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I feel a lot of Atheists on here who have responded to my q's have a vehement hatred toward Christians or those who believe differently. I don't understand this and as far as science I believe the same science Atheists say doesn't prove God exists to me does prove at the least some kind of supreme being. Everything is just too complex for me to buy 'it just happened' but anyway I really want to know why the prejudice but I probably know already. Most Christians Atheists have met have probably told them 'your gonna burn in Hell' or something similar and I am sorry for that as a Christian. To me the whole God thing is like a UFO experience, you can't prove it or explain it and yet no one could convince me otherwise. I have also read a lot of Josh Mcdowell's books, he was a Atheist who set out to prove Christianity to be false and ended up being converted and I know this doesn't prove anything but I sure hope there is something more than just this life, don't you?

2007-07-23 12:24:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

I respect the beliefs of others. Just because an atheist may disagree with you or contradict your beliefs doesn't mean they hate you or are being hateful.

2007-07-23 12:26:01 · answer #1 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 5 2

I used to be a lot nicer. I would offer answers directed towards Christians the best I could (on one, for example, the questioner wanted to know the best way to keep being motivated enough to read the Bible for an hour a day. I gave several suggestions--like splitting it up [twenty minutes in the morning, twenty in the afternoon, etc.], or rewards after accomplishing the full hour of reading, etc). I refused to participate in questions where atheists insulted other religions. I refused to fight back in questions that insulted atheists.

Eventually, I realized that being nice is worthless. Several Christians seem to not care about the nice atheists, all they like to focus on are the bad ones. Christians generalize so often, saying that all of us have no morals or all of us insult Christians...Whoever came up with the "sticks and stones" saying was an idiot. Words can hurt people, and often do.

After so long of trying to reason with the Christians and explain that not all atheists are evil, something eventually snapped and now I no longer care about stepping on feelings while I get my point across.

2007-07-23 12:34:01 · answer #2 · answered by Stardust 6 · 2 1

well then! I guess I'm in the atheist minority.
In fact my best friend is Christian and we respect each others belief system (or lack off...)I have gone to church with her and enjoyed it, despite the fact that I don't believe in god I do believe that Christian churches teach good lessons of morals and values (for the most part)
And if we are all out to make the world a better place why fight on whose theory of life is better? if you want to believe in god or an afterlife its your choice just as it is mine not to.
people should just learn to respect each other's differences and move on with their own life...

PS: sorry if I offend anyone but I think its really unfair how some people seem to think of us as horrible unmoral people

2007-07-26 23:25:08 · answer #3 · answered by *idunno* 1 · 0 0

This is an excellent question. In fact, the whole issue of religion seems to be one no one is capable of discussing without degenerating into insults and disrespect (and I mean that from both sides). A couple weeks ago I started a blog called Brain Faith, where I've tried to encourage people on both sides of the fence to behave themselves. If you want to check it out, see my profile.

In general, though, I think it comes down to something I've said before many times: stupid people tend to be loud people. Unfortunately that means that the people representing Christianity AND atheism, not to mention other religions, are often ignorant and rude. The best thing you can do is take the moral high ground, hold your head up high, and try not to get too annoyed by the lack of respect you encounter. Remember, we have a model in Christ, who suffered the ultimate lack of respect. In the long run, that should make it much easier for us to bear up under the "slings and arrows" of our detractors.

2007-07-25 04:43:18 · answer #4 · answered by phylrca 2 · 0 1

Many atheists and agnostics, my self included, feel the need to act defensive when answering questions due to persecution or conversion attempts. I, personally, rarely visit the religion section because I've gotten countless emails about why I should find Jesus. Another reason is that every belief, including atheists, have radicals. Radical atheists hate everything to do with religion and set out to make everyone who does have a belief become miserable. They're no better than the radical Christians trying to convert me.

2007-07-23 12:30:09 · answer #5 · answered by bad_sects 3 · 2 1

i respect other people's right to have beliefs but i see no reason to respect their beliefs, especially if those beliefs seem to lead to Bad Things (TM) more often than not. to me suggesting to someone that hey, maybe what you believe is not quite right can be a way of showing respect, in that i believe that person is capable of a fair-minded consideration of evidence and argument. i do try not to be an asshole about it but we're all human and get frustrated sometimes i guess.

by the way how do you get from 'something exists' to 'the christian god exists'?

2007-07-23 12:36:52 · answer #6 · answered by vorenhutz 7 · 1 0

I worked with an Atheist teacher the last two years who did nothing but try to prove that religion was myth, stupid, and we have outgrown it.
He would say things to the students like: All religions are false anyway. He would constantly talk about how religion has done bad things.
Atheists have a superiority complex. They think they think better than the rest of us. They are not religious, only dumb people are religous.
Of course you ask: didn't Russia try Atheism? Didn't it do more harm than the Church was ever accused of?
Atheists are in a constant battle with religion.

2007-07-23 12:36:27 · answer #7 · answered by hossteacher 3 · 0 2

i will ask personally...i am atheist and gay...christian faith stands on the rights of gay people to get married, if there is a group that goes against my freedom and my rights , you will understand i cannot respect them. Many christians should start really respecting others because for them respect means many times not caring but opposing anyway

2007-07-23 12:39:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are absolutely correct; They are giving the world the REAL view of their intolerance and hatred of Christ and God and so we let them do it so all can see what they are really like......

Howvever, they are simply fulfilling Scriptural prophecy ...(below)

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, ....false accusers,....fierce,despisers of them that are good,....traitors, ,....lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God,.......ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of Truth".( II Tim. 3:1-7)

2007-07-23 12:33:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Believe whatever you want, just don't try to force that stuff on those of us who don't believe in the same thing as you. Leave god out of government and we'll all be better off.

2007-07-23 12:35:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

We don't care about your beliefs. We care that christians use their beliefs, together with their holier-than-thou attitude, to attempt to force their religion on others. It is the behavior of christians that we find disgusting, not their beliefs.

2007-07-23 12:52:58 · answer #11 · answered by Fred 7 · 1 0

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