I agree with MOST of what you say BUT, remember the words of General George S. Patton Jr. who told his warriors "Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country". Remember these words, I as a citizen who loves America as you do want you back here to after your service to enjoy what you fought for.
2007-07-29 18:07:40
answer #1
answered by Gardner? 6
Your first question is not racist, but some of the other stuff you said is. Like " Mexico is a poor and corrupt country." Well, America is a rich and poor and corrupt country. We as a nation seem to focus on the little things and maintain a very myopic vision of the more important problems. To much Fox "news" stirring up stupid things like immigration, gay marriage and illegal prayers in public school etc.
We should be talking about IMPEACHING the law breaking president and his cabinet of venomous no good nicks. Also getting out of this religious pseudo "war" for oil, greed and money!!
2007-07-28 12:10:20
answer #2
answered by chuck b 4
The best defense against the future you are worried about is to become aware of politics. When you see or read a politically loaded news story, start doing some research to see what else you can learn. What you will usually find is that the story was slanted and just skimmed the surface of the subject it covered. By learning the rest of the story, you will be able to make an informed decision as to what you believe is right or wrong & you'll be able to tell your Congress Critters what you think they should be doing.
An uninformed electorate is the best refuge of a corrupt government
Congress does listen to opinions. Ther decisions are guided by what they think their constituents are saying. Lobbyists influence can be diluted if the Senators & Representatives think that you the voter is watching.
It would be racist to think that a particular race will bring America's downfall. But that is not true. It is the culture that you do not want imported. That cultural attitude is held by White Mexicans, just as the American culture is held by Americanized Hispanics. Many of the worst scandals in US history have been designed and implemented by White Americans. Be aware and be involved.
The traditions of Mexico such as Day of the Dead & Christmas can be celebrated by Americans without diluting American values. We have absorbed and Americanized many traditions from many cultures. This multi-culturalism is one of our strengths. It is the corruption in government, church and daily life that we need to fight. Direct your anger at corrupt public servants, religious leaders & popular role models portraying corruption as good.
2007-07-29 09:20:54
answer #3
answered by Fritz 3
Thank you for the service that you wish to give to this country. I only hope that there will be no war, when you enter the service. I am against illegal AND legal immigration because we have far too many non-Americans here now.
Don't be so certain that we are in a war against terrorism. September 11th, 2001 was an assault against the United States on the part of between 19 and 30 pilots and terrorists in planes. We have no proof that Osama Bin Laden or Al Qaida was even involved. We got that information from George W. Bush and Tony Blair. That was based on their intelligence, the same intelligence that told us that Iraq was a danger to us because of weapons of mass destruction. It gave George Bush the American unity that he needed because up until recently, the Amedrican electorate has re-elected him and a Republican congress (until October 2006).
Nice going, America. It doesn't take too many brains to put things over on you!
2007-07-29 08:54:13
answer #4
answered by OTR 2
No it is not racism to love this country and I applaud you for your up coming enlistment. I'm against illegal immigration as well because I too love this country and see no good from the illegal immigration issue, I believe they should follow the rules and regulations of this wonderful country. They should be sent back to Mexico and we need to greatly enforce our borders. Again, thank you for helping to protect this great country. The best of luck.
2007-07-29 10:25:40
answer #5
answered by Joan J 6
wow, after you said that you want white people to stand up to Hispanic people, like being racist against them. and no, you are not racist to "love" America, no one is saying that.
I'm American too my friend, a Mexican American/Hispanic American, whatever, my grandparents too, and they fought for this country a long time ago in previous wars and we continue to fight the hate that exits against illegal immigrants. They are people too, they only want to live a better off life, not to hurt America or Americans. There are far worse people here hurting Americans and America more. Look at the media, look at these rappers who defame and degrade black women, and women in general.
There are far more important things for you to "worry" about then illegal immigrants, there's a war going on over there in Iraq, and you know that, and that's the biggest problem facing the US. I just don't like that people compare an illegal immigrant mother to an Al Queda terrorist.
2007-07-24 11:45:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The only people who are for the Amnesty Comprimise of letting all the illegals in for free, are, 1) Illegals, and 2) people who have something to gain, i.e. big corporations. The average american could care less what ethnic background the immigrant is, just as long as they are legal. We are dumping a huge amount of money into social services, that will never be replaced due tio illegals. That means when we are old and need those services that are rightfully ours. They wil be used up. Think about this. A illegal that is over 65, who is granted citizenship from this amnesty agenda, is elligible to recieve social security even though they never put a dime into it. multiply that person by the 40 to 50 million who is expected to come over once the first 12 million are legal. That means we are out in the cold. Wake up america. The only defense they have is to call people racist. Why dont they call the mex government racist when they dont let americans in. Think about that.
2007-07-24 09:25:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no, you're not a racist, you're a realist. You are absolutley right both in your thinking, and in your belief in a strong America. We need controlled immigration into America, not uncontrolled invasion. I don't care where the person immigrates from, that isn't the point, we mostly refer to the illegals coming in from Mexico, because they are the biggest problem. And, don't let rhetoric from politicians fool you. We could have our borders closed whithin 6 months if they really wanted too. They are all afraid to stand up cuz it migh cause them to lose the votes from that particular group. Well, boo hoo. They'd gain more votes from the rest of the country. But for some reason, it seems like in order to be a "politician" you have to have your backbone removed. Let's do away with the current 2 party elections all together. It should be non partisan all the way. I don't care what "political party" you belong to, I care about what you are going to do for america.
2007-07-24 09:29:04
answer #8
answered by randy 7
No, that is being nationalist - not racist.
My friend, I don't like illegal immgration either. But don't get me wrong, America is still a great nation, but it is becoming more and more corrupt because of the people in power. Illegal immigration should not be allowed, and the rules and the current system should be changed so that it will remove the incentives that makes illegal immigration worth while.
1. Remove birth-right citizenship. This is what's allowing most of the illegals to stay and get benefits that legals get.
2. Remove free education and health benefits for illegals - this is what makes them want to stay.
If you fix the current system and remove the incentives, it will drastically reduce the amount of new illegal immigrants.
2007-07-24 10:49:48
answer #9
answered by Think Richly™ 5
If you want an up close and personal view of "racism"
take a very close look into this Hallmark of the Hispanic Icon "La Raza" --- and then, they turn around and have the gall to call anyone else "racist" !!!
They come to this country illegally, take from the public dole and funds that they never contributed a dime to -- and do so to GET AWAY from the mess that IS Mexico -- and then they wave the Mexican flag as if it is something for them to be proud of !! What the hell is THAT ??
American Hispanics ARE Americans !! They have fought and died at our elbow for the rights they are due --- they pay their taxes and they do their work --- and they have taken loyalty to this country to heart and many have taken the loyalty Oath !! We are family !! These others are nothing more than a hoard of "bennie" grabbers -- looking to take advantage of every allowable handout that our slack-butt Congress coughs up !!!
It is NOT racist to stand up for your country and its sovereignty -- and if this North American Union thing is allowed to stand -- that is something that will be a thing of the past here --- our sovereignty !!!!!! Death before dishonor !!!
2007-07-24 09:42:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous