Just ask whoever you need to prove it to how to say Saturday in Spanish. The word is Sabado. There's a reason for that. Saturday is indeed the Sabbath, which is defined as the first day of the week in the Bible. So who would you rather believe? The Bible, or some Medieval pope?
2007-07-23 17:20:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is no way that you can correlate the seventh day of creation with its associated day of the week. But you could identify some dateable event and correlate it with its day of the week. Jesus, for example, was crucified shortly before a solar eclipse on a Friday, just before Passover. That leaves you one possible day. Just look at what day of the week that was (Saturday), and then count the days from then to now, and see if your modern calendar lines up. That will at least tell you if the Saturday of the first century was the same as our Saturday. In fact, I think I'll do that this week.
Ironically, the actual Sabbath is, in fact, Monday. When everybody made the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, they moved everything back by ten days, or one week and three days. That means, for any given day of the Julian calendar, we are three days ahead. So, the Sabbath of Jesus was actually what we would call Monday. (Jesus was crucified on Friday, 3 April 33 AD. That corresponds to Sunday by our modern calendar.)
However, the Sabbath began on Friday at sundown. So technically, the "Sabbath," if we stick to the traditional cycle, begins on Sunday at sundown.
2007-07-23 17:19:11
answer #2
answered by NONAME 7
The Sabbath is traditionally Saturday. The church in Acts met on the first day of the week and is seen as the New Covenant by most Christian churches. The day is not important. Jesus made this very clear. The Sabbath is a wonderful gift from GOD.
(Hiya Dee)
:) oh I just couldn't resist. Here it is for you pharasetic types who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel.
Mat 12:5 Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless?
Mat 12:6 But I say unto you, That in this place is [one] greater than the temple.
Mat 12:7 But if ye had known what [this] meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.
Mat 12:8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day
2007-07-23 17:14:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The 7 day week did no longer come into pratice till around 5th century BC. in accordance to the bible the earth could have been created approximately 3500 years till now that. nonetheless, moder technological know-how believes it to be plenty older. The sabbath is meant to be sacred because of fact God rested on the seventh day of introduction. there is not any thank you to appreciate whilst the real seventh day is in accordance to the seventh day of introduction. incredibly considering some Christians help evolution as a substitute of introduction. So, the sabbath could desire to be any day of the week. we even have not got any thought. the perfect ingredient we are able to do is leave out a million day a week to honor the sabath even nonetheless we don't understand if it extremely is the right day or no longer.
2016-11-10 05:40:39
answer #4
answered by ? 4
If we are counting back to Jesus' birth as our source of time, our calender is at least three years off. I don't know any way of going through time and looking at the days of the week, especially since almost every culture of previous time periods named them differently. The only thing to base it on is the idea that people who got used to a seven day rhythm would continue on their seven day rhythm regardless of what calenders said because that is what they were used to, and the masses of peasents of ancient times would not have had access to bill boards or internet, etc. telling them to change their natural rhythms. If you are trying to figure out if Christians worship on the real sabbath. We don't. Christians initially tried to gather in the synagogues and chose a day when it would not officially be occupied by a different worship service. Also, most early Christians were Jews, and many of them held their Jewish costums well after becoming Christians (why else did Paul have to write letters about circumcission and consuming meat offerred to idols). The specific day of the week does not matter.
2007-07-23 17:17:27
answer #5
answered by Ozymandius 3
I don't know that our calender is all that reliable to what was 2000 years ago. But I do trust the Jewish Nation's ability to maintain their traditions and religious rites of passage and ceremonies. No matter what is happening in the world around them? They will carry on throughout the world their traditions and rites that their ancestors instituted, but more than that; what God had commanded them.
The great diaspora did not stop them 2700 years ago and the Nazi onslaught did not stop them 60 years ago. Where ever they are the laws of God are attended to faithfully.
Jesus of Nazareth. The one born in Bethlehem, the seed of King David the Son of God. He was a Jewish Rabbi. He came for the people of God first then the gentiles. He rested on the Sabbath. It is a Holy day and the Christ rested on the Sabbath. He was a Jew, He rested when the Jewish people did.
Now...we Christians are follower of the Christ are we not?
The very first men and women who walked in His way were Jewish. The term of ' Christian ' was first known to have come out of Antioch well after the Christ was murdered.
But we who walk in His way, must follow His way. As He observed the last day of the week as the Sabbath, I believe we too must observe this day as the Holy Sabbath.
I believe the Jewish Nation has maintained the proper day over the last two millenniums, and I believe this last day of the week? 'Saturday' is the Sabbath. Whether our calender is screwed up or not. The Jewish Nation will not screw up such a Holy day as the Sabbath.
This maintenance by the Jewish Nation, the nation that our Christ was born into, and for. This maintenance by them is sufficient evidence for me to worship God on His Holy Sabbath on Friday at dusk, till Saturday at dusk. Regardless of how the current calender stands up to the days of 2000 years ago.
I'm sorry I haven't the information about our calender, but I do believe the Jews have the right day to observe the Sabbath, even to this day of our calender.
I hope this helps you. Take care & God Bless your day.
2007-07-23 17:32:59
answer #6
answered by the old dog 7
My bible didn't come with a calendar . So I just go by the current conventional one and it doesn't mandate a specific day called the sabbath anyway.
