everything that God created "is good" including sex. Sex is a gift from God that should be fullfilled only when a man and a women are comitted to each other emotionally, financially, etc. in marriage. It is for the best that 2 people are married before having kids, causes less abortions, break-ups, etc. It is important to love people and not lust after their bodies. We should love the whole person (sexually, intellectually, etc) and not just their body. God bless.
2007-07-23 13:14:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's not considered to be inappropriate, it's just meant to be for marriage only. We do have biological instincts, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't act on them.
The way I see it, though, it's a good idea. If both people wait until marriage, there's no risk of disease or any other complications that can come from it. The only extra result can be pregnancy, and in a marriage, this is a great thing. Look at what sex outside of marriage has done. STDs are running rampant through our society, abortions have increased, parents put children up for adoption. If you think about it, if people waited until marriage all the time, so many problems would go away.
2007-07-23 13:18:41
answer #2
answered by Jason P 4
Sex is not considered evil by Christianity. It is what humans do with it that makes it immoral. God created sex as a beautiful thing between a husband and wife. Sex outside of those parameters goes against God's teachings, and that's the bottom line.
If everyone followed those principles, how much less of Aids, std's, teen pregnancies, abortion, cheating, divorce, etc. would there be in the world? (But I am NOT blaming anyone who gets aids or has any kind of problem. No one deserves that no matter who they are. I'm just stating my observation, just as if everyone drove the speed limit, wore their seat belts and didn't drink & drive, there would be less traffic accidents and deaths.)
And yes, animals engage in sexual acts with different partners. So are you saying we should behave just like animals, having sex with anyone and everyone indiscriminately? Animals do many things...that I obviously won't list here. People are intellectually and morally superior to animals.
2007-07-23 13:41:17
answer #3
answered by kaz716 7
The trees were in the garden bearing fruit from the beginning and God said it was good. What I believe happened at that tree is not that evil came into to the garden when they ate, but that Adam and Eve's eyes were opened to it. Then, unlike God, they judged what they now could see was always there. They decided Evil is bad and Good is not. (Evil primarily being death.) This good/evil ecology, which is at the heart of the operation of the garden, suddenly is seen from different perspective to A&E. Death is bad, primarily their death. Nothing changed in the garden except how they viewed it. The first evidence of this new perspective is seen in the fig leaves. The first judgment of themselves and each other. So of course sex with its good and its bad has to be controlled. Get rid of the bad and keep the good. So we must decide what is bad to rid ourselves of it. Carry on the tradition that A&E established for us in the fable we call Genesis.
2016-03-15 22:05:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You are obviously not aware of what Christianity teaches.
Be fruitful and multiply.
Drink your fill, my children.
And God blessed her and she conceived.
May her breasts always satisfy you.
Beautiful is the breast that potrudes, but a little.
From the beginning, He made them male and female.
These are just a few that spring to mind. You do know this sort of stuff is in there from your own research. No? You have definately been deceived as to what the Bible teaches. God created sex and made it capable of blotting out our senses. Which is why He gave us rules to limit such a powerful gift.
Attraction to the opposite sex is not a sin. Wanting something that's not yours, is. By the way, many animals do mate for life.
As to our "natural urges", I sometimes feel the need to kick the crap out of people that hurt me. Should I throw restraint aside on that? Or should I allow God to guide me by giving me a little guilt so I'll recognize my wrong and try to improve?
What about other "natural urges" you hear about on the news? Rape, drugs, violence, theft, lying...should we just ignore all restraints on these as well? That seems to be what you're suggesting.
As to your last question; sure you can! God gives you free will and the right to choose what ever you want! You are, of course, responsable for your actions, and He will judge you on your choices, so choose what you do carefully. It seems your desire is to "screw like a dog". God's plan is total union and sharing physically, mentally, and spiritually between husband and wife. I like His plan better.
Your mistake is listening to what people say about Christianity instead of reading the Bible for yourself. "We are told..." does not determine Truth. Sex is not 'the great evil'. Greed is.
May the Lord bless you and your quest for the Truth.
2007-07-23 13:39:30
answer #5
answered by "Ski" 5
Sex is definately NOT considered "the great evil" to us. It is actually described as an amazing thing and a gift from God. It is only a sin if you do it outside of marriage or with someone of the same gender. God established this rule for our protection, not because he thought it would be fun to see us try and resist temptation.
Sex is an extremely personal act that forms a bond between the couple, and it causes breaking up to be all the more painful. Purity is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your husband/wife. Also, pre-marital sex can spread STDs and cause unwanted pregnancies, which can be deadly for the child (abortion).
Also, we are not animals! God made us to rule over the animals of the earth, and unlike them we have souls.
2007-07-23 13:32:57
answer #6
answered by ellie 3
Sex in itself is not seen as evil by Christians. Yes you are correct ,it is only permitted between man and woman duely joined as one before the eyes of God and is a beautiful thing. Yes animals do have more than one mate. God made them that way. We on the other hand are not animals . It is the sin of man that has made sex an evil thing. Men comitting sodomy with men, women laying with women, both man and women having sex with animals, incest, fornication, orgies, sadism, cross dressing, gang rape, child molestation, transgendering, pornography and the list goes on and on. If you do these things you should feel ashamed. You are calling your Judge, Jesus Christ a crazy nut. He will forgive you for this sin and any or all of the above sexual sins if you repent and stop your sin and make him the lord of your life. It is not my law but God's laws these sexual sins break. Otherwise, yes, you can as you have stated,"explore your sexual self" to your hearts desire. Just be prepared to explain yourself for it later because you most assuredly will. Come to Christ
2007-07-23 13:42:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
All sexual activity is sin (violation of God's laws) when outside of marriage. God's laws are precisely His listing of what is "good for the product He created" or "what will harm or destroy the product he created". He IS the creator and we are made in His likeness and image...VERY GOOD! All sexual activity is NOT only biological.., it is actually SPIRITUAL and all sexual activity outside the marriage covenant IS, in fact, perversion of the INTERNAL boundaries. Guilt is an INTERNAL response because it is not in "His likeness and image". There was no temptation to go into perverted behaviors until the disobedience of the 1st couple in response to the lies of the devil.
When we partake in sexual intercourse with anyone, we actually GIVE OURSELF AWAY in part and TAKE PART OF the partner. It is an exchange in the spirit. Unless these two partners involved have a covenant between themselves and God, they are open to receiving what is not blessed and sanctioned, and are giving themselves away to a non-sanctified (set-apart) being. God did not approve, therefore it's like placing water or vegetable oil in a gasoline engine.., it doesn't work and the product will suffer the consequences... and there ARE consequences! IF two people who are virgins get married, it is IMPOSSIBLE for any sexually transmitted disease to originate from that union.., it would have to come from the "outside". You do not understand what sexual activity is in the Creator's intent and purposes and you do not understand that it is such a glorious gift of pleasure for married couples that the devil steals it and defiles it and lies to you that YOU have a right to do as you please with it. You can, with all the consequences! The evil is a person taking a holy, glorious gift of God for married couples and flippantly demanding to destroy yourself and others with it. It is called disobedience and it is not "considered sin", it IS sin: a violation of God's original intent and His will for His creation.
The lies of the devil didn't stay in the Garden of Eden, they are still deceiving the entire world. It has nothing to do with religion. When someone tells you the truth about sin and it's consequences you criticize the messenger; the Church or Christians whose message is God loves you and we are commissioned to tell you what otherwise you would never know. Jesus was crucified because He came from heaven with the message from His Father God and was hated for bringing it. You want to be left alone to do as you please, but many of us want to make sure you know that there is hell to pay!
2007-07-23 14:18:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Sex is ok if it's between 2 married couples? I didn't know it was ok for Christians to be swingers. Your such a buffoon. There's nothing in the Bible that says sex is evil. Sin is evil, not sex.
2007-07-23 13:17:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I would say that the purtannical obsession started with St. Augustine but that might be an oversimplification since many other sects (such as the Gnostics) had negative views of sex as well.
It might have been because of the Greco-Roman influence, as strange as that sounds. Stoicism was quite popular at the same time and (to really oversimply) Stoicism's most fundamental teaching is that one should strive to control one's emotions and drives and that includes the sex drive.
That being said, even in the middle ages, the church did a piss poor job of ensuring morality. Ever read "The Canterbury Tales?"
2007-07-23 13:15:33
answer #10
answered by Asphycsia 3
Sex is not considered to be inappropriate but it is sometimes practiced at inappropriate times or discussed in inappropriate was or contexts. Sex is a beautiful expression of love between two married people. Out side of marriage it brings unwanted pregnancy, disease, and sorrow. This is why the "free love" experiment of the 1960's was such a dismal failure.
2007-07-23 13:28:19
answer #11
answered by Ethan M 5