Yes we are, almost every day I hear of some new idea on how to be more seeker friendly, or a better way to pray, or some other way to compromise. As you have said, technology comes alone and takes us completely away from the face of God. To put God first, and above all things in this life and the life that is to come ..... is unheard of anymore.
It would do us all a great deal of good, to turn back the hands of time, and listen to sermons of the Great Awakening. These wonderful men of God, preached the truth straight from the Bible. They would tell you to be continually in prayer, as the apostel Paul did, and to be so spiritually minded, that some would say you were no earthly good. To sacrifice for those who are in need, to put every man before yourself. To live and die for the very God that has given us every breath of air we breath, to worship, and praise, and sing hymms and give thanks for all things, with all our power, strength, and mind, and with our very souls love the Son of God, Jesus the Messiah.
Yes ... I belive we have fallen from our first love, and I am as guilty as any other man.
Most graceful and loving Heavenly Father, forgive us, we have sinned against You and all that is in Heaven. We have fallen from grace, Father I ask You in the name of Your only begotten son, Jesus the Messiah, bring us back to you, even closer than before, set our minds on the Kingdom of Heaven, and our eyes on Jesus. Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen
In Christ alone,
Reverend William M. Butler, St. Luke Ministries
2007-07-23 17:37:43
answer #1
answered by BOC 5
NO and YES, No because we have yet get rid of the old pagan habits that were carried from the birth of christianity. Yes because we have to monitor and defend our beliefs on a constant basis. I believe that if we command what has been created the knowledge that god has given us will be kept in the submissive state, to serve us not the other way around, technology will not over whelm us. I don,t think that GOD is going to let us destroy ourselves or too much of his earth. here is a question for you. How do you know what is gods purpose for you? Ssspecifically , what you should be doing for a living, are the people your friends with are the people he wants for you.
2007-07-24 05:34:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The path which leads to life is narrow and there are few on it. With the many voices trying to gain our attention I would say that the wide path that leads to destruction is getting very crowded. God is still all about the simplicity of Relationship. Where there is no love then there is law. Many will fall away because they do not put the love of God as 1st priority. Religion will be the Church's greatest persecutor in the days ahead.
2007-07-23 15:23:46
answer #3
answered by A Voice 5
as far as technology goes, i saw an old Alfred Hitchock episode the other day that was pretty neat, the guy picks up the phone, gets the operator and says "connect me to the Biltmore Hotel", about 30 seconds later he is talking to a live person, with today's technology, you pick up the phone have to press about seven different numbers before you either get disconnected or a really poor speaking english person in a job outsourced overseas.
As far as religion, i do believe we are slowly eroding from the faithful churches we saw 30 years ago or so, but the Bible does declare that there will be a pretty bad falling away in the latter days.
2007-07-23 14:44:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
That old path just got a fresh coat of tar on it. I have only been here for a little while. I have been able to meet people that are truly in Christ that I would never have meet otherwise. I have also ran in to some that I hope the Lord never calls me to meet in their current state. But if called I will go. Just like at the table you have to know when you hit your limit. I would never want this to interfere with my walk with Christ but maybe it may be a voice to the ones that have wondered off the path to come back.
Yours in Christ,
Miss Mona
2007-07-23 15:36:07
answer #5
answered by Miss Mona Gone Rogue 3
Great question!!
Absolutely!!! I didn't fully see this truth until I went to India to preach for a month. I learned more about America there than I did here. Just imagine it..... Hindu's believe in god's that don't exsist and yet are significantly kinder and happier than we are. It's not the religion of Hindu, it's because of the poverty in a 3rd world country like India. They see what life is really about, and value family and god above all.
We here in the U.S. have been ruining ourselves for years....
2007-07-23 14:57:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, the people that make up America are lost and hell bound. They have embraced sin as normal. Every nation that ever took the path of sin, is no more, most disappeared off the planet without a trace.
I love America and I hate to see what is coming, all because of sin. Sin is a blindness, the more sin, the more blind the nation becomes. After awhile in sin, the people doing the sinning no longer see their sin as sin. But see their acts as normal.
2007-07-23 14:41:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We have made our bed and we must lie in it, or, more likely, do our frenzied best to get ourselves out of it. But the moment we repent and put the blame where it belongs, on ourselves.
As we have seen, the devil wants to accuse us of these things in order to provoke us to strive to make up for them in our own strength. And many people that believe still read, and study and pray.
2007-07-23 15:40:45
answer #8
answered by flannelpajamas1 4
First loves are always juvenile, and usually grown out of. Personally, I think it's better to love things that are real, rather than some fantasy boyfriend.
2007-07-23 14:40:02
answer #9
answered by YY4Me 7
Have you noticed traditions usually cause people to die, we must adapt change to our environment in order to survive. The world is a pretty harsh place to live in and we'll need all the technology we could get our hands on.
I respect your religion but I rather see progress than regress.
2007-07-23 14:29:52
answer #10
answered by Reload 4