Religion has served to thin the population of free-thinkers, which helped keep is in the Dark Ages for about 700 years.
2007-07-23 15:13:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well let's see--Religion (any religion, not just Christianity) provides a unifying factor in a society; it provides guidance for living a life that should allow for the best to rise to the top because of the ethics it should provide; it allows for a way to relief oneself of the guilt we experience when we have done something that goes against the prior noted ethics; it should also provide a governmental structure in a society with the "priest" of the religion holding a higher place than others; etc.
I do not agree that it has only brought pain and suffering. Most often anyone who is against an idea (religion, politics, baseball clubs, etc) will only see the bad things and not the good. Most would say the Salem Witch trials were a bad example of Christianity, but forget that all of the Ivy League schools were founded by Christian men who sought to better society (that dream was and still is being proved correct).
I assume that your question is directed against Christianity. If so, you have forgotten the major contributions that it has made to Western Civilization. It was the keeper of the knowledge of the Greco-Roman world during the Dark Ages. It also insured that civilization continuted to exist during the times when chaos could have destroyed it. The whole of the Renessiance can be found in the desires of the Church to improve it surroundings.
And what of the men and women of history and science that have given us our understanding of the world in which we live. Many of them were Christians who sought to understand the principles displayed by God's Creation (Issac Newton comes to mind as being at the top of this list).
And what of the Classical music that Bach and those who followed him gave us--the Messiah still brings tears of joy to those who hear it. Many of the symphonies were written as Church music.
Much of the growth of the New World was done by Christian missionaries seeking out new people to whom they could bring the Gospel. Father Junipera Serra planted many of the coastal cities of present day California and Mexico. The Mississippi River was first explored by a Jesuit priest, etc.
I will end with people like Mother Teresa, Francis of Assisi, Thomas Aquinas, John Paul II and countless others that have inspired us to assist our fellowman without thought of reward or glamore. These are the people that even non-believers look up to and hope to live by their example to help others.
I hope you can see that your question is wrong, for religion has added a great deal to our society!!
2007-07-23 22:47:01
answer #2
answered by John H 4
Religion doesn't make a place a better place, the people make a place a better place.
The religion that one accepts has nothing to do with making a better place or not, society consists of people , and those peoples choices to live their lives un Godly make their surroundings what ever it is.
And if it is an un-happy place isn't because God made it that way because his religion is messed up, but more what those people in that Church are probably not united as a church and that causes friction.
And friction cause people to react differently and that is what makes society feel pain and suffering...
2007-07-23 22:21:10
answer #3
answered by michael t 3
Religion (relationship with God) is the basic of our laws and moral codes. Are you saying that our laws are pain and suffering? When men went to war, men and women of God followed them into battle providing comfort and many times saving lives all without carrying a gun. Are you saying that World War II was about religion? Personally my faith makes me a better person. I think about my relationship with Christ before I make decisions that may effect others. I can only say you believe people doing that are the cause of pain and suffering. Evil is evil, it doesn't matter is the means to gain power of wealth is religion or a crown evil men with use it to reach their goals.. Jim
2007-07-23 22:32:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Although it sure seemses like many of the worlds problems are as a result of religion. Their true root lies in ignorance, greed, corruption, and fear. Religion is something that helps those who have taken the leap of faith carry on in spite of difficulties. Billions have sought gidence from a higher source. You really only hear about those that fail or use religion to hurt others. Those who use it as God intended are to busy quietly doing what their particular faith prescribes.So to answer your questions. Yes religion does help people, billions of them from the beginnings of human existence. And no religions don't only harm although a few seem to have lost their way. Secularists cause quite a bit of pain and suffering too. Check the history of the 20th century. Religion was an afterthought to greed, ignorance, sloth, and fear.
2007-07-23 22:19:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Christian were the first people to respond to the devastation of Katrina and they are the ones who give food to the poor,cloth them counsel them,house them and support them to get back on their feet.
Most non profit organization are supported and run by Christians and most non profit groups started from Christians.
I am sorry you have never opened your eyes to see what Christians have done to help others in their time of needs.You do not have to believe or belong to most churches if you call a church and if they have the funds they will help you in your time of need
2007-07-23 22:18:24
answer #6
answered by wkemrer 3
Actually it has contributed. ie. art, various sciences, literature, music, etc. Muslims were outstanding in many fields such as mathematics, art, poetry, medicine, astronomy and more (actually it was the Muslims who brought the world out of the dark ages). They did a lot of damage too. But today they are all a great stumbling block to progress.
2007-07-23 22:18:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm gonna disagree with you on this. There have been many people that have done alot for our society that come from religion. Dr. Martin Luther King fought for equallity for one. Although I do agree that there has been alot of suffering all in the name of God, but I don't blame God I blame the fools who use his name for crap. Human kind has smeared his name in blood too many times so I do understand why you feel that way.
2007-07-23 22:17:06
answer #8
answered by Aaron4me 3
Can you imagine a world that didn't have religion. A guide to knowing whats write or wrong. I f we didn't have that little guide do you think there would be laws, and love or even knowledge of what is write or wrong. A lot of religions in our society and 99.9% teach peace, love, and harmony. Everybody thinks of it atleast once in there life.
2007-07-23 22:23:15
answer #9
answered by christopher h 1
Religion has always showed people right from wrong. The problem is noone wants to what is right anymore so they make up stuff to make it seem like is should be right.
2007-07-23 22:16:59
answer #10
answered by wondering 1