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Why are we here on this earth?

2007-07-23 16:11:36 · 20 answers · asked by The confused one 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

to live life to the fullest.........

2007-07-23 16:14:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Even religious leaders are divided, and uncertain, about the purpose of life. A former dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London said: “All my life I have struggled to find the purpose of living. . . . I have failed.” True, many clergymen teach that at death the good go to heaven and the bad go to a fiery hell forever. But this view still leaves mankind on earth to continue its tormented course. And if it was God’s purpose to have people live in heaven, why did he not just make them heavenly creatures to begin with, as he did the angels, and thus spare humans so much suffering? So confusion as to the purpose of life on earth or refusal to believe that it has any purpose is common.

Yet, the most widely distributed book in history, the Holy Bible, tells us that Jehovah, the Sovereign of the universe, is the God of purpose. It shows us that he has a long-range, in fact, an eternal, purpose for humankind on earth. And when Jehovah purposes something, it will without fail take place. Just as the rain causes seed to sprout, says God, “so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.” (Isaiah 55:10, 11) Whatever Jehovah says he will accomplish “is what will come true.”—Isaiah 14:24.

We humans can have full confidence that the Almighty will keep his promises, for God “cannot lie.” (Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18) When he tells us he will do something, his word is a guarantee that it will come to pass. It is as good as done. He declares: “I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, ‘My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do’ . . . I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it.”—Isaiah 46:9-11.

2007-07-23 23:19:38 · answer #2 · answered by conundrum 7 · 0 0

OK, well most people will say that we were created by either 1) God or 2) a combination of the Big Bang and evolution. However, the question gets much more complicated if we wonder, not only what put us here, but *why* we are here.

I'm Christian, and the only logical answer I've ever heard to this question is pretty weird. God's love is so incredibly powerful that He spontaneously created us, so He has something in His own image with which to have a "loving relationship." That could be interpreted as perverted, lol, but trust me, that's not what it means. It just simply means that God wants someone like Him that He can love, and hopefully, they will love Him back. However, you must understand that God doesn't need us. He existed for eternity before us and never needed us then, so He deffinitely doesn't need us now.

If you're atheist, then I'd simply tell you to live life to its fullest, but keep in mind that evolution didn't give you the conscience inside of you for no reason.

2007-07-23 23:38:47 · answer #3 · answered by cantstop929 3 · 0 0

The purpose of earth life is to develop a more complete understanding of the principles of happiness.

Our Heavenly Father prepared this earth with conditions such that we can learn and grow to understand as He understands. He sent us away to school to experience competing "truths" and people making both right and wrong decisions. This encourages us to develop trust in our Heavenly Father that goes beyond the fact that He's powerful. He loves each of us and wants us to achieve our divine potential.

The web site below has some short videos that describe the purpose of life in more detail, including the reason for the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

2007-07-23 23:38:51 · answer #4 · answered by Bryan Kingsford 5 · 0 0

You probably know the "religious" answers to these by now, so I won't go into that.

You're either living for something greater, for yourself, or for something lesser. For many, the purpose in life is to fill a void or emptiness that they feel. For a more intellectual mind that you seem to have, living for something inferior would be a waste, so why live at all? So maybe it's yourself. Maybe your parents wanted you specifically, so they got together and decided you're worth their attention and happiness. Maybe your happiness is the highest reason to live. So what would give you the greatest happiness?

King Solomon in the Bible did everything his heart desired. He came to one conclusion, the same conclusion that Linkin Park came to. "I've tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter." Or as King Solomon put it "vanity of vanities. All is vanity." Living for any reason seems to be pointless. For some, though, they find reason to living in their religion. I live for God because I believe He'll save me from an eternal torment.

The purpose of your life is up to you.

2007-07-23 23:34:24 · answer #5 · answered by Christian #3412 5 · 0 0

To come to know the one who made you. To understand why love is more important than anything. To learn the most important lesson you will ever learn...that you are a sinner and there is someone who loved you enough to die for you, so that sin would not be laid at your door. To realize that this life is not all there is,,,there is an eternity waiting for those who are truth seekers. On the day when you look for him with all your heart, and soul and mind..that is the day you will find him and understand why you are here.

2007-07-23 23:21:33 · answer #6 · answered by dreamdress2 6 · 0 0

Dear confused one,
We are here because God loves us, he wants us to be happy. He did not intend for things to work out the way they did with Satan going bad and Adam and Eve messing up everything. That's why he sent Jesus to die for us and so we could have another chance at life here on the earth in a paradise.
All this can be backed up by scriptures.

2007-07-23 23:20:45 · answer #7 · answered by SisterCF 4 · 0 1

80% of humanity, the religious folks, don't need to ask the meaning of life, the church tells them....the supernatural explanation. But the rest of us can't swallow religious dogma, because there's no evidence. Nobody can prove that there life after death, that people are tortured or rewarded after life or that there's invisible spirits running around.

I've come to two conclusions recently:

1. Life has no meaning
2. Life has a million meanings.

First, there's a certainty that death and annihilation awaits not only you, but the Earth in general. It's an astonomical certainty that our sun will supernova and leave the earth a burnt crisp, not to mention all the other extinction level events around the corner.

Second, the million things that give us meaning are the pleasurable experiences we can conjure up during the short period we are here on the earth, in the form of the relationships we have with our kids and other people, and the 'housekeeping' types of purposes. What i mean by that are the curing disease, ending hunger, improving literacy, reducing crime, preventing war, helping other kinds of things.

So the bottom line is, we only have a temporary meaning to life, to reduce pain and increase pleasure, other than that everything is lost to oblivion.

To be or not to be? "To be" is temporary and "not to be" is inevitable.....

2007-07-23 23:17:06 · answer #8 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 4

The story goes something like this:

God, son of Gud and Yi, was trying to figure out what to do for his 7th grade science project. One day while pondering vibrations he discovered that if you slow a vibration down enough it begins to change its consistancy. He called these lower vibrations matter vibrations and began to explore them. By the time the science fair rolled around he had constructed a milti-dimensional model which eloquently described these vibrational patterns. He called it "The Universe". People were so interested that they began constructing probes called "bodies" that they could use to explore the novel concept of physicality. But really after having good look at it most of them decided it was rather boring and juvenile.

2007-07-23 23:32:15 · answer #9 · answered by Shane K 4 · 1 0

in islam.. we all know exactly what is the purpose of life.. why we are here(earth)...?? what is our responsibility?? so much questions...
1st..we know that we must worship ALLAH s.w.t..so that we can avoid all the things prohibited by HIM and do all the good things.. as we all know that all the obligation or rules made by ALLAH s.w.t is the best for us to practice... then.. we all know that we are born as the khalifah of ALLAH.. or in other words person that being burden by the responsibilities..1st as the person who worship ALLAH s.w.t..2nd as the person who believed Muhammad pbuh as the messenger..then.. as the son or daughter..as the wife or husband..as the person who have to care the environment....the society..the country... al this responsibilities that we must carry guided effectively by the rules made by ALLAH s.w.t and all the sunnah or what had been teached by Muhammad pbuh...
more than that... we all know that.. we are here..are being tested by ALLAH s.w.t.. whether we make good or bad things.. whether we can faced all the test that teach us as we are the muslim... and with all this determined whether we are eligible enough to grab the heaven or maybe the Hell if we failed...
this..what i can say briefly...but you need to know.. that not everyone know about this.. even the muslims.. or maybe they know but they won't implement all this responsibilities...

2007-07-23 23:46:43 · answer #10 · answered by uci 2 · 0 0

This life is just a test, We are here to love God with all of our heart, mind and soul and to love our neighbor as our self.

We are here to take care of one another in times of pain, distress and need.

It doesn't matter where you are going as long as you know who is going with you.

May God bless you in your journey through life and as you help others may you be blessed more abundantly in life and through all eternity.

2007-07-23 23:20:06 · answer #11 · answered by I'm Here 4 · 0 0

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