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Who are all the Saints? I know most of them but who i think im missing most of them

2007-07-23 13:02:30 · 10 answers · asked by Briana D 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

All followers of Jesus Christ both dead and those who are alive.

2007-07-23 13:06:38 · answer #1 · answered by A Voice 5 · 1 0

This is just a portion of the saints that start with an "A".. Hmm you really know MOST of em? Hmmmmm
St. Aaron
St. Abban
St. Abban
St. Abban of Murnevin
St. Abbo
St. Abbo
St. Abdas
St. Abdiesus
St. Abdon
St. Abel
St. Abercius Marcellus
St. Abibas
St. Abibus
St. Abilius
St. Abra
St. Abraham
St. Abraham
St. Abraham
Sts. Abrahamites
St. Abraham Kidunaja
St. Abraham of Carrhae
St. Abraham of Kratia
St. Abraham of Rostov
St. Abraham of Smolensk
St. Abraham the Poor

St. Abran
St. Abudimus
St. Abundius
St. Abundius
St. Abundius
St. Abundius
St. Acacius
St. Acacius
St. Acacius
St. Acca
St. Aceolus
St. Acepsimas
St. Acepsimas
St. Acestes
St. Acharius
St. Achatius
St. Achillas
St. Achillas
St. Achillas
Sts. Nereus & Achilleus
St. Achilleus Kewanuka
St. Acisclus
St. Acius
St. Acyndinus
St. Ada
St. Adalar
St. Adalard
St. Adalbald of Ostrevant
St. Adalbero
Bl. Adalbero
St. Adalbert
St. Adalbert of Magdeburg
St. Adalbert of Prague
St. Adalgis
St. Adalgis
St. Adalgott
St. Adalsindis
St. Adalsindis
St. Adam
St. Adamnan
St. Adamnan of Coldingham
St. Adauctus
St. Adaucus
St. Addal
St. Adela
St. Adela
St. Adela
St. Adelaide
St. Adelaide
St. Adelaide of Bellich
St. Adelard
St. Adele
St. Adelelmus
St. Adelina
Blessed Adeline
St. Adeloga
St. Adelphus
St. Adelphus
St. Adeodatus
St. Adeodatus II
St. Aderald
St. Adheritus
St. Adjutor
St. Adolf of Osnabruck
Sts. Adolphus and John
St. Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa
St. Ado of Vienne
St. Adrian
Bl. Adrian
St. Adrian II
Adrian III
St. Adrian IV
St. Adrian V
St. Adrian
St. Adrian
St. Adrian
St. Adrian, Abbot
Bl. Adrian Fortescue
St. Adrian III
St. Adrian Van Hilvarenbeek
St. Adrio
St. Adulf
Sts. Adulph and John
St. Aedesius
St. Aedh MacBricc
St. Aelred of Rievaulx
St. Aengus
St. Aetherius
St. Afan
St. Afra
St. Afra
St. Africus
St. Agabius
St. Agabus
St. Aganus
St. Agape
St. Agape
St. Agapitus
St. Agapitus
St. Agapitus
St. Agapius
St. Agapius
St. Agatha
St. Agatha Kwon Chin-i
St. Agatha Kwon Chin-i
St. Agatha
St. Agatha Lin
St. Agathangelo Noury
St. Agathangelus
St. Agatho
St. Agatho
St. Agathoclia
St. Agathopus
St. Ageranus
St. Agericus
St. Agia
St. Agia
St. Agilbert
St. Agilberta
St. Agileus
St. Agilulfus
St. Agilus
Bl. Agnello of Pisa
St. Agnellus
St. Agnellus of Pisa
St. Agnes
St. Agnes of Assisi
St. Agnes of Bohemia
St. Agnes De
St. Agnes of Assisi
St. Agnes of Boheinia
St. Agnes of Montepulciano
St. Agnes of Poitiers
St. Agnes of Rome
Bl. Agnes Takea
Bl. Agnes Tsao-Kouy
St. Agobard
St. Agofredus
St. Agrecius
St. Agricola
St. Agricola
St. Agricolus
St. Agrippina
St. Agrippinus
St. AIban of Mainz
St. Aibert
St. Aichardus
St. Aidan
St. Aidan of Lindisfarne
St. Aidan of Ferns
St. Aidric
St. Aigulf
St. Aigulf
St. Ailbhe
St. Aileran
St. Aimo
St. Ajuture
Bl. Alan de la Roche
St. Alban
St. Alban Bartholomew Roe
St. Alban of Britain
St. Alberic
St. Alberic
St. Alberic Crescitelli
Bl. Albert of Bergamo
Bl. Albert of Clatina
St. Albert the Great
St. Albertinus
St. Albert of Jerusalem
St. Albert of Magdeburg
Bl. Alberto Marvelli
Bl. Albert of Bergamo
St. Albert of Cashel
St. Albert of Como
St. Albert of Gambron
St. Albert of Genoa
St. Albert of Jerusalem
St. Albert of Louvain
St. Albert of Montecorvino
St. Albert of Trapani
St. Albina
St. Albinus
St. Albinus
St. Alburga
St. Alcmund
Bl. Alcuin
St. Aldate
St. Aldebrandus
St. Aldegunais
St. Aldemar
St. Aldericus
St. Aldhelm
St. Aldo
St. Aleaunie
St. Alena
St. Alexander
St. Alexander I
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
Alexander II
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
Alexander III
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
Alexander IV
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander Akimetes
Bl. Alexander Briant
Sts. Alexander, Heraclins, and Companions
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander Nevski
St. Alexander of Alexandria
St. Alexander of Comana

