to Hell if they ask for forgiveness, of course. these people aren't ANTI-Christians, technically, just ones who use His word the wrong way...also, it's not a sin to "twist" your own religions beliefs...protestants have been doing it for many years, even the Catholics...
2007-07-24 22:46:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The problem lies in the word "love". If you are using the Hollywood definition of love it is really synonomus with lust and is a sin. If you are using the Bible definition of love it is synonomus with giving. "For God so loved the world, that He GAVE..." If you loved a homosexual, you would be seeking with all your heart to see them delivered from the slavery of homosexuality.
2007-07-24 22:48:26
answer #9
answered by oldguy63 7
Yeshua says to love your neighbor as yourself, but he didn't say that man should sleep with a man or a woman should sleep with a woman. It is an abomination to G-d, period.
It is not okay to kill and it is not okay for a man/woman to rape a child either. So what really is your point here? Christians who do go there and condemn you, but not only are they condemning you, G-d says not to do those things. He didn't make man to love a man or woman to love a woman, he made a man to love a woman. Adam and Eve.
2007-07-24 22:52:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Well, as an atheist, I'm the anti-christ. Me and Nietzche and the other atheists of Yahoo Answers. Most of us have found that religion makes no sense. I mean, you think they should be eliminated because being gay is a "sin", yet killing is a "sin'', so nothing is going to happen. Basically you're stuck, and that's why I'm atheist.
2007-07-24 22:45:42
answer #11
answered by dark_forsaken_wolf 3