2007-07-23 17:16:02
answer #7
answered by dogpatch USA 7
when Jesus was crucified he had to be done before the Sabbath. When he arose 3 dys later it was the Day of the Sun (Sunday) the Sabbath had passed
2007-07-23 17:12:17
answer #8
answered by 'lil peanut 6
Because the Sabbath has always been kept by someone at sometime. That is how we know it has never changed.
2007-07-23 17:13:27
answer #9
answered by The GMC 6
The answers lies in the Jews. They have been keeping the same Sabbath for over 2,300 years - since before the time of Jesus. I would expect that Jesus knew what day the Sabbath was as He was the one to command it.
"'And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men*--the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do.' He said to them, 'All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.'" (Mark 7:7 - 8 NKJV)
It is interesting because God did command a particular day and did not allow people to keep any day they wanted. While in the wilderness after fleeing Egypt, the Hebrews were sent manna from Heaven. This manna fell six days a week but did not fall on the Sabbath. God knew what day the Sabbath was, the Hebrews knew it, and the Jewish people of today still know it. They keep the same day today that their ancestors did when God sent the manna.
"On the sixth day the people gathered twice as much food -- four quarts for every person. When all the leaders of the community came and told this to Moses, he said to them, "This is what the Lord commanded, because tomorrow is the Sabbath, the Lord's holy day of rest. Bake what you want to bake, and boil what you want to boil today. Save the rest of the food until tomorrow morning." So the people saved it until the next morning, as Moses had commanded, and none of it began to stink or have worms in it. Moses told the people, "Eat the food you gathered yesterday. Today is a Sabbath, the Lord's day of rest; you will not find any out in the field today. You should gather the food for six days, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day. On that day there will not be any food on the ground." On the seventh day some of the people went out to gather food, but they couldn't find any. Then the Lord said to Moses, "How long will you people refuse to obey my commands and teachings? Look, the Lord has made the Sabbath a day of rest for you. So on the sixth day he will give you enough food for two days, but on the seventh day each of you must stay where you are. Do not go anywhere." So the people rested on the seventh day. The people of Israel called the food manna. It was like small white seeds and tasted like wafers made with honey." (Exodus 16:22 - 31 NCV)
You can search the New Testament, and even the entire Bible for that matter, and you will not find one place that the Sabbath law has been revoked. What you will find is that the apostles and early church did keep the Sabbath, and Jesus expected His followers to be keeping the Sabbath some 60 years after His death.
"At that time, how terrible it will be for women who are pregnant or have nursing babies! Pray that it will not be winter or a Sabbath day when these things happen and you have to run away, because at that time there will be much trouble. There will be more trouble than there has ever been since the beginning of the world until now, and nothing as bad will ever happen again." (Matthew 24:19 - 21 NCV)
"They continued their trip from Perga and went to Antioch, a city in Pisidia. On the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down." (Acts 13:14 NCV)
"While Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people asked them to tell them more about these things on the next Sabbath." (Acts 13:42 NCV)
"On the next Sabbath day, almost everyone in the city came to hear the word of the Lord." (Acts 13:44 NCV)
"On the Sabbath day we went outside the city gate to the river where we thought we would find a special place for prayer. Some women had gathered there, so we sat down and talked with them." (Acts 16:13 NCV) (This is most interesting because Paul kept the Sabbath even when there was not a group of Jews to keep it with or a church to keep it in. He was in Philippi, and there were very few Jews there)
"Paul went into the synagogue as he always did, and on each Sabbath day for three weeks, he talked with the Jews about the Scriptures." (Acts 17:2 NCV)
"Every Sabbath day he talked with the Jews and Greeks in the synagogue, trying to persuade them to believe in Jesus." (Acts 18:4 NCV)
Check the Ten Commandments; they tell us the reason we should keep the Sabbath.
"The reason is that in six days the Lord made everything -- the sky, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. On the seventh day he rested. So the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." (Exodus 20:11)
That reason still stands today. The Sabbath has nothing to do with the nation of Israel but everything to do with creation. God did not command the Sabbath because he wanted the Israelites to be different; He commanded it because He created it in the first week. God tries to give us a gift, and we say that it is a burden and we do not want it.
As for the Lord's Day, It is interesting to see what the Bible says about the Lord's day.
"Eat the food you gathered yesterday. Today is a Sabbath, the Lord's day of rest;" (Exodus 16:23 NCV)
"This is what the Lord commanded, because tomorrow is the Sabbath, the Lord's holy day of rest." (Exodus 16:25 NCV)
"but the seventh day is a day of rest to honor the Lord your God." (Exodus 20:10 NCV)
"So the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath day" (Matthew 12:8 NCV)
"So then, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath day." (Mark 2:28 NCV)
"Then Jesus said to the Pharisees, 'The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath day.'" (Luke 6:6 NCV)
Here is how to keep it holy.
"You must obey God's law about the Sabbath and not do what pleases yourselves on that holy day. and honor it as the Lord's holy day. You should honor it by not doing whatever you please nor saying whatever you please on that day." (Isaiah 58:13 NCV)
2007-07-23 17:14:59
answer #10
answered by dee 4