I think the original hell was a place far away from god, but that wasn't scary enough so they added a little fire.
Fire is one of the most horrible way to die and the pain is intense.
Good choice Christians.
2007-07-23 14:21:11
answer #1
answered by Reload 4
So much of the bible is in symbols and illustrations.
Much like the story of Lazerus and the rich man. For instance the poor begger went into the bussom of Abraham.
According to the bible Jesus was the first to ever be resurrected to heaven. John 5:28 says those that died are still in the grave awaiting a resurrection during the judgement.
So we know that was just a story to show that we should not turn our backs to poor people.
I have another question, why would Adam be told "for dust you are and to dust you will return"
Wasn't he the one who started the human race down a path of destruction? Yet, he wasn't going to hell.
God told them the day you eat of it you are going to die.
Satan said , "you won't really die at all"
Who is lying. Even hell if kept alive is eternal life.
The devil makes people believe in a hell to make God sound cruel and mosterous. To keep something alive just to torture it? I mean it would be better not to even be born.
And your right something thrown in a fire burns up.
2007-07-23 21:27:40
answer #2
answered by Vanessa 6
1, The soul is reunited with a body that can be burned, and yet survive.
2. Maybe it is the hot core of the earth.
3. Stars consume their fuel, explode, and new ones form. As far as Hell, I don't know.
2007-07-23 21:23:23
answer #3
answered by RB 7
As the teach go. burning in Hell is a feeling ( and not a good one ). About being consumed, You won't be consumed. If you murder some one you will wait in prison. In the same way, if you are a Ten Commandment breaker. You are going to spend time in Hell.
A good judge will not let a murder go and God can't let a Commandment breaker go. If you don't want to burn in Hell. You may want to seek Godly sorrow, Repents, and God's Son Savor ( Jesus )
2007-07-23 21:28:54
answer #4
answered by Bioman 2
Those are great questions. Of course, the original Hell was just a fire that burned outside one of those biblical cities and had nothing to do with an afterlife.
2007-07-23 21:23:02
answer #5
answered by shericomes 3
1. We will all be resurrected and have bodies of flesh and bone as The Father does.
2. Who said there is nothing to burn?
3. He made the universe why not cause something to burn for ever.
To be honest I think this is figurative but I am no expert.
2007-07-23 21:25:19
answer #6
answered by Ethan M 5
Because everything started with the realm of the spirit and not the physical. so the spirit realm is more real than the physical. Your soul lives forever and has a form and however it happens the burning part I don't want to be there.
2007-07-23 21:24:08
answer #7
answered by super 2
Dante considered Hell to be a cold place, since it was so far from God's love. In fact, Satan, at the center of it all, was frozen in a lake at the center of the earth. This was the common view for some time. I'm not sure when it changed to a hot, fiery place.
2007-07-23 21:21:55
answer #8
answered by The Doctor 7
Obviously it's not referring to the chemical reaction we call "fire", but to the experience. Jesus portrayed such in Luke 16. See http://www.bcbsr.com/survey/pbl36.html
So also Jesus said, "Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Mt 25:41
Mr 9:43 If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.
And he said many other like things about hell.
2007-07-23 21:44:12
answer #9
answered by Steve Amato 6
Have you never heard of a metaphor? Have you ever thought that someone who out of their pride or laziness or selfishness or just plain disbelief would refuse to accept the rescue of a loving Savior and is stuck somewhere out in outer darkness by himself forever where there is no God, no creation or no light and realizes too late that he is there to think over and over about his guilt, don't you think that would be as a fire in him that would burn forever and never be consumed?
"13 --and these shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and this because of their own iniquity, being led captive by the will of the devil."
"12 But the children of the kingdom [of the devil] shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.( Matthew 8:12)"
2007-07-23 21:43:10
answer #10
answered by Gma Joan 4