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The truth about death in the bible says once u die we go back to the dust what u were once made there is no work nor devising nor knowledge (it's basically sayin that we dont exist anymore). and the other part of the bible says that we are to be absent to the body and at home with the lord and for the non believers will go to the lake of fire.(so they are sayin that we either go to heaven or hell) So what is there life after death or not, which one is the realest truth about death!!!!!!!?
the heaven and hell thing or
the rotting in the ground thing?


2007-07-23 20:42:14 · 3 answers · asked by westafrocherokee 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

3 answers

"the dead know nothing" states Ecclesiastes. The New Testament talks about a lake of fire in Revelations, but if you look at the entire book of Rev, you will see that it was written in Symbolism. When the Bible talks about She ohl and Hades, it speaks of many men (good and bad) going there. Like Abraham went to She ohl, and all his offspring 'lay down with their fathers' so they all went to this one place. If you look at the Bible Collectively, you will see that this is symbolism as well, as the Human Grave. How is it that prophets and evil kings can go to She ohl?
When Jesus came and ressurected many, he didn't bring them to some cloud paradise, he brought them back to earth and stated this is what is going to happen in his Kingdom. So basically, when we die, we return to dust just as God said, but we are written in the symbolic 'book of life' from which God through Jesus will ressurrect the 'righteous and the unrighteous'.

2007-07-23 20:52:02 · answer #1 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 0 0

Periods are a suffering within the...good you understand. I used to have a usual drift then one month no peroid. Next month slightly bleed at alll. Then 2 months no peroid in any respect and I used to be no longer pregnant. Just chill out and significantly see your MD. He or she will be able to deliver you some thing to aid control your peroid. And until your seeking to get pregnant keep dependable and use start manage. Don't fear...it is usual to have a unusual appearing peroid now and again...that doesn't imply your going sterile. Just ask your document for a few reassurance:)

2016-09-05 17:12:43 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


The BODY decays, back to the earth. The SOUL or SPIRIT lives on.

2007-07-23 20:46:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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