There's still time to find out he's innocent (I'm still smarting over the Duke Lacrosse team.)
But if he is guilty, he needs to be prosecuted, and kicked out of the NFL. Not for revenge, but because dog fighting is against the law, and the NFL has to keep itself clear of criminal activity.
(I'm being a little hypocritical, since I'm a Bengals fan! Sorry!)
Personally, we can forgive him, but we also need to keep activities like Dog Fighting at a minimum.
2007-07-25 15:41:51
answer #1
answered by Mr. Bad Day 7
Dogfighting is cruel. He should get 5 years hard time for that MINIMUM... and when I say hard time- well... you know what I mean... lets just say he'll have to lean to one side for a few years after his release.
I don't think lack of faith or faith has anything to do with the fact that what he did was encourage a bloodsport between two animals who probably lived in cages their whole lives. Animals aren't toys. Just because we are smarter than them does NOT give us the right to torture and destroy them.
While serving a stint with the milwaukee chapter of the alliance for animals (ugh- I'll never do that again) I worked at an animal sanctuary... where many of the losing dogs now lived. These dogs had missing limbs, eyes, ears, scars everywhere, they were violent and unpredictable... those dogs were left so badly beaten they didn't even stand a chance in a home situation as a pet... the only alternative to the sanctuary was the needle- which may have been a better move (had the dogs been able to make that call).
People might ask how is food processing any different- it isn't... especially where factory farming is concerned... BUT we get food from that. While it doesn't make it okay, it doesn't make it any less necessary. We eat other animals- this should be one of the very few occasions where this behavior is justified... sheer entertainment is not. I hope Vick's name is on every no-hire list for every employer in the US... It should be considered a swear word.
Yeah... I'd say justice (not vengeance) is probably due here.
2007-07-24 15:29:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
1) For some crimes (robbery, theft, for example), forgiveness would be the proper thing. However, 'vengence' would be more appropriate for this case. If the allegations are true, then what this man did is a horrible thing - putting innocent, lovable dogs in a situation in which they were trained to fight.
2) Regardless of our beliefs, we should all have a respect for life.
2007-07-24 15:26:51
answer #3
answered by Nowhere Man 6
This is just an example of the atheist media attacking a Christian. Do you honestly think that if Michael Vick was not an outspoken Christian that this would even be an issue.
The Bible tells us God gave us authority over animals.
2007-07-24 15:33:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I love football and I love Michael Vick. I also love dogs and I think this behavior is cruel and reprehensible. I also think most people are so outraged because they didn't realize the popularity and the longevity of this racket. I do think he should be punished, but I'm getting a little tired of people acting like he sunk the titanic. It's bad, but not that bad.
2007-07-24 15:31:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No forgiveness, this isn't the case of someone making a mistake, this is a lifestyle he has lived for years and I believe has been a catalyst in the "sport".
He has lost millions of dollars of future earnings and endorsements and I couldn't be happier about that. I hope this trial cost him most of the money he has and I hope he is punished to the full extent of the law
He's a classless jerk
2007-07-24 15:36:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Justice upon confirmation of guilt. Jail time (not that that will happen). Heavy Financial penalties.
I always wonder about people that have the capability to injure animals, how do they deal with humans?
2007-07-24 15:25:31
answer #7
answered by TriciaG28 (Bean na h-Éireann) 6
I think even though there has been alot of info about hs involvement he is innocent until proven guilty and he hasn't been proven in a court of law and yet he is being hung out to dry. Sad he is not getting due process--
2007-07-24 15:27:15
answer #8
answered by Southern Comfort 6
The law is the law,, if you break the law you need to pay the price,, He is master over his home and family so he should make sure that they do right not wrong,, and if he profits from what his family did then he is as guilty as if he did it...
2007-07-24 15:27:35
answer #9
answered by dolphinchic 3
Has he asked for forgiveness? If so, who from? Personally, I would like to see him dealt with just as harshly as he dealt with those poor animals. Beat him, shock him, choke him until he is almost dead then pick him up and slam him to the ground for the final touch. That is exactly what he did to them.
2007-07-24 15:26:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous