My 7 year old granddaughter told me that "I had a favorite kingdom song."
Much to my surprise I asked her which one?
So she sang me a few bars from "Forward You Witnesses!"
I finished the song with her.
So I asked her why she thought it was my favorite?
She said, "mommy said you use to sing this one a lot when she was a little girl."
I looked at her mommy who was getting baptized that day and told them both that I sang that song when I had tough times because it helped to remind me why I was in the truth and helped me to cope and keep faithful to Jehovah.
My daughter looked a little stunned and said, "well that makes sense now."
So many songs I taught my children to sing as we went into town or to see their grandmothers who were not in the truth. I did this for the children I baby sat too, most were Witnesses, some were not, but the kids would sing the songs they heard and sometimes it opened doors to witnesses to their parents.
My daughter is 28 and was baptized in June of this year.
I will never underestimate the power of song again, let alone our Kingdom Melodies which are a very serious part of our meetings and prayers as well.
2007-07-23 11:40:59
answer #1
answered by Here I Am 7
My favorite song is probably #77: "Jehovah is my shepherd". It is based on the famous Psalm 23.
Very beautiful melody and the words are paraphrased from the scriptures almost perfectly.
A close runner-up is song #171: "A Victory song". It is a majestic and motivating song that fits with the scriptures that it was based on: Ex. 15:1-6. The really neat thing about that song is that the first stanza quotes word for word out of those scriptures. When one sings that first stanza, they are actually singing the very words that the Isrealites sang when they crossed the Red Sea.
2007-07-23 19:43:06
answer #2
answered by Moto 3
Scriptural Basis is John 3:16.
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
Song # 15 - Life Without End—At Last!
1. Can you see, with your mind’s eye,
Peoples dwelling together?
Sorrow has passed. Peace at last!
Life without tears and pain.
2. Man and beast, living in peace,
Cause no harm to each other.
Food will be there. All will share
In what our God provides.
3. In those days old will grow young,
Flesh revived as in childhood.
Troubles are gone, from now on
No need to weep or fear.
4. Paradise all will enjoy
As they sing of God’s glory.
Yes, ev’ry day we will say
To God our Maker, “Thanks!”
Sing out with joy of heart.
You too can have a part.
Live for the day when you’ll say:
‘Life without end—at last!’
ADDED: My second favorite is Song # 113 - "We Are Jehovah’s Witnesses!" based upon Isaiah 43:10-12.
2007-07-24 11:16:05
answer #3
answered by Abdijah 7
That's beautiful, very nice song and scripture. Mine is song 117 - Marriage is God's Arrangement based on Matthew 19:4-6 - " In reply he said: “Did YOU not read that he who created them from [the] beginning made them male and female and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.” I have been married for 31 years.
But I like just about all the songs and verses, it really is hard to choose.
2007-07-23 19:19:05
answer #4
answered by SisterCF 4
For me, my favorite song is 191 "Make the Truth your Own" based on 2 Cor 4:2
Why? because if we don't make the truth our own, we are not fully equipped to fight Satan. I have a few friends in the orgazination who failed to make the truth their own and became an easy bait. With this song, i would imagine Jehovah talking to me with the words of this song.
My 2nd favorite song is page 42 "Jehovah is our Strenght and Our Might." based on Isaiah 12:2.
2007-07-23 18:55:30
answer #5
answered by Agape 3
My favorite changes from time to time but one of my current favorites is 109 Life Everlasting Is Promised based on Psalm 37:29 -The righteous themselves will possess the earth,And they will reside forever upon it
Life everlasting is promised
By God Almighty, supreme,
Here on this earth in perfection.
All this is no mere dream.
We can live forever.
It’s worth all endeavor.
God’s promise is faithful.
His Word will come true.
2007-07-24 08:16:53
answer #6
answered by Bay 3
Mine would have to be "Keep your eyes on the Prize" and then "Life without end at Last" But even at that... I can't say those are my favorites. LOL I love them ALL! They all are so beautiful.......But "Keep your Eyes on the Prize" really makes me tear up everytime I hear it. I have a hard time not crying because it such a moving song. We go through so much in this world, and yet we have to keep our eyes firmly fixed on our reward. Imagine when old will be young again, deaf ones hearing again, lame ones jumping, joy and peace everywhere, songs of children fill the air, mute ones speak again, when we will see our dead love ones arise, tears belonging to yesterday, all fears will have passed away... HOW GREAT!!!!! All these things we will get to see if we keep our eyes on the prize!
2007-07-23 21:35:31
answer #7
answered by Learn about the one true God 3
Song 222 Keep your eyes on the prize.
Being and old lady and looking forward to the day I get rid of the glasses and the canes and the senior shuffle.
It is a song I listen to often and sing with it. It makes me feel like I am growing young again. Soon now.
2007-07-23 19:18:27
answer #8
answered by Ruth 6
Song 117 Marriage God's arrangement
Where one of the promises was that each one with his own mate. The thought was taken from Isaiah 34:16 It is a promise that we will be together forever.
The marriage arrangement between Adam and Eve was not just to produce children, it was so they could be together forever. Everyone needs someone to love.
If you really love someone and it takes a while before you can be together then that love will be tested.
2007-07-23 18:12:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
One of my favorites is song #40 based on Joshua 1:8, Making your way succesful. Also song # 77 Jehovah is my Shepherd. This song was sung at the funeral of a dear elder & friend, it was his favorite song and has since become mine.
2007-07-23 21:41:45
answer #10
answered by DEBBO 5