i dunno i read about christianity and they say nothing much about this. Well most christians do it before marriage
2007-07-24 03:57:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Christian faith has rules against two major sex sins.
The first is fornication. That is sexual activity between two people who are not married.
The second is adultery. This is when a married person has sexual activity outside of their marriage.
Within marriage, sexual activity is not only permitted, but often encouraged. Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 says that a married couple should not refuse or withhold sex from each other. The Old Testament required that a husband supply with his wife with four things, food, clothing, shelter, and sex.
There is even an entire book of the Bible about the beauty and intimacy of sexual love, called the Song of Solomon. Within a marriage, the only rule is that each person is to treat the other with respect and to strive to meet the others sexual needs.
2007-07-24 11:06:05
answer #2
answered by dewcoons 7
Depends. Christianity represents a multitude of different points of view. Here are a couple of things on which most (but not all) Christians are in agreement:
1. You shouldn't have sex until you are married. Period.
2. Once you're married, then you can do whatever you want to with your spouse, so long as it is only with your spouse, and so long as it is ok with them.
The reason for this is to promote family values and to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. There are some Christians that view sex more strictly, and some that view sex more loosely. The majority of Christians will agree on these two points, and probably only these two points. Views vary greatly.
2007-07-24 10:59:55
answer #3
answered by Mr. Taco 7
The finality of the act is to be open to the transmission of new life
Foreplay is allowed as long as it reaches to the union of the two spouses as one flesh
However you can defer the birth of a new child even indefinitely for a valid reason using the natural family planning method
2007-07-24 11:01:57
answer #4
answered by Gods child 6
Well i don't have to offer an opinion it is all spelled out for us by GOD.
Pope Paul VI gave us Humane Vitae which says you can't use condoms but must be open to procreation.
Pope John Paul II said you were allowed to have intimacy for pleasure with your spouse, as long as you are open to procreation.
Outside of marriage it is not permitted to have intercourse, that's forncation a work of the flesh, a mortal sin.
Nothing else but one man and one woman in the sacrement of HOLY matrimony open to the procreation is permitted. You can however enjoy it.
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
2007-07-24 11:00:20
answer #5
answered by jesusfreakstreet 4
My opinion is not the same as "what is allowed and not allowed" your question is diametrically opposed to itself and is bending my poor mind.
The only scripture that comes to mind is in the book of Tobit. It takes them three days to get ready for the marriage bed, and when they pray together, they ask that they don't view each other with lust.
It's a pretty deadly story.
2007-07-24 11:00:19
answer #6
answered by Shinigami 7
When you are married and only when you married, you can do whatever you and your spouse want to, sexually speaking as long as you are behind closed doors.
This includes using birth control to plan your family.
Sex is not allowed before you are married.
Pastor Art
2007-07-24 11:08:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
adulatory if your married is not allowed ,getting involved with a married couple if your single would apply,cohabiting with the same sex would be outlawed fornicating with anI'mals im not sure ,i,ll look that one up !.but most of this is acceptable and practised in christian society today.
2007-07-24 12:02:43
answer #8
answered by sophie l 2
Well strictly speaking
Sex should only be between you and you wife.
no oral
no anal
no masturbation
no sex outside of marriage
and you should only marry in your own faith.
That's the bible point of view but i know it's not popular in the modern view
2007-07-24 11:03:43
answer #9
answered by pestie58 the spider hunter 6
when you are single.... nothing is allowed. no sex before marriage.
when you are married, as long as it is not a sin, like porn or involving homosexuality... then it's OK. oh, and both partners have to agree... if not it's not allowed.
2007-07-24 11:03:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Don't care what religion it is - what goes on between consenting adults, married or unmarried, has nothing to do with anyone else.
2007-07-24 11:13:54
answer #11
answered by M'SMA 5