St. Alexander of Constantinople
Bl. Alexander of Lugo
Bl. Alexander Rawlins
St. Alexander Sauli
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
St. Alexandra and Companions
Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa
St. Alexis
St. Alexis Falconieri
Bl. Alexius
Bl. Alexius Nakamura
St. Aleydis
St. Alfanus
St. Alfreda
St. Alfred the Great
St. Alfrick
St. Alfwold
St. Alice
St. Alipius
Bl. Alix Le Clercq
St. Alkeld
St. Allerius
St. Allucio
St. Almachius
St. Almedha
St. Almirus
St. Almus
St. Alnoth
St. Alodia
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Alphaeus
St. Alphaeus
St. Alphege
St. Alphege (Elphege)
St. Alphege
St. Alphius
St. Alphonsus
Bls. Alphonsus Navarette, Ferdinand Ayala, and Leo Tanaca
Bl. Alphonsus de Mena
Bl. Alphonsus de Orozco
Bl. Alphonsus de Vaena
St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
St. Airick
St. Altfrid
Sts. Altigianus and Hilarinus
St. Altinus
St. Altman
St. Alto
St. Alvarez
St. Alvarez of Corova
Bl. Alvarez of Córdoba
St. Alvitus
St. Alypius
St. Amabilis
St. Amabilis
Bl. Amadeus IX of Savoy

Bl. Amadeus of Lausanne
St. Amadour
St. Amaethlu
St. Amalberga
St. Amalberga
St. Amand
St. Amandus
St. Amantius
St. Amantius
St. Amantius
St. Amarand
St. Amaranthus
St. Amarinus
ST. Amasius
St. Amaswinthus
St. Amata
Bl. Amata
St. Amator
St. Amator
St. Amator
St. Amatus
St. Amatus

2007-07-23 20:06:46 · answer #2 · answered by Heather 4 · 1 2

Well it depends on your knowldge of a Saint? What is Saint? Saint means a spiritual teacher or master. A saint has the power and wisdom to dissolve spiritual ignorance in a disciple. A true Saint has attained a extreme high degree of spiritual development before acting as a saint .If you only want to constraint your self to Christainty, then someone has already listed all the CHristain saints, but if you are talking about world outside the Western Continent then there were other saints.
Saint Krishna
Saint Ram
Saint Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Saint Budha
Saint Kabir ji
Saint Raam Das Ji
Saint Naam Dev JI and the list can go on and on

I would recommend you to just read about them. You will be surprised. Don't worry, reading about other religions won't make you a pagan :)

2007-07-23 20:17:48 · answer #3 · answered by soniakidman 4 · 0 1

There are a couple answers to that question. Theologically speaking, all the baptized are part of the communion of saints. (Yes, Catholics believe that, too.) The concept of "saints" as most of us know it grew from ordinary people remembering those who have gone before them who were known for their wisdom and holiness. In the more usual sense, the Vatican keeps an official list.

If you are truly interested in the subject, this article is a good place to start, from the Catholic point of view at least: http://www.catholic.org/saints/faq.php

2007-07-23 20:12:52 · answer #4 · answered by Church Music Girl 6 · 0 1

I am a saint. But, PLEASE DO NOT PRAY TO ME!!!

Matthew 10:22  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

Matthew 27:52  And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

Colossians 1:2  To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

Revelation 14:12  Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

GOD bless

2007-07-23 20:12:52 · answer #5 · answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6 · 1 0

every true child of God is called by God a saint:

"And it came to pass, as Peter passed throughout all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at Lydda.

And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive." - Acts 9:32,41,

We are told by God not to patronize, pray to or worship any other human:

Revelation 19:10 - And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

"And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. " - Revelation 22:8,9.

2007-07-23 20:15:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In a Christian sense, it is the sum total of all the believers. In Catholicism, it is a special subset of holy people.

2007-07-23 20:06:27 · answer #7 · answered by Tim 6 · 1 0

a football team

no seriously...saints is the one thing i like about catholicism
its cute how they put people in a nice light and write nice stuff about them

2007-07-23 20:13:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am one of them if you are referring to those who are believers in Jesus Christ.

2007-07-23 20:08:51 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

You wanna run that by me one more time?


2007-07-23 20:06:44 · answer #10 · answered by Grendel's Father 6 · 1 0

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