My favorite passages are Amos 5:21-24 and James 2:14-18. One expresses God's opinion of worship detached from social obligation. The other questions the value of a feel-good faith that solves no practical problems. One of the pifalls of the doctrine of "sola fide" is the perception that, since good works can't save us, they are unnecessary. But if faith is to have any meaning, it must motivate radically compassionate action.
It is said that a prophet has two tasks, to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. Too many religionists concentrate on the comfort and neglect to get out in the productive, risk-taking zone of true peace and justice. The "repentance" John and Jesus preached was "metanoia", a "change of heart", a new way of thinking and living. To be Christian is to die to the convenience of self-interest and wake up to a world of outreach and self-sacrifice. Jesus said: "Not everyone who cries out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter my kingdom, but only those who do my Father's will."
2007-07-24 11:45:52
answer #1
answered by skepsis 7
" Real Christians often sacrifice themselves for the better good"
And that's how you know you've not really run into real Christians until you come across those who truly sacrifice themselves to love others and do God's will. So that means that all the others are deceived, deceiving themselves, and deceiving others. They haven't truly repented. So don't blame the terrible things that people do who merely call themselves Christians but do not act like true Christians. Real Christians shouldn't be grouped in so superficially. Look at how real Christians love, suffer long, labor, pray, know and apply God's Word, and are kind for the glory of God. True Christians were never apart of the horrible things that took place in times past and the "religious hate" that takes place today. It was those who fraudulently named the name of Christ and in the name of God committed horrible deeds. Those people then and now will have their eternal fate sealed by the deeds that gave a false testimony of God and Christ!
2007-07-24 18:49:27
answer #2
answered by drivn2excelchery 4
I don't believe you. Chistians are to follow Jesus, not what some Yokal thinks is just. Nowhere does Jesus direct anybody to protect the weak or the innocent, not even the Good Samaritan Parable. Real people often sacrifice themselves for others, not only the Christians! That there should be no guilt in not helping someone while you obviously feel it, its your cross, please stop imagining all Christians are like you.
2007-07-24 19:11:53
answer #3
answered by Marcus R. 6
Why? This God bloke doesn't give give a toss, so why should we? Oh, hang on, we do. We donate money, we volunteer, we look after those closest to us. But still some of the best people you know are in a hospice dying of cancer right this very minute. About to die any day now before they've had the chance to enjoy their retirement. RH, we're thinking of you.
Care for others, but enjoy your own life too. You never know when it's going to end.
2007-07-24 18:41:40
answer #4
answered by caldini 3
The only thing that gets you into heaven is following Jesus teaches. If not, unfortunately you go to another place for eternity. The best reference the core teachings is in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus lays out what it means to be a Christian in there.
2007-07-24 18:37:10
answer #5
answered by marcusromus 1
The point is that none of us are perfect. So that's the key to your question. THE POINT IS THAT perfection only can win over the old sin nature and Jesus was the only perfect one. Christians are people who have responded to Jesus in Gods grace. We are to respond to God and part of our response means that we interact via the Holy spirit to grow in God.
If you are reading the bible and think perfection is the only way then you are wrong. Jesus is the only way and that's in his grace. You see we can not get there with out him. The old testament contains the commandments and they are really there to point to Jesus. They show us that we can only look to him. There are loads of places in the old testament pointing to Jesus being the only way.
Also good works don't get us to heaven.
Great question ta
by the way the corrie ten boon books are fantastic
2007-07-24 18:51:10
answer #6
answered by : 6
I think that a lot of the German people, did not know anything about the holocaust, until it was over. And the German people were afraid as well,I read one woman was in a shop with her new baby, and the shopkeeper said, another one for cannon fodder. He was reported and sent to a labour camp.
2007-07-24 18:49:35
answer #7
answered by ? 5
Lessee.....I have to defend the innocent
I have no idea what you're on about.
In any case, any good work that I do will not get me to heaven. None. Isaiah 64:6 says that all of our good deeds are as menstrual cloths. (see links below)
The ONLY way is by the grace of God through faith in His Son Jesus Christ.
2007-07-24 18:45:50
answer #8
answered by NickofTyme 6
some people believe in god and are not christian...everyone has a moral obligation to be fair to another human with or without religion... i do not think god has anything to do with making a moral choice...i think it depends on the person , there are many good people with incredible morals who do not believe in god at all. and then you have your Christians who claim to be moral who are at the local bar every Friday night with someone who is not their spouse. either you are brought up to do the right thing or you are not, and as i said many who do have morals have no god in their life
2007-07-24 18:42:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
People are always asking what a 'real' Christian is. The answer is given by Jesus. "You are My friends IF YOU DO AS I COMMAND. So yes, you are right. Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' will enter into God's Kingdom.
2007-07-24 18:40:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous