We all think that we are unique and special. The idea that one day that we will die scares us and to simple cease to exits is difficult to comprehend. We want to believe this world this solar system is unique and it is more than speck of dust in the universe among trillions of other similar planets were there may be billions of life forms more advanced than us. We think that we are above other creatures and that this planet is special, we are special. Therefore, we want to believe in religion like Christianity that tells us what we want to hear, rather that what’s true.
It isn’t fait that derive but our fear of our own mortality. That one day we will die and we simply shall disappear just like the wind in the dust.
Christianity tells us that god is watching us, love us, and that we are unique. It says we will never truly die, appeasing our need to believe we will live forever, in a better place. I will be honest I want this who wouldn’t? Is it possible probably not? I would have a better chance to believe in genetic research than religion.
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