There is no reason to fear for the future because of potential Climate Change.
Yes Climate Change will be a challenge.
We have faced many challenges far worse than Climate Change.
The Great Depression of the 1930's, World War II, Korea, Soviet Communism, and Chinese Communism are just some of the examples of challenges that we have faced and overcome.
Each of these challenges was far worse than the challenge that we face with Climate Change.
To stop Climate Change would require that we reduce global carbon dioxide output to less than one tenth of what it is today.
In order to accomplish that we would have to shut down all motorized forms of transportation. That means that we would have to ban the use of all automobiles, including hybrids. We would also have to ban the use of all motor scooters, motorcycles, buses, trucks, trains, planes and shipping.
Next we would have to ban all manufacturing world wide, including steel making and cement making.
Next we would have to ban the heating and air conditioning of all homes, offices and factories.
Next we would have to ban the use of all fossil fuels to generate electricity.
Next we would have to ban the heating of all water for washiing and bathing.
We would have to learn to bathe in cold water. If you use water that has been heated by fossil fuels or electricity generated by fossil fuel you are contributing to Climate Change.
Even that would probably not get you enough of a reduction where you would have fewer than one tenth of the carbon dioxide emissions that you have today.
Also you would have to get the cooperation of every country on earth.
Recently I had the opportunity to join a group of Officials and businesspeople of the United States and meet with a delegation of officials from The People's Republic of China.
One of the Officials from the United States brought up the subject of Global Warming and the need for the People's Republic of China to cut its use of fossil fuels.
The Officials from The People's Republic of China were rather offended and very adamant in their reply. They not only said they would not reduce ther use of fossil fuels but in fact they plan to dramatically increase their use of fossil fuels for the forseeable future.
The People's Republic of China alone emits enough carbon dioxide to cause Climate Change even if you manage to get the carbon dioxide emissions of all of the other countries to zero.
It is not realistic to expect that you can stop Climate Change.
The other alternative is to mitigate the effects of Climate Change.
The sea levels will rise approximately 20 to 30 feet. Fortunately coastal areas can be protected from flooding by the use of dikes similar to those in Holland that are used to hold back the sea.
Hurricanes will become stronger and more frequent. We will need to upgrade our disaster preparedness systems and we will need to help the affected countries upgrade their disaster preparedness systems.
Droughts will become more frequent. We will need to help the affected areas with supplemental water supplies and desalination plants.
Some people say that we should try to dramatically reduce our carbon dioxide emissions and if that doesn't work we can use the above techniques to mitigate the ensuing Climate Change.
One caution that I recommend is that a large reduction in the use of fossil fuels could do substantial damage to our economy.
It will be far more difficult to mitigate the effects of Climate Change with a damaged economy than it would with a robust economy.
Our focus needs to be on maintaining the strength of our economy so that we have the money and resources to mitigate the effects of Climate Change when that time comes.
The chances that we wil be able to avoid Climate Change by reducing the use of fossil fuels is very small.
We must accept the fact that we will probably have to mitigate the effects of Climate Change and we must maintain a strong economy so that we have the resources to build the dikes, upgrade our disaster preparedness systems, and provide the supplemental water supplies and desalination plants when that time comes.
2007-07-23 19:05:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No I don't live in Fear. Since I was born I've seen the climate change at least twice a day with temperature swings of 20-30 degrees or more. I've seen seasonal climate changes from the high 120s to -20s. I've seen decades that scientist said we were heading for an ice age and a decade that they said we were doomed by unstoppable global warming. The one thing that is positively a provable fact is that the climate is and always will change. And that science cannot survive a vacuum created by consensus.
2007-07-30 13:31:07
answer #2
answered by Danni 3
I believe in global warming, but not in man-made global warming. Scientists do not know enough to make the outrageous claims they are making, which tells me it isn't based on science. Since it seems that everybody has an agenda, it comes down to common sense.
The fact that the believers of man-made global warming do not put more pressure on China to reduce its Co2 emissions tells me that it is a joke. China has 1/6 the population and their economy is growing rapidly. The more prosperous a country is the more energy they are going to use. China and India are the reason why energy prices have increased so dramatically over the last few years, and energy prices will continue to rise until energy companies can meet the worlds demands.
If China doesn't do enough to reduce their carbon footprint then whatever the world does will not matter.
Good thing man-made global warming isn't true.
2007-07-23 15:47:51
answer #3
answered by Matt 2
I do not fear for the future because of global warming. Even though it probably won't pass on its own, we will cope with it. We are not doomed.
What I fear is genetic engineering. Like in the movie Gattaca. What the movie showed will only be the beginning. They guy with 6 fingers will just be the start. In 1,000 years, humans as we know them today will have voluntarily evolved themselves into another species. Maybe several species. Maybe they won't get along with each other and there will be wars. Maybe a few natural humans will survive as slaves or pets of zoo curiosities. Ahhhhhhh!
2007-07-23 16:09:22
answer #4
answered by campbelp2002 7
Climate Change is a normal part of the cycle. What I fear is how Obama is destroying this nation and this earth
2016-04-01 09:52:30
answer #5
answered by Arlene 4
Well sigh, here is MY opinion:
I am afraid of the future, because it's said that this world will end in flames unlike the one before us, wich ended with water.
And the fact that Puerto Rico is a tropical isle, it makes it feel as if u were in an oven (Really!), I live here; so i can tell u that is pretty HOT! down here.
And not so long ago i saw a special report on "Global Warming" and a specialist said that the chinese or japanese people were going to create a "Shield" or "Forcefield" (kinda like the ones we see on the video games) on themselves so hotburning temperatures will turn in cold temperatures and Freezing temperatures to heat. He also said that "We, The Humans" were going to be another species extinct just like the Dinasours, Cavemans, Egypt, The Romans.
Sometimes i think to myself if it's worth to work to be a great person in the future so that when the day finaly comes it goe's like that!, sigh.
I think people should take much more care for mother nature, and build tecnology that runs with the energy the sun gives us (rays) not electricity, cause if you charge you're cellphone, use you're tv etc. all that energy will be coming from machines that work with either gasoline or oil.
P.S. Unlike my friend on top of me, i do believe "Man", "The Human" has to do with the global warming.
That's my opinion, so please respect it :).
2007-07-23 15:52:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The only thing I fear is the manipulation of the current hysteria over climate change by liberal politicians and their ilk to advance their agenda of putting the government in complete control of every aspect of our life. The loss of personal freedom that will result is horrible to contemplate.
2007-07-24 09:27:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Fear of potential problems is not productive.
Would you acknowledge that we face more verifiable global problems than we have currently the will or means to solve?
How many of these problems do you lower the priority in order to start combating potential problems?
How many resources do you drain from everyone, forcing the segment of the global population that is subsisting, to edge towards failure...and to write off the segment that already is failing?
How many potential problems are you willing to create to solve your potential problem?
I can think of numerous good reasons to improve our utilization of the environment so that we work towards global sustainability. That moves the world to one where we can all look forward to living and not just postponing dying. Those reasons just don't include the fear of potential climate change. Sorry.
2007-07-23 16:07:46
answer #8
answered by 3DM 5
I can't say that I fear it on a personal level as I'm presently 50, but I am concerned for the following generations. There are so many people in denial about it. Even if everyone acted now, I don't know that we'd gain that much (although this doesn't keep me from being eco-minded). I'm glad I made the decision not to have children, so that I'm not leaving anyone behind who'll have to deal with the worst of it.
2007-07-23 16:02:39
answer #9
answered by bfwh218 4
I fear the future for more reasons than that. Look at the situation in the Middle East, look at the hunger and disease that much of the world still faces, look at our incompetent leadership and look at what little hope we have in the current presidential candidates.
By the way, there is no "potential" about climate change. It is always changing, always has and always will.
2007-07-23 14:09:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Population today: 6,070,581
Population 100 years ago:1,650,000
Increase 4420581
72% increase
Usual body temperature = 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
Would that change the earth's temperature?
I mean somehow I find that a little more plausible then gas from cars and also taking in the fact that Volcanoes give off the same gas in VAST amounts more than any messily car could or even 100 cars or maybe even all the cars in the world. (maybe)
Realy my dad said that in his time they thought that we where going into an ice age 0_o. And look at us now! what's with that?!?
Also I kind of wonder if it's a power thing (allthough it may totaly not be just an idea) I mean think about it, people want to control cars, they control travel just think of all the things they control!!! Just think about it! Trucking company's, airlines, anything that puts out gas! and also if we close down factorys then we're just going to have to buy the same things from other contrys! I mean it's a lot of control.
although all this I have here is theroys not proof but the one thing I know is that THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO RUN OUT OF STUFF. the world is HUGE! it's amazingly HUGE it could support millions if not billions of more people! but people don't believe it anymore the proof is there just not said.
And God said that he made earth for man, (if you belive in God this might be interesting) and I mean he's not going to be like, "Oops it seems that the earth can't hold all of you I guess I didn't think of that"
No way,
ah well, that's MY perspective and I don't want you to take my word for it go find out for yourself,
that's my take
2007-07-23 14:22:25
answer #11
answered by Gage P. 2