I have seen some peoples responses to non Christians and some who were (bashing Christianity) and these individuals bashed back as well (not a good example but showing their human nature) I also don't agree with every view of Christianity I find out there and people have to realize there is about every color under the rainbow out there and people are growing in their relationship with God so there are going to be newbies and also the experienced. Some people have this huge focus on knowledge and put others down because they aren't at the same level. I think its wrong to put people down for that as everyone can never be the same. We each have our special capabilities and experiences that make us unique though that does not downgrade the importance of knowledge each person is going to be specialized in their experience and knowledge.
One thing I have found is that each of us is like an instrument. We can share our experiences verbally but no one has to believe them. There is no neural net so we can convince anyone beyond a shadow of a doubt of what we experience. Best way is to just share your experiences and if they want to accept them they can or they can reject them. I also like to promote people to talk to God and seek to know him for them selves. I can share with them all I want and it wont necessarily unless they use those experiences to also see how they might build a relationship with God. Now Jesus being a real historical person and his amazing character I like to share him with people also. They don't have to listen and can ignore me but I have to admit I have had experiences where his name has saved me from some demonic encounters countless times.
Ultimately I think it comes down to whether people know how to approach some one in love. (caring for their well being and not a way that is purposefully offensive). It takes intelligence to approach in that fashion and not everyone is perfect and knows how to do that. It takes experience and a few failures are in line for people for them to learn. We also have to face the fact that a new generation is born into this world every 20 or so years and they have to begin to build from the bottom up. They are going to stumble and teeter before they even starte walking and then running. (as in how to walk in love) While others raised in a terrible environment have grown up knowing very little of love. Ultimately I think perfect love is from God as God is perfect and the only one who could love us perfect is God because he is the only one who could know what is perfect for us being he is beyond time and space and we are caught up in the here and now of time.
Ultimately only God knows their heart and he is the one who is going to move through us to reach them but if we don't act according to his spirit we will hinder God freedom to move through us. I love the character of Jesus as he butted against the common conceptions of what people thought was acceptable by going out to those people looked down upon and giving them fellowship and showing them love, treating them respectably. It was often the scholarly scribes or men that wanted sheer power that got rebukes. Jesus told his disciples that the last would be first in the Kingdom of Heaven (those who make them self servants to help others more than themselves). and people don't help people when they put them down and call them names and speak negative over their lives. Jesus came not into the world to condemn it but to deliver is from condemnation and into his love, justice, peace, and understanding.
2007-07-24 04:57:36
answer #1
answered by Dustinthewind 4
It was a gradual process for me. No one thing "turned me off" to religion. I remember figuring out by age 8 that Santa, Tooth fairy and Easter Bunny weren't real, and I applied that to God as well. So I was agnostic for quite a while. Then at 13-14, I did find that I was a bit turned off by how judgmental some of my Christian friends were, and they were being told what music was "evil", and that dancing was bad and so on. It just seemed very odd to me. But then as I got older and studied history, I saw that all the Gods of thequaint, have by enlarge been dismissed as "quant" and that they were made up simply to explain things the ancient people didn't know. So my question was at that point was, whatespecially God any different? They all do essecially the same thing. Give an explanation, or at least make those who believe think there is an explanation to everything.
2016-04-01 10:15:22
answer #2
answered by Greta 4
Thank you for respecting my right to choose. I was a Lutheran. I am now a pagan Witch. I am very happy in my spiritual path, and I truly believe that all paths are valid for the person who follows them and that all leads to the same thing.
It is true that a lot of Christians who participate here try to convert others and bash our beliefs. It has more or less become a running joke, that the Christians are incapable of rational thought or considering that their faith may not be right for everyone. I can see you are reasonable, and I hope that other Christians will take your words to heart.
I am a very nice and good person, a teacher, a mother, a healer, a counselor, and I don't do anything crazy or evil. People get all upset with the term Witch, even more than with the word pagan, but they don't know what Witches actually DO. They just condemn based on the word. It is discouraging. Even when they are told that we don't believe in the devil, they don;t believe us. When we point out that the passage in the bible that says "suffer not a Witch to live" was originally "suffer not a POISONER to live" they don't believe that either.
I could go on and on. I guess the point is that I appreciate your efforts to get them to see that they are not doing their constituency any good by acting as they do!
Bright Blessings,
Lady Morgana )0(
2007-07-23 17:58:23
answer #3
answered by Lady Morgana 7
Within the 10 commandments it says, thou shall not kill.
This is not only speaking of physical death but also the killing of an others spirit through our words that would keep them from seeking God.
We serve a living God, because His tomb is empty. No other religion, or devised faith can claim that. Their founder's bones are in the ground.
If I believe in God and find when I die, there is no heaven, I have lost nothing.
If I do not believe in God , then die and find there is a heaven,
I have lost everything.
God has given us all free choice to accept or reject Him, but in the end ,we will all come before Him.
2007-07-24 07:04:33
answer #4
answered by bluebird 5
It is sad that many do not realize the path they are on. How surprised they will be upon their arrival if they do not mature in their faith. If you are not building people up in the way they should go then they are tearing down people and doing the work of the destroyer.
Many people like to punch other people's buttons to get them to slip up also. Many want to be used by God and charge out without really knowing their armor, shield and helmet of the Lord. As a small child struggles to learn something and finally barely grasps it, they turn quickly in pride and haughty stance or pedestal to let everyone know they got it and others do not. ( i see it with my son and his sisters,lol)
Jesus washing the feet of the disciples is more about the man with ALL the knowledge still being submissive with His wealth of information and stature to humbly serve and lift others up above himself. Wisdom comes form letting go of our resume' and being compassionate towards others.
2007-07-23 18:01:26
answer #5
answered by Dennis James 5
Thank you. We do have a right to choose, believe what we believe, and think what we want. Few times do believers aknowledge that fact, and more often than not try to shove their ideas at us mercilessly and mock us for not being like they are.
You seem a lot more like a real Christian than most professing to be actually are. Again, thanks.
2007-07-23 18:03:42
answer #6
answered by mathaowny 6
Amen, amen. And we should give the homosexuals a break too! God wants us to preach the Gospel, not tell people why they can't be a Christian.
2007-07-23 18:00:30
answer #7
answered by Christian Sinner 7
W-a-r and T-o-r-t-u-r-e
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." -- Anne Coulter, Christian Peace Activist
Conquer,Convert or kill them.
"The three-in-one/one-in-three mystery of Father, Son and Holy Ghost made tritheism official. The subsequent almost-deification of the Virgin Mary made it quatrotheism . . . Finally, cart-loads of saints raised to quarter-deification turned Christianity into plain old-fashioned polytheism. By the time of the Crusades, it was the most polytheistic religion to ever have existed, with the possible exception of Hinduism.
This untenable contradiction between the assertion of monotheism and the reality of polytheism was dealt with by accusing other religions of the Christian fault.
The Church - Catholic and later Protestant - turned aggressively on the two most clearly monotheistic religions in view - Judaism and Islam - and persecuted them as heathen or pagan.
The external history of Christianity consists largely of accusations that other religions rely on the worship of more than one god and therefore not the true God.
These “pagans” (Islam and Judaism) must therefore be converted, conquered and/or killed for their own good in order that they benefit from the singularity of the Holy Trinity, plus appendages." -- The Doubter's Companion (John Ralston Saul)
2007-07-23 17:49:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I totally agreed with you....in today world, many people are using religion to their own benefits....not as you said "to spread the words".... Thank you & God bless
2007-07-23 17:54:16
answer #9
answered by richard wong 2
Finally a Christian who gets it. It's all about Love. Not conquest or conversion.
Blessed Be.
2007-07-23 17:50:49
answer #10
answered by Rusty